Ranged enchantments on 01/25/2005 04:40 PM CST
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All of these would work for thrown weapons as well as bows or crossbows

An enchantment on a weapon that pulls it back to the thrower's hand or the bow or crossbow after a few seconds regardless of wheather or not it is lodged, possibly with extra damage when the weapon/ammo pulls itself free. The couple of seconds it would take to recall back would help keep things from being shot/thrown off like a machine gun.

As well as the bows and crossbows that fire bolts of pure magic, have a set of enchantments that charge up the ammo with an added effect. Super speed to blow all the way through a target, auto tracking (maybe for only a small number of extra passes) if the shot misses, electrical charge ect... (just a few possibilities)

For disposable type throwing weapons and ammo.
A single massive enchantment that would be triggered by the weapon hitting the target at which point the ammo/weapon would explode (or any other massive damage effect) causing massive damage to the target and destroying the enchanted item. This type of enchantment would only be able to be placed on a single piece of ammo at a time to prevent people combining a bundle of hundreds of arrows and gaining a backpack full of arrows of doom.

Any comments or additional ideas?


"Heh I never really liked him anyway...he wasn't right in the head..."
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 01/25/2005 07:56 PM CST
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Carefull, if you ask for comments or ideas, you might get someone who doesn't know what a suggestion is.

I like both of them, the only thing I can see is the bouncing ammo thing being akin to a different spell might get nixed by the other guilds. Boo on them if they do, yea! if they don't.

In addition to being an enchantment, have the spell (tentivily named Aether Tether) be required to be able to enchant it into the weapon/ammo.

As for the explosve arrowheads/sling ammo, it's been suggested, using Fireball as the spell enchanted into them. Glad to see you think like the rest of us;)

I would also like to see a rechargible ammo enchantment, that would have to be recharged every so often, not to exceede ten uses. Using SD to do electrical damage, AL to cause blindness, GZ to cause nerve damage, frb to do cold damage, fs to do fire damage, MOF to do residual fire damage as long as it's lodged, fos to increase impact, frs to increase slice, aether to increase puncture, ros to cause it to splinter midflight (and reunite after impact) AEL to increase puncture and impact at half the rate the single spells increase either, have ALA make the item cause periodic impact damage while lodged, and so on, but thats a basic gist of it.

The Opinions, Suggestions, or Desires in the previous post should have no baring on your Role Play, as they are not presented by Simutronics Staff.
Any actual material would have an In game location to be found.
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 01/25/2005 09:02 PM CST
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I love the idea of sigilating specific spells onto the weapons to give their effect! I had an idea before to do something similar with cantrips.. have them work with spells to give additional effects.. but that suggestion belongs in another topic.. right now I'd much prefer Burning touch to get fixed.. drat I can't stay on topic. I wonder if enchanting melee weapons would work similarly?

I must say I'm pessemistic about enchanted ranged weapons working anything like you propose though.. I think with most enchanting you have to enchant the actual projectile.. not the bow itself.. however maybe enchanting the bow could give other benifits in addition to enchanting the arrows to allow for some interesting enchantment combinations.

Warrior Mage Newtrini Pi'Gui

-Don't spawn your score of mortal progeny in MY footsteps!
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 01/26/2005 10:59 AM CST
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<<the only thing I can see is the bouncing ammo thing being akin to a different spell might get nixed by the other guilds.

I think I know what you mean but V. told us our enchantment system would/probably let us use spell effects from other guilds as well as our own. If you were thinking of the pallie weapon bonding spell, that's exactly what I was thinking.

As far as them complaining about it each guild is going to end up with it's own creation system sooner or later, just a matter of time. But still hoping people will relax is a bit of a strech I guess.

<<Carefull, if you ask for comments or ideas, you might get someone who doesn't know what a suggestion is.

Consider me admonished ;)


"Heh I never really liked him anyway...he wasn't right in the head..."
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 01/26/2005 06:26 PM CST
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That reminds me, V. said "I don't think there will be any enchantments for ammo, it'll more than likely be an enchantment on the (weapon) using the ammo. But this is still in development."

Although, it would kind of have to be in the ammo on a thrown type weapon, wouldn't it? But I sure wouldn't want my 20 plat throwing axe to burst into flame and be destroyed upon contact.

