Old spell I miss on 12/07/2015 12:32 AM CST
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The one spell I miss from the warrior mages arsenal is mark of arhat (the 2.0 version). It was such an amazing spell to watch work. How about we modify fire rain with a meta spell called arhat's ruin or some such and have it leave the cloud of ash at ground level and do something like.

The cloud of ash writhes around you in a fit of fiery rage. You notice the ash cover a mountain giant, a mountain giant, and a mountain giant.
As the ash falls away you notice brands upon the soot covered creatures.

You feel the matrix for arhat's ruin pull streams of mana into its pattern.
You notice the brands on a mountain giant's chest flair with a sickening sizzle. The mountain giant flails as chunks of flesh slump off her now smoking chest.
You notice the brands on a mountain giant's right arm flair with a sickening sizzle. The mountain giant screams in agony as his right arm is reduced to a smoldering stump
You notice the brands on a mountain giant's right