Elemental Weapon question - damage type changes with element on 12/22/2019 11:43 PM CST
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I'm a 13th circle WM with 59 in Summoning and low 30's in Appraisal. When I summon a run-of-the-mill weapon (in my case, given my skill, a stone broadsword} my appraisal tells me it's best suited for slicing attacks. If I shape it to fire, or initially summon it as a fire weapon, my appraisal tells me it's best suited for bashing attacks, even though it's still a broadsword. If I (re}shape it to stone, my appraisal once again tells me it's best suited for slicing attacks.

So, to sum up:

Stone blade = slicing
Fire blade = bashing

Is this normal/intended? I wouldn't think that my low appraisal would be the issue given that day 1 commoners can still correctly appraise and determine what's a slicing weapon as opposed to a bashing weapon. Does shifting do something to the underlying physical attack numbers which would make bashing overtake slicing in this case?
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Re: Elemental Weapon question - damage type changes with element on 12/23/2019 07:37 AM CST
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Shifting the weapon to an element makes the damage types shift to that element. So it no longer does say Good Slice, but Good Fire Damage.

Just a guess, but probably what is happening is the little physical damage that remains after the shift is being weighted to Impact damage. The weapon is mostly going to do Fire no matter how you use it at that point, however.
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Re: Elemental Weapon question - damage type changes with element on 12/23/2019 01:18 PM CST
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Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for the help!
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