The Opinions, Suggestions, or Desires in the previous post should have no baring on your Role Play, as they are not presented by Simutronics Staff.
Any actual material would have an In game location to be found.
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 01/26/2005 07:53 PM CST
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<<Although, it would kind of have to be in the ammo on a thrown type weapon, wouldn't it? But I sure wouldn't want my 20 plat throwing axe to burst into flame and be destroyed upon contact.>>

In code-speak, a thrown weapon is a thrown weapon. Ammunition is ammunition. What does this mean? It means things like thrown weapons aren't treated like ammunition all the time. With enchantments I don't think you'll be seeing any exploding thrown weapon enchantments that destroy the weapon (unless it reforms in the process). A one-time use enchantment that destroys the original weapon is kinna sorta lame <G>.


<--- Warrior Mage Haiku --->
My pants are aflame
I did not learn water spells
so now I must ARGGHHHH


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Re: Ranged enchantments on 01/26/2005 08:08 PM CST
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So it'd be the Throwing Dagger meets the Splitting enchantment, in the afforementioned ROS enchantment effect:)
That'd be cool.

>Moving like a striking snake, you hurl your throwing knife at a sand sprite. As the jet-handled throwing knife leaves your hand, it splits into multiple pieces.

A knife shard lands a grazing strike to the sand sprite's abdomen.

A knife shard lands a solid strike to the sand sprite's left leg.

A knife shard lands a solid strike to the sand sprite's left leg.

A knife shard lands a light strike to the sand sprite's chest.

The jet-handled knife suddenly reforms, lodged in the sand sprite's left leg!
[Roundtime 4 seconds]

The Opinions, Suggestions, or Desires in the previous post should have no baring on your Role Play, as they are not presented by Simutronics Staff.
Any actual material would have an In game location to be found.
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 01/26/2005 08:14 PM CST
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Hey Valdrik?

How bout a couple of pieces with enchantments we'll be able to do eventually for the auction?

The Opinions, Suggestions, or Desires in the previous post should have no baring on your Role Play, as they are not presented by Simutronics Staff.
Any actual material would have an In game location to be found.
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 01/26/2005 08:46 PM CST
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<<Although, it would kind of have to be in the ammo on a thrown type weapon,>>

Hence the title of the thread...

<<But I sure wouldn't want my 20 plat throwing axe to burst into flame and be destroyed upon contact.>>

The very first sentance in that part was "For disposable type throwing weapons and ammo.
" That means NOT a weapon worth 20 plat...

<<A one-time use enchantment that destroys the original weapon is kinna sorta lame

Two responces here RP DARN IT! Besides would you attack someone you knew could throw a knife that would blow various bits and peices of you into orbit? Err forget that...it's a last ditch saving effort for swarms...yeah thats it....


"Heh I never really liked him anyway...he wasn't right in the head..."
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 01/26/2005 09:00 PM CST
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How about its only used on FRS, and FOS.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 01/27/2005 03:46 PM CST
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That could work if we didn't have to worry about them crumbling or melting.


"Heh I never really liked him anyway...he wasn't right in the head..."
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/21/2005 09:21 PM CST
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<<That could work if we didn't have to worry about them crumbling or melting.>>

Which gives me the perfect opportunity to once again ask for an enchantment that would make this permanent. I would even be happy if a Ranger had to cast that preservation beseach on it to make it permanent.

Opieus ~ Human Warrior Mage
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/22/2005 12:56 PM CST
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I'm going to take a dagger.

I'm going to enchant it with incinerate.

I'm going to lodge it in someones chest.

Try to stop me.

"A single spark is not a fire. Though a single spark can start the flames." ~Ecodom (Myself)
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/22/2005 03:04 PM CST
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<<I'm going to enchant it with incinerate.

As it stands now, prolly not. It's a sorcery, and to my knowledge, we're only enchanting strictly elemental stuff. Unless all of V mans nifty Blackfire changes/additions include it. That'd be nice. And the ability to scroll-write the spell would be nice too. Real nice...

~The Blackfire Mage Magmus
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/22/2005 03:49 PM CST
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Um, unless new information about the enchanting system has been released, the Pattern Sight ability is going to be a key ingredient in enchanting weapons, and the pattern sight ability lets us observe a spell in the process of being prepared/cast, and draw a useful... matrixy thingy from it. Like, observing harawep's bonds or halt would most likely both provide the immobilization effect, whereas aether lance or fire shard or TKT would provide a projectile effect. That sort of thing.

