My View on Province and Contract Runs on 10/25/2016 03:32 PM CDT
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Finally got around to running routes in Forfedhdar, and the design is bad. Sure, it's nice your caravan can lead to all the places you want it to go, but the layout is lacking; hard to put my finger on it, but it feels like the Forfedhdar outposts were quickly done as an afterthought. I wasn't playing when this province opened, so maybe that has been addressed before, and I guess at this point there isn't much else to be said about it. As far as contract runs go, I just found it disappointing and lazyily implemented

In order of best Provinces to run routes:

1. Therengia (you have TWO fully functioning guilds -Riverhaven and Muspar'i, different landscapes with a mix of having the caravan follow and caravan leads, very solid in how the leads stop and where they stop, well balanced moves through the towns, this province was built with love for contract runs)

2. Zoluren (the most popular due to the amount of constant population. Similiar to Therengia in diverse ways you move caravan freight..I give it a very close second to Therengia except the leads for Stone Clan go past the outpost and the lead from Leth Deriel stops one room short of dock, among some other minor annoyances)

3. Ilithi (You know, this province's routes would be better, IF they just fixed the lead to Darkling Wood..seriously, why have a caravan lead such a short distance yet stop many, many rooms away from the actual Outpost? Pointless..still feels unfinished after all these years)

4. Forfedhdar ( example -cause there are plenty others- why can your caravan lead from the Ain Ghazal dock to Hibarnhvidar, yet you have to move one west to have it lead to Raven's Point, yet both of those locations end-leads AT the's almost like the Trader design team was left out of the loop for this province)

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