Warmage enchantments on 01/01/2008 11:37 AM CST
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Is weapon enchanting going to stay warmage only or is that going to be dumped into general enchanting the way most moonie enchantments are?

Will warmages have any signiture enchantments?

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Re: Warmage enchantments on 01/01/2008 12:00 PM CST
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from the read of it, war mage spells will be the war mage signature, moonie spells will be the moonie signature.

And I don't think a huge mallet with MB wouldn't be out of the question:)

Though it'd be nice..., looks like that whole wm weapon crafting only is gone.
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Re: Warmage enchantments on 01/01/2008 01:00 PM CST
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<<from the read of it, war mage spells will be the war mage signature, moonie spells will be the moonie signature.>>

I read that too but a big part of what we were told about weapon enchanting was that our new enchanting system would let us take parts of both our spells and other guilds spells to create elemental effects for weapons.

Was asking if that was still the plan and if it would stay warmage only or be dumped into the general enchanments.

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Re: Warmage enchantments on 01/01/2008 01:34 PM CST
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>>Is weapon enchanting going to stay warmage only or is that going to be dumped into general enchanting the way most moonie enchantments are?

Depends on a mixture of player feedback and whatever ends up being practical.

The fate of guild-specific enchanting ultimately rests on how we end up handling the Moon Mage enchanting, since it is our existent model for such things. If the vast majority of their material is open or shared, then the vast majority of material themed around other guilds will be handled the same way.

It's something to think about in the Enchanting topic's discussion. I am willing and capable of inflicting fairness on everyone.

"It is no longer possible to escape men. Farewell to the monsters, farewell to the saints. Farewell to pride. All that is left is men."
- Jean-Paul Sartre
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Re: Warmage enchantments on 01/07/2008 12:05 AM CST
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>>It's something to think about in the Enchanting topic's discussion. I am willing and capable of inflicting fairness on everyone.

This is good, because I find it almost necessary to open most of Moon Mage enchanting to other magical guilds (and perhaps all non-Barbs too, somehow, in a roundabout way) in order to be equitable to Barbarians, Paladins, Rangers, and Thieves.

Not in a sense of GvG (as hard as it is to separate this opinion from seeming GvG), but in order to have one consistent, equitable approach to the new lore creation. It would be a rather large double standard if "mundane" creation was opened to everyone and magical creation was segregated into guild-specific realms.

Though I think Warrior Mages should have advantages in one specific type of enchanting (say weapon enchanting) with Warrior-Mage only templates or bonuses just as there should be bonuses to Moon Mages for types of enchanting, Paladins for armor, Barbarians for weapons, etc.
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Re: Warmage enchantments on 04/21/2008 03:41 AM CDT
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>The fate of guild-specific enchanting ultimately rests on how we end up handling the Moon Mage enchanting, since it is our existent model for such things. If the vast majority of their material is open or shared, then the vast majority of material themed around other guilds will be handled the same way.

I see no reason why Enchanting in and of itself should be "guild specific" as is now with Moon Mages. Paladins do a form of enchant by having the spell that can boost the defence/strenght of their armor. WM have same in AEG. Clerics were always able to imbue weapons with "holy" power wich is a weapon enchant. Rangers have the animal aspect spells that are a form of enchant that is cast on self.

What has been exclusive is the ability to enchant things or create things imbued with magic that can be sold or given to other players (other than the cleric "holy" weapon enchant).

I see WM having numerous enchantins centered around the Elemental. Firey, Ice and Lightening enchants for various damage dealing enchants that could be applied to weapons/shields/armor. Earth or air or water to provide certain protective or even healing abilities to items etc.

Unles the game gurus get real creative and somehow come up with "unique" enchants for each of different types of magic that are guild speacific I see no way that a thing such as weapon enchants will become WM only. What I would be disappointed in is if the said weapon enchant is made available to all and it becomes a generic enchant that will allow any magic using guild to toss on their weapon which will have increased bonus dmg only based on the amount of PM they have where what kind of magic you use has NO bearing on the effects/amount/type of bonus damage. I'd like to see some diversity.

For examle Firey enchant increases the amount of raw damage while also dealing bonus fire damage.

Ice damage does not have as much bonus to raw damage as say a Fiery enchant BUT insted gives a smaller bonus to sheer damage while sapping the targets fatigue and repeated hits by an weapoin enchanted with icy enchant make the target tired to the point when it will fall on its arse. To prevent abuse by younger players killing bigger things by "mosquitoing" it to death the fatigue damage would be heavily reliant on hits that actually do damage and more damage more fatigue drain.

Electrical enchant would say give a decent damage bonus but would also over time cause nerve damage taking the targets defencive abilities. As fried nerves make it more difficult to parry/block/dodge or cast spells for that matter etc.

Rangers for example would get a generic Enchant that would allow them to use a rangent or combination of rangents to create and apply various poisons to their Arrow tips or weapons. Foraged rangents. Forage this leaf or that gras or flower combine with some root mash into a paste and than cast the life enchant on it to allow it to bond to the blade/arrowhead creating a poison that stunns, deals nerve damage, internall bleeding, puts affected target to sleep etc.

Yes Theefs should get a mech lore based ability to "Harvest" rangents from various animals such as poison sacs/stingers etc and than create a poison that they can apply to their blades or create powders that they can use to create various effects mentioned above for rangers.