I don't have the notes anymore, but we weren't going to be limited to our own spells for enchanting, that much I recall.

Orpheus: "You've been powering this machine with a forsaken child?"
Venture: "What? It's not like I used the whole thing."
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/22/2005 06:25 PM CST
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<<we're only enchanting strictly elemental stuff.


<<Like, observing harawep's bonds or halt would most likely both provide the immobilization effect, whereas aether lance or fire shard or TKT would provide a projectile effect



"Heh I never really liked him anyway...he wasn't right in the head..."
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/22/2005 07:12 PM CST
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>>I don't have the notes anymore, but we weren't going to be limited to our own spells for enchanting, that much I recall.

I keep a set of my notes from the seminar on my site, http://www.kynevon.info

And it might be nice if Valdrik were to update us on the status of the Weapon Enchanting proposal.

Then again, maybe he is going to VegasCon, and can tell the attendees something that they can post.

~Kyn (Kynevon)

Info Page http://kynevon.info
Mac OS X FE http://tinyurl.com/4btcl
Amagaim's What to Hunt Chart
Excel format: http://tinyurl.com/44jlt
HTML format: http://tinyurl.com/6tpls
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/23/2005 01:07 PM CST
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I don't have the notes anymore, but we weren't going to be limited to our own spells for enchanting, that much I recall.

True... not limited to WM spells only, but effects a spell causes. So you'd have to break down the incinerate spell and what it does.

Fire based attack
Explosion type
Causes mass external damage
Lingering room effect
(Does not damage non-corporeal undead)

Things that may happen with a weapon enchanted with these effects:
1) Weapon could have fire damage properties
2) Explosion attack: probably will effect the weapons construction of user and targets armor
3) Limited explosions (like could do an explosion every 30 seconds, not consistantly)

For halt spell
Immobilization of Target: Caster can be Immobilized if Target Turns the spell back

Things that may happen with a weapon that is enchanted with this effect:
1) Point weapon at target and could try to immoblize it, excessive faluire can mean you get immoblized instead
2) Upon hit, target could be immoblized. Excessive failure means you get immobilized.

For Haraweps Bonds
Web - Chance to have Target Fall Over if webs on legs strong enough

Things that may happen with a weapon that is enchanted with this effect:
1) Target is covered in webs and can not move and may fall over
2) Poison effect could be derived into the weapon

Fire Shard
Fire based attack
Projectile type
External damage

Things that may happen with a weapon that is enchanted with this effect:
1) Weapon may have fire damage properties
2) Weapon may have projectile type attack

Now lets say you take these effects and combine them
- project attack (from fire shard)
- explosion attack (from black fire)
- web (from harawep bond)

Now when you attack
1) Weapon could shoot a blackfire ball at target which explodes like a fireball
2) Weapon can explode upon contact and send blackfire shards about
3) Has chance of webbing the target and making them fall over upon attack
4) A web of blackfire is shot at monster that slowly burns target

So many combinations and possibilities....
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/23/2005 05:05 PM CST
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Can someone clear up for me...what exactly does blackfire do, or is it 'just another TM spell." Also what kinda scholarship you need to permanently scribe it?

I was born once as a dying races last resort, I was strong.
I was born again as a weapon against friends, I was stronger.
I am now born from the dying wishes of my loved ones, and I'm pissed.

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Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/23/2005 05:09 PM CST
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You can't permanently learn it, and no scroll can be scribed. It is not a TM spell.

Orpheus: "You've been powering this machine with a forsaken child?"
Venture: "What? It's not like I used the whole thing."
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/23/2005 05:24 PM CST
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"Ancient tales describe an all-consuming, colorless flame known as
Blackfire. The Incinerate spell is one fairly weak form of that
foul magic, unable to remain in effect for more than a quick blast
of explosive black flame. It is often times instantly fatal, but
even when it isn't, the effects are painful. Avoid naphtha when
casting this spell."
You can choose to INVOKE this parchment to memorize Incinerate
temporarily, or STUDY the parchment to permanently memorize it.
Roundtime: 15 sec.

Sorry meant "incinerate" not blackfire. Sounds hella lot like a TM spell unless we are talking bout two different ones now.

