Touch of the Magi on 05/15/2007 03:39 PM CDT
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Cantrip Idea

Touch of the Magi
Book Aether
Duration 30 minutes or untill they leave the group.

With this cantrip a mage can extend a link to those in his/her group, but it must be accepted by each member for the link to reach that person. This link will allow the mages in the group to cast upon those more resistant to the powers of magic easily and in some cases as if they had no resistancy at all.

Basically if a barb is in your group and you cast this cantrip and they say yes to the link, you'll be able to cast spells at them or do general casting with them in your group a ton easier. Other mages even of other guilds will find the same bonus.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
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Re: Touch of the Magi on 05/15/2007 06:32 PM CDT
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Provided the barbarian takes an inner fire damage hit for accepting the link, and all subsequent spells afterwards. For the non-barb NMUs out there, it could be a boon for us casters in a pinch to get our spells off quicker.
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