Guide? on 10/31/2006 07:38 AM CST
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Has anyone written a really good guide to the how of commodities?
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Re: Guide? on 11/09/2006 03:56 PM CST
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I seem to remember a guide on under the trader guild section.

I'd be happy to make a few commodity runs with you if you want. They're far better than running conracts for learning at lower circles, and they pay much better too. I'm not sure if that stays the same at higher circles.

I know I can get trading locked and keep it locked in no time at all at around 50 in trading.

AIM is UKRickHolt if you want to chat/meet up in game.
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Re: Guide? on 01/06/2007 06:31 AM CST
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I'm hoping I don't get the figurative beatdown for posting a link here, but here's the best run down on commodities I've seen:

Its on the Crossroads of Elanthia site. Word of advice, try not to EVER let you pack animal die while loaded up with you max # of commodities, or else you can't buy mosr commodities enough to matter until you get LOT more skills in trading. I'm still waiting for a reploy to my GM referral on this one (I got booted and when I was able to get back on my caravan was dead). All I want is to be able to buy my max # of commodities again...

I went back to contracts...its safer.
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