I was born once as a dying races last resort, I was strong.
I was born again as a weapon against friends, I was stronger.
I am now born from the dying wishes of my loved ones, and I'm pissed.

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Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/23/2005 05:57 PM CST
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Can't permanently learn it... but... where did you get that scroll? damn... that think can fetch QUITE a large chunk of change...

Legionnaire Deagar,
Order of the Dragon Shield Council Member
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/23/2005 06:00 PM CST
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Not a TM spell, sorry. I wish some of the people who have the scrolls would read them instead of storing them away, so they'd get back into the treasure system.

Orpheus: "You've been powering this machine with a forsaken child?"
Venture: "What? It's not like I used the whole thing."
Reply Reply
Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/23/2005 06:10 PM CST
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I copied it from Yahoogroups. Any clue why it says we can permantently learn it if we can't?

Whats it do exactly?

I was born once as a dying races last resort, I was strong.
I was born again as a weapon against friends, I was stronger.
I am now born from the dying wishes of my loved ones, and I'm pissed.

Reply Reply
Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/23/2005 06:14 PM CST
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All scroll spells have that bit of text. Go on. Pick up an SOD scroll from Ratha. Unless you're a moon mage, you can't permanently memorize it, even though it says you can. If you try, and don't have a free spell slot, it'll tell you you need a free spell slot, but if you HAVE a free spell slot, then it will tell you something else about not being able to memorize it. I don't remember what the message is.

Orpheus: "You've been powering this machine with a forsaken child?"
Venture: "What? It's not like I used the whole thing."
Reply Reply
Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/23/2005 06:16 PM CST
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Incinerate.... it ummm.... incinerates? yeah that's it... I saw a bit of a log where Raenilar's pet mage cast it at someone.... it was pretty in a psycho destruction kind of way....

Legionnaire Deagar,
Order of the Dragon Shield Council Member
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/23/2005 06:32 PM CST
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Not the log you prolly saw but here's mine for the hell of it.

You sense a tiny amount of mana slip away from you.
You don't seem to be able to move to do that.
> * Beliel was just struck down!
>Yhaman gestures at you.
The ground trembles as massive gouts of colorless flame explode upward, sending blackened embers and twirling, dark sparks into the sky!
The black fire bursts all around you, consuming your flesh and scorching the ground beneath your feet!
Your body explodes as fire bursts out from within, spraying boiling blood and burning pieces of bone in a wide circle!

A shower of violently crackling black sparks descends over the area!

A passerby runs off, calling for Yhaman to be arrested for endangering the public!

Your ironwood buckler falls to the ground.

Your death cry echoes in your brain as it quickly dawns on you that you have just died! Already, you feel the tug of eternity upon your spirit and you struggle to remain tied to this world.

You are somewhat comforted that you have gained favor with your God and are in no danger from passing on into the Starry Road forever.

Your body will decay beyond its ability to hold your soul in 356 minutes.
You are a ghost! You must wait until someone resurrects you, or you decay. Either way, it won't be long now! (HELP for more details).
The heralds of a Red Sash company bring their horns to lip, and sound out a fierce war blare.
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/23/2005 08:01 PM CST
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I actually think that IS the log I saw... isn't that a Beautiful spell? or is that just me thinkin that way....

Legionnaire Deagar,
Order of the Dragon Shield Council Member
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/24/2005 09:54 AM CST
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<<Can't permanently learn it... but... where did you get that scroll? damn... that think can fetch QUITE a large chunk of change...

Unless it is the cost of a galleon, I'm prolly not selling mine.

<<Not a TM spell, sorry. I wish some of the people who have the scrolls would read them instead of storing them away, so they'd get back into the treasure system.

Tell non-guilds who are hoarding them. 'Some of the people who have the scrolls' actually use them for RP. The spell pretty much is USELESS for a non GM character at this point in time. Or someone who doesn't have thousands of extra plat at their disposal to buy extra copies. I am one of the few people who have some, but, because I was lucky. I'd gladly give away, yes, GIVE away my extra copies if it was permanently learnable...which brings me to this.

<<Any clue why it says we can permantently learn it if we can't?

It's sorcery. For some odd reason, we infuse a sliver (actually, almost a quarter of the required mana) of holy mana into the spell. I've asked countless people, read countless books, and done countless research. Nothing. If the Mages of old could do it, I hope one day we can as per V-mans always cryptic messages about Blackfire.

