Will weapon enchanting be opened up to all guilds? on 03/30/2006 05:41 PM CST
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You know, after reading the posts from the past 2 weeks, most of them from Oolan, Solomon and Ssra, it sounds like weapon enchanting will be available to all guilds now. I'm not quite sure how I feel about this. Obviously it kind of throws a lot of what we thought we knew about the up-coming system out the door.

For one, how does a non magic user enchant something?

Second, how does a magic user who cannot use the elemental streams enchant?

Third, what happens to the spells these other guilded people need, and the elemental attunement ability?

Really one of 3 things is going to happen.

1). Weapon enchanting changes into something vastly different, and we're just better at it than most.

2). It remains WM only, and everyone in the game unites in a yell-fest against it.

3). There is a compromise. Perhaps other guilds can carve the sigils, but only WMs can actually put the finished enchantment on it?

I really have no idea how they plan to open up MM enchanting to everyone. This, everyone can do everything really does a lot for making DR a one guild affair :chuckle: Ahh, fond memories of Ultima Online and everyone owning a "pet" blacksmith/tanner/lumberjack/tinkerer/mage come to mind. It ruined the social aspect of the game once everyone could just train one character to do everything for them.

So, any idea what the plan is? The future of WM enchanting will dictate a lot about how I continue to train my character.

http://www.drplat.com - The DragonRealms Platinum Community Website. Be sure to vote DragonRealms as your #1 MUD!
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Re: Will weapon enchanting be opened up to all guilds? on 03/30/2006 06:11 PM CST
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<< after reading the posts from the past 2 weeks, most of them from Oolan, Solomon and Ssra>>

In what posts did they say warmage enchanting would be open to everyone?


I warned you! But nooo you said it was just a harmless little bunny rabbit!
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Re: Will weapon enchanting be opened up to all guilds? on 03/30/2006 07:54 PM CST
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See that's the thing, nobody came right out and said that weapon enchanting is going one way or the other. What was said, is that the new plan was for all lore creation skills to be available to lore prime guilds as a primary skill. Each guild will also have it's own creation "home" skill that will learn at a prime rate, regardless of how they learn lore skills. A guild will have certain "bonuses" to their home skill. So that certainly sounds like plans for our creation system might be taking a change of path.

Hence my asking :P

My concern is that with Barbs/Paladins/Rangers/and possibly thieves losing their monopoly on their respective creation systems, that WMs might come out looking bad as the only guild with an inaccessbible one. I do want it to remain WM only, it's just tricky depending on how the overall re-write ends up.

http://www.drplat.com - The DragonRealms Platinum Community Website. Be sure to vote DragonRealms as your #1 MUD!
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Re: Will weapon enchanting be opened up to all guilds? on 03/30/2006 08:01 PM CST
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Actually I take that back...

Careers are moving to a system where each guild will have a signature creation lore skill and that "home skill" will be learned at a Primary rate. Other guilds will be able to participate in that creation skill, however they'll only learn at the appropriate rate for their guild and may have other restrictions and limitations that won't apply to the home skill's guild. - SOLOMON

From the General Discussion folders. Says right there that each guild will be able to participate in the other guilds' signature creation systems. How they plan to pull this off, I'm not even going to imagine. It does cheapen the game experience for me however if that is the case.

http://www.drplat.com - The DragonRealms Platinum Community Website. Be sure to vote DragonRealms as your #1 MUD!
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Re: Will weapon enchanting be opened up to all guilds? on 03/30/2006 08:08 PM CST
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It will probably be like Moon Mage enchanting and I believe it was Armifer that said something like as long as the Lore Primes have access to imbue and unleash then there is no reason they can't enchant

Strangeguard Prayermaster
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Re: Will weapon enchanting be opened up to all guilds? on 03/30/2006 08:21 PM CST
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I see, so basically if they know Siphon and Mend they can enchant? Is that possible? To know 2 spells from another guild at the same time? I wonder how they will train elemental arcana though?

http://www.drplat.com - The DragonRealms Platinum Community Website. Be sure to vote DragonRealms as your #1 MUD!
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Re: Will weapon enchanting be opened up to all guilds? on 03/30/2006 09:35 PM CST
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As I clarified in another thread, my comment was whimsical and, in retrospect, was a poor decision on my part.

We do not have an answer yet to what will happen to enchanting.

