Combat Enchantments on 06/17/2006 07:19 PM CDT
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Perhaps in addition to weapon/armor enchanting, we could create 'Elemental Jewelry'. In an analog to the moon mage's ability to bonus any skill with Celestial Jewelry, these "EJ" would bonus any combat situation.

I'm not sure if this would be something that might be added to the 'additional effects' that can be added to weapons/armor once the damage/protection cap has been reached or if they'd actually be seperate trinkets.

They could boost balance, position, fatigue, and perhaps effective vitality. Another possible effect could relate to multi opponent boosts. This could be created in the form of an actual skill boost, or situational by forcing some creatures to turn away from you or preventing advancing from behind. Additionally, perhaps there could be some that activate upon stun (either breaking/absorbing the stun or counter-stunning in a way similar to the spell I suggested recently in the WM current magic folder).

Another possibility would be to create items that create a deadlock in combat. In other words, we could create a ring that when rubbed disallows any melee/ranged/magical attacks from or against the person that activated it for a few seconds. The specific type defended against would depend on the enchantment created. I'd imagine roughly 2 to 10 seconds might be reasonable, though that'd obviously have to be tested. If this would be too unbalancing, perhaps a skill check involving the MD of the creating mage and the weapon skill of the attacker could be made (and weighted appropriately to take into consideration the time to enchant).

These enchantments would allow for magic users to prep their spells and target and ranged users to load and aim in safety (while still putting them at risk of being aimed at or having a spell cast on them immediately after the effect wears off, thus making them fairly situational, and I hope balanced), in addition to being able to be shot with a arrow if only a magical enchantment is invoked. This might even add a bit of power to melee combat, as it would allow time to advance while avoiding arrow/tm fire.

Obviously, these could be balanced further by adding a timer to how often each specific effect could be invoked.

Some of these effects may be considered stepping on the toes of already existing combat abilities/spells, but considering that moon mage enchantments can boost any skill in the game, it appears as though this shouldn't be an issue. It seems like it should be in the realm of our enchanting to alter any specific combat situation, and would be a combat version of the moon mage's ability to affect any skill. It also seems like this could potentially be a very marketable creation system.

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Re: Combat Enchantments on 06/17/2006 07:42 PM CDT
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"My hands caress to take your shame; The taint will fade as will your pain."

"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."

~ A.E.
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Re: Combat Enchantments on 06/18/2006 04:17 AM CDT
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This sounds more like something that the Cleric Enchantment would cover. If I recall correctly, they were going to have personal enchantment. Alot of these seem like good suggestions for something they might get. I don't know if they have any type of system in mind already or not, since I don't read the Cleric boards. Also, I made some suggestions way back when for some item enchantments. Basically, I suggested we be able to make common items have a verb that invoked an effect. Mostly it was stuff like boots that when you stomp them cast tremor and the like. I was told that we would only be able to enchant weapons and eventually armor (maybe).

Things have changed a lot, so I don't know where we stand. I also recall we were told we'd get one "utility" enchantment. I don't know as of right now what the plan for our enchantment is. I remember it used to involve two spells, Mend and Syphon. Then Syphon was scratched, then Mend's function went into debate, then the system started over...? No idea where we stand. I heard Mend was going to work on MDs to fix patterns as well, then I heard it would just do that and not fix weapon/armor, then I heard the spell wasn't getting made at all... So I'm not actually up to date on what is planned for our Enchantment. It's definitely not coming out tomorrow, and that's all I care about. I hope that there's news by the time I get off mobilization around the New Year of 08. /me grins.

Elemancer Opieus, Journeyman Warrior Mage of Elanthia
(Petitioning for Last Names for Elanthians of not so olde)
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Re: Combat Enchantments on 06/18/2006 10:42 AM CDT
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I can see WM enchanting taking several years to get going. They've got to get all the balances done for the combat system, weapon/armor rewrites, mech lore split, forging 2.0, and so on wrapped up first.

Now, the Clerical enchantment system could REALLY follow what was suggested above. Kind of like a commune being placed inside of a piece of jewelry. I think such a system of combat/holy/empowering jewelry for clerics would be a good fit - so long as we get our weapon enchanting someday.

What is cool about such an idea is that if modeled loosely off the CJ system, it might be possible to cut development time way way down. We'll just have to see I guess. - The DragonRealms Platinum Community Website. Be sure to vote DragonRealms as your #1 MUD!
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Re: Combat Enchantments on 06/18/2006 10:55 AM CDT
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I like the tatoo idea personally. It works until it fades. When it fades its gone, need to go get another one.
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Re: Combat Enchantments on 06/18/2006 10:48 PM CDT
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No, no, no. I'll put it to you this way, Opieus:

We don't have a Guru, at present. This means that enchanting isn't merely a long way off, like it is for you guys. It means that it isn't even something we bother hoping for, unlike you guys.

Seriously, do NOT trash ideas because they're supposedly future clerical niche. If they're already our niche (spirit, harness, metamagic, gods, couple others), then yeah. Hold off. But ideas are fine as long as they make sense.

As long as nothing concrete is being contradicted (nothing in clerical enchanting is concrete), then there's no reason not to consider it. Discussion of clerical enchanting ought to get tossed over to the cleric forums themselves.

<ponders> No idea why I felt compelled to say all that. =P

>>I like the tatoo idea personally. It works until it fades. When it fades its gone, need to go get another one.

I think that would work well with Warrior Mages, and instead of Jewelry, use this instead. It's an added disadvantage (limited body parts), but that will probably make it more amenable to people who hate warrior mages already. =P

-- Holy Scholar Diarik Erasto, Arcane Researcher, in search of spiritweaving.

"A good war is very instructive." -- Me.
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Re: Combat Enchantments on 06/18/2006 11:42 PM CDT
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>>instead of Jewelry

It could also just be an added effect to weapon enchanting, taking up enchanting slots on the weapons. It would be something useful to add to them once the weapon is capped, since its been said weapon damage won't be going above what already possible through forging.

Perhaps different effects could be linked to different verbs, so that a sword with multiple enchant slots could have a couple of effects like this, for example:

>dance sword
You do an impressive display of agility with your sword.
You feel steadier.

>rub sword
You rub a bastard sword.
A strong gust of wind builds up around your bastard sword forcing your opponent to recoil. As the wind dies down, you find yourself in a better position.

>wave sword
You wave your bastard sword around.
Your bastard sword shimmers in a blue light as a wall of aether surrounds you. (You sense that the aethereal wall will deflect any missile weapons attempting to pass through it.)

Where in the last example, only a WM and maybe a bard would see the messaging in (). However, any magic user could focus on the sword to see that the enchantment to block missile weapons from firing against or by the person wielding the weapon has been placed on the sword.

I just figured that being able to alter the combat situation was more of a WM thing than a cleric's. I'm not really sure what I see clerics doing though. Some jewelry/tattoo that auto-blesses any held weapon while the enchant remains active? Perhaps a direct reduction in damage like MPP, where its less of a tactical effect and more of change to something thats already happened?

If we aren't supposed to get anything other than weapon/armor enchanting, I'd like to see some of these effects added so that they can be used when a weapon is already capped in damage (or perhaps instead of capping the damage, which might be especially useful in offhand weapon situations).

As far as how far along enchanting is now, I don't really know, so I figured it couldn't hurt to suggest something. At the very worst, it'll be too far along to incorporate something like this, if its determined effects like this are something we should get.

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