<<isn't that a Beautiful spell? or is that just me thinkin that way....

Even if it doesn't kill it does the same messaging. Which, is odd. Ring of burning blood and bone to me usually means it's pretty dead...wouldn't mind a second version for when the spell (and it sometimes DOES do this) doesn't kill the first cast.

As for enchanting Blackfire, thinking and reading the posts concerning borrowing other spells abilities, hey -- maybe we will be able to. I was just assuming sorcery was going to be off limits because...it's just how it works. If not, it looks like I'll be one of the only mass producers of Blackfire enchantments.

~The Blackfire Mage Magmus
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/24/2005 04:48 PM CST
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<<The black fire bursts all around you, consuming your flesh and scorching the ground beneath your feet!
<<Your body explodes as fire bursts out from within, spraying boiling blood and burning pieces of bone in a wide circle!

Now THAT is a thing of beauty!
(Nope, it's not just you, Deagar, heh.)
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/24/2005 10:47 PM CST
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Sweet, I'm not alone, heh.

Legionnaire Deagar,
Order of the Dragon Shield Council Member
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/25/2005 01:47 PM CST
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<<And it might be nice if Valdrik were to update us on the status of the Weapon Enchanting proposal.>>

Its been approved for some time now. Its basically waiting for me to get done with the Spell Review.


<--- Warrior Mage Haiku --->
My pants are aflame
I did not learn water spells
so now I must ARGGHHHH


Reply Reply
Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/25/2005 06:55 PM CST
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>><<And it might be nice if Valdrik were to update us on the status of the Weapon Enchanting proposal.>>

>>Its been approved for some time now. Its basically waiting for me to get done with the Spell Review.

Thanks for the response. I did not mean to sound hostile, there, but it looks that way on its own. Sorry.

Any differences you can let us know about between the version of Weapon Enchanting discussed at last SimuCon and what was approved?

And how is Mend doing these days?

~Kyn (Kynevon)

Info Page http://kynevon.info
Mac OS X FE http://tinyurl.com/4btcl
Amagaim's What to Hunt Chart
Excel format: http://tinyurl.com/44jlt
HTML format: http://tinyurl.com/6tpls
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 02/27/2005 12:31 PM CST
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<<And how is Mend doing these days?>>

The same way it was before the Spell Review :). I've put pretty much everything on hold for the spell review, with exception of the Cambrinth Weapon auction.


<--- Warrior Mage Haiku --->
My pants are aflame
I did not learn water spells
so now I must ARGGHHHH


Reply Reply
Re: Ranged enchantments on 03/04/2005 01:09 PM CST
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The same way it was before the Spell Review :). I've put pretty much everything on hold for the spell review, with exception of the Cambrinth Weapon auction.

How is happy with their spells.. I am. Ok done... :: Grins ::

As for enchanting Blackfire, thinking and reading the posts concerning borrowing other spells abilities, hey -- maybe we will be able to. I was just assuming sorcery was going to be off limits because...it's just how it works. If not, it looks like I'll be one of the only mass producers of Blackfire enchantments.

~The Blackfire Mage Magmus

Ok, your going to enchant me a dagger. and i'm gonna stick it in someones chest... Everyone wins.

O and Val, pretty please make blackfire perm learnable, of give us fire mages a way to sniff out them scrolls and kill the non worthy and take them. I don't have thousands of plats to get one, and i can't find a air bubble scroll let alone a incinerate scroll. I'm a fire mage, thats all i am. i don't use lightning i hate earth and aether. just fire. and i NEEDS IT. I NEEDS IT BAD!

"A single spark is not a fire. Though a single spark can start the flames." ~Ecodom (Myself)
Reply Reply
Re: Ranged enchantments on 03/04/2005 09:01 PM CST
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<<O and Val, pretty please make blackfire perm learnable, of give us fire mages a way to sniff out them scrolls and kill the non worthy and take them. I don't have thousands of plats to get one, and i can't find a air bubble scroll let alone a incinerate scroll. I'm a fire mage, thats all i am. i don't use lightning i hate earth and aether. just fire. and i NEEDS IT. I NEEDS IT BAD!>>

Blackfire won't be permalearnable, however, we'll have a way to reduce the held mana costs of it. As for being able to sniff them out... I doubt it, I don't think we want to encourage more violence from ya'll (you're bad enough as is =p).