"...and we shall be able to see the heavens more clearly, the heavens which, though they still may be cruel, nonetheless will not deny to us their eternal beauties." -Giovanni Boccaccio
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Re: Will weapon enchanting be opened up to all guilds? on 03/30/2006 09:53 PM CST
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Heh, I think if enchanting got taken away from us or even shared in any way other than a tiny insignificant way, after being planned and promised for so long for us.... Bad things in mass I would think to happen.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
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Re: Will weapon enchanting be opened up to all guilds? on 03/30/2006 11:19 PM CST
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<<You know, after reading the posts from the past 2 weeks, most of them from Oolan, Solomon and Ssra, it sounds like weapon enchanting will be available to all guilds now.>>

Don't draw conclusions. We haven't made any official announcements yet. Trust me, it's not worth getting frustrated/worried about at this venue. A lot of this speculation came out at Vegas because there were questions that got answers we really weren't prepared to give. Why did we answer them? It's a legitimate concern. I know lore primary guilds in particular have been waiting a long time to see movement on this. Lore is my priority this year and I suspect we'll see good discussion and movement on the topic as soon as I get dual wield off my back. :P Something of this scale won't be complete until the details are posted and there has been a good discussion / debate. It's largely segmented right now because I'm too busy with real life to collect input from all the necessary GMs. Once I've talked to all the guild/system leads we'll start making things official and opening it up for discussion on the boards.

WarMage enchantment hasn't even crossed my plate yet. Too busy getting skinning prepared and dual wield as I get support from the on-site GMs.


"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." -Albert Einstein
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Re: Will weapon enchanting be opened up to all guilds? on 03/30/2006 11:22 PM CST
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Be nice folks. Your GMs are working very hard for you. If anyone ends up being the bad guy here it'll be me. I have to make the call.

More information will be forthcoming as I have it prepared and have spoken to the proper people.


"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." -Albert Einstein
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Re: Will weapon enchanting be opened up to all guilds? on 03/31/2006 12:11 AM CST
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Oh trust us Ssra we understand, and we are nice... this is our nice side. I hope you and any other great mage that comes along and reads can understand as well were a vocal group about some things, and very much set in our resolve. Specially when it is something that is what 6-7+ years in the waiting for?

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
P5 release it you know you want to.
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Re: Will weapon enchanting be opened up to all guilds? on 03/31/2006 02:16 AM CST
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>>Careers are moving to a system where each guild will have a signature creation lore skill and that "home skill" will be learned at a Primary rate. Other guilds will be able to participate in that creation skill, however they'll only learn at the appropriate rate for their guild and may have other restrictions and limitations that won't apply to the home skill's guild. - SOLOMON

My memory of that discussion included statements to the effect that the Elemental Arcana skill would not be included as a possible repository of Mech lore bits from the split, and the impression I had was that Weapon Enchanting, as well as systems like the Gweth making stuff, would remain a separate thing from the Lore Creation skill area.

From other discussions in the past, the impression I had would be that whatever our "home" Lore Creation skill would be, would also be involved as the primary Talisman creation skill...

~Kyn (Kynevon)

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Re: Will weapon enchanting be opened up to all guilds? on 03/31/2006 02:22 AM CST
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>From other discussions in the past, the impression I had would be that whatever our "home" Lore Creation skill would be, would also be involved as the primary Talisman creation skill...

Aye, I vaguely remember woodcarving being the warrior mage niche skill, but I'm not nearly a verbatim source.

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Re: Will weapon enchanting be opened up to all guilds? on 03/31/2006 05:51 AM CST
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>>As I clarified in another thread, my comment was whimsical and, in retrospect, was a poor decision on my part.

Oops. Sorry must have missed the clarification

Strangeguard Prayermaster
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Re: Will weapon enchanting be opened up to all guilds? on 03/31/2006 06:04 AM CST
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My thoughts on this discussion.

It is way way way too early to be worried about it.


Your mech lore ranks could care less if the paper is blue or plain.

GM XXXXXX "Well, we can't please everyone."

You say, "True, but that is no reason not to try."
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Re: Will weapon enchanting be opened up to all guilds? on 03/31/2006 11:20 AM CST
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:chuckle: I'm sorry if I made my post sound like X, Y, and Z were happening for certain. If I took Solomon's post (and the other responses) at face value, I'd have had no reason to ask ;P

That's why I asked. Just so I knew what might be planned for the future, and to avoid any confusion forum-wide that might be developing. Thank you again for the responses.

http://www.drplat.com - The DragonRealms Platinum Community Website. Be sure to vote DragonRealms as your #1 MUD!
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Re: Will weapon enchanting be opened up to all guilds? on 03/31/2006 04:54 PM CST
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<<Aye, I vaguely remember woodcarving being the warrior mage niche skill, but I'm not nearly a verbatim source>>

I agree with Trebber that it's too early to worry but I do have to mention that the last time talisman making was mentioned that the GM said that we would be told when they started codeing it.


I warned you! But nooo you said it was just a harmless little bunny rabbit!
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