commodity costs on 06/26/2003 08:40 PM CDT
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greetings everyone. young trader with a few commodity questions. been running them for a few days now and have a couple questions:

1) the guild charges a 50 kronar fee (always the same) and then another fee usually around 20 kronars, but it varies. Question: what determines the amount of the second fee to the guild?

2) after a week or so of working commodities between arthe dale and crossing, i went back to contracts for something different. now i just found out i owe 6300 in dues to both crossing and arthe dale. Question: are these dues from commodities?

thanks for the help...and stop and chat sometime you trading machines!

player of typhi
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Re: commodity costs on 06/26/2003 10:34 PM CDT
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<< what determines the amount of the second fee to the guild? >>

It has something to do with which commodity you get, and how much of it. I haven't really been able to figure it out.

<< are these dues from commodities? >>

Yup, that 50 kronar fee you were talking about doesn't get taken automatically - you have to pay it each time or it adds up, say, to 6300 kronars perhaps?

~ Ahkshan
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