Bottom line is I really hope some creativity goes into Enchanting and while Enchanting itself will no longer be exclusive to any one guild it should not be made into a generic skill that any guild can use by simply having X amount of ranks in X skill therefore I can now make Gweths. Gweths are a magic involving mind magic... Moon mages use that form of magic therefore how can a War mage all of a sudden make a Gweth? By same logic why should a Moon Mage be able to create a Firey or Electic weapon enchant as they do not use elmental magics? Etc.
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Re: Warmage enchantments on 04/21/2008 06:14 PM CDT
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>For examle Firey enchant increases the amount of raw damage while also dealing bonus fire damage.

Last I heard damage caps will still apply. So if you buy a capped scimitar, there wouldn't be room to add fire damage. However, I imagine there is still a market for a way to do elemental damage without spells. Enchanting a store bought scimitar with elemental damage, so that it reaches the damage cap create a unique market. It could also be a market for younger forgers.

>Rangers for example would get a generic Enchant that would allow them to use a rangent or combination of rangents to create and apply various poisons to their Arrow tips or weapons.

I thought you could already apply poison to weapons. The issue is that it only has one use. The creation of poison will most likely fall under Alchemy not enchanting, though.

>a mech lore based ability to "Harvest" rangents from various animals

I think this is actually planned for the skinning rewrite. Using animal lore to get different options, then skinning it off a creature.

>why should a Moon Mage be able to create a Firey or Electic weapon enchant as they do not use elmental magics?

Last I heard, guilds would be able to make something to allow others to use their mana type in enchants, however, only in Elemental, Holy, and Lunar because those are the three types used by Magic Primary guilds. Otherwise, what was the point of not making them guild only?

I imagine most enchants will be metamagic type, and have different messaging and/or difficulty based on which mana type is used. For example, the ability to store spells in a metamagic node has already been proposed with the Permanent Moonblade enchant. Perhaps, Moon Mages get this enchant at 20th circle, while Clerics get a similar ability to add nodes to an item at 30th, and Warrior Mages get it at 40th. Made up numbers, of course.

Elemancer Opieus, Journeyman Warrior Mage of Elanthia
>Aren't I pretty, now fall down on my ice, fool! ~ Axillus
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Re: Warmage enchantments on 05/15/2008 11:29 AM CDT
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>I see no reason why Enchanting in and of itself should be "guild specific" as is now with Moon Mages. Paladins do a form of enchant by having the spell that can boost the defence/strenght of their armor. WM have same in AEG. Clerics were always able to imbue weapons with "holy" power wich is a weapon enchant. Rangers have the animal aspect spells that are a form of enchant that is cast on self.

I made a pitch a long time ago that enchanting (as planned at the time) was a ridiculously complicated process when all that was needed was a spell similar to GS4 that added elemental damage to a weapon and would function in much the same way as the Bless Spell.

Guild vs. Guild = Apples + Oranges = Fruit Juice = Delicious!
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Re: Warmage enchantments on 05/15/2008 11:50 AM CDT
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>I made a pitch a long time ago that enchanting (as planned at the time) was a ridiculously complicated process when all that was needed was a spell similar to GS4 that added elemental damage to a weapon and would function in much the same way as the Bless Spell.

The goal of the enchanting system is to make neat and unique items, not +2 flaming broadswords. This is not D&D. However, I can see a very basic form of enchanting being a spell or metamagic process that allows an item to absorb a spell for a long period of time. Thus you could have a bless without charges, armor that had air buff it even if you take it off and put it back on, or a shield that is hardened and repairs damage. Eventually, it'd fade because the idea of permanent enchantments is taboo around here or the pattern degrades.

Elemancer Opieus, Journeyman Warrior Mage of Elanthia
>Aren't I pretty, now fall down on my ice, fool! ~ Axillus
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Re: Warmage enchantments on 05/15/2008 08:19 PM CDT
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>The goal of the enchanting system is to make neat and unique items, not +2 flaming broadswords.

I think a flaming broadsword would suit you rather well.

>Thus you could have a bless without charges...

I seriously doubt WM's will get their own Holy Weapons.

> Eventually, it'd fade because the idea of permanent enchantments is taboo around here or the pattern degrades.

Who's notes are you using?

Guild vs. Guild = Apples + Oranges = Fruit Juice = Delicious!
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Re: Warmage enchantments on 05/15/2008 08:21 PM CDT
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>>Thus you could have a bless without charges...

>I seriously doubt WM's will get their own Holy Weapons.

Unless I misinterpreted, I thought the idea was an enchantment that lasted a certain amount of time instead of x charges, not that WMs would be blessing.
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Re: Warmage enchantments on 05/15/2008 10:53 PM CDT
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>I think a flaming broadsword would suit you rather well.

While it might fit the guild, it's very cliche. The GMs tend to avoid things that are very cliche.

>I seriously doubt WM's will get their own Holy Weapons.
>not that WMs would be blessing.

Pretty much what JMF90 said. WMs will not be the only people in the enchanting system.

>Who's notes are you using?

I know of zero player made enchantments that don't have charges. I'm fairly certain multiple GMs have said permanent enchantments are unlikely.

Elemancer Opieus, Journeyman Warrior Mage of Elanthia
>Aren't I pretty, now fall down on my ice, fool! ~ Axillus
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Re: Warmage enchantments on 05/15/2008 10:56 PM CDT
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>> I know of zero player made enchantments that don't have charges.

There are a few, but they don't actually do anything mechanically beneficial.

Rev. Reene

Me: Are...are you listening to Britney Spears?
Idon: You have Evanescence on your playlist. You don't get to judge me.
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Re: Warmage enchantments on 05/15/2008 10:59 PM CDT
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>There are a few, but they don't actually do anything mechanically beneficial.

Hmm... This is probably why I don't know about them.

Elemancer Opieus, Journeyman Warrior Mage of Elanthia
>Aren't I pretty, now fall down on my ice, fool! ~ Axillus
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