"With talons wrought of steel I tore the heart of doom, and in one gleaming moment I saw beyond the tomb."

- Kansas

"Here we belong, fighting to survive,
in a war with the darkest power."

- Queen
Reply Reply
Re: Ranged enchantments on 03/05/2005 12:43 AM CST
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Here's what gets me, though... the scrolls currently sell for upwards of 1000 plat. As far as I am aware, the scroll system only keeps X number of scrolls in circulation in the treasure system - so when you have people holding these expensive scrolls and not reading them, no more of these scrolls are generated in the treasure system.

What I want to know is, will there be a reliable method of obtaining at least the lower-level scrolls? You talk about quests to reduce the mana cost and methods to keep the scroll spell after dying, but so far I haven't heard anything to address the fact that these quests will be effectively worthless without some means of purposefully seeking out and obtaining the scrolls - and a 1000 plat cost of a temporarily learned spell is NOT a reasonable cost - the original merchant sold them 10 plat apiece, if I recall, and the combination of rarity combined with the lack of new scroll generation has jacked up the price.

Even if the quests to reduce the min prep are years away, I would like to see 'soon' a reasonable, reliable, and possibly life-threatening method of obtaining a scroll of incinerate or otherwise temporarily memorizing the spell (to avoid people getting the scroll and selling it to others), because as it currently stands, the spell is entirely inaccessible to everyone who does not already own a scroll.

Orpheus: "You've been powering this machine with a forsaken child?"
Venture: "What? It's not like I used the whole thing."
Reply Reply
Re: Ranged enchantments on 03/05/2005 03:53 AM CST
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>>Here's what gets me, though... the scrolls currently sell for upwards of 1000 plat. As far as I am aware, the scroll system only keeps X number of scrolls in circulation in the treasure system - so when you have people holding these expensive scrolls and not reading them, no more of these scrolls are generated in the treasure system.

I think you are working off of an inaccuracy, here. I don't recall hearing that there was a cap on the number of scrolls for that specific spell, but that simply it was set to be so rarely generated by the treasure system that there would probably never be a great number of them in circulation at the same time.

~Kyn (Kynevon)

Info Page http://kynevon.info
Mac OS X FE http://tinyurl.com/4btcl
Amagaim's What to Hunt Chart
Excel format: http://tinyurl.com/44jlt
HTML format: http://tinyurl.com/6tpls
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 03/05/2005 11:27 AM CST
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More than half of the 'scrolls' that I find turn out to be mentor newsletters. Of the maybe 2/5 that aren't, I invariably find Huldah's Pall (most common), Seal of Deflection (second most common), or Energy Manacles (third most common). On rare occasion, I find something else, but similarly useless - Vigil, ethereal shield, or compost, for example.

If the scroll system randomly generates a scroll, why are so many scrolls that I find Huldah's Pall? Why are the scrolls with first tier TM spells, which are being horded by certain people, so difficult to find outside of those few people?

I like the scroll shop on Ratha. I like that if I want to play with SOD, I can plunk down the seven plat and do it. I liked, when I played a member of another guild, that I could buy a fire shard scroll and temporarily memorize it. It's now fire ball, I guess because fire shard used to be too good a spell and it was taken out of everyone but bards' reach.

But why don't we have consistant ways to obtain scrolls? Even if it's a shop with a random scroll grab bag. I hate the fact that I can hunt for an entire day and the only 'scroll' I find is worthless trash. I like playing with new spells and not having to burn spell slots. Spells which are 'guild-defining' are already safe from tampering by other guilds, so why not up the frequency of scrolls by adding a reliable method of obtaining them?

Orpheus: "You've been powering this machine with a forsaken child?"
Venture: "What? It's not like I used the whole thing."
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Re: Ranged enchantments on 03/05/2005 03:24 PM CST
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If the scroll system randomly generates a scroll, why are so many scrolls that I find Huldah's Pall? Why are the scrolls with first tier TM spells, which are being horded by certain people, so difficult to find outside of those few people?

Just because they are randomly generated does not mean the ratios of each scroll are all equal.

Huldah's Pallor = 1:10 chance that it will come up in the random generation
Blackfire = 1:100 chance that it will come up in the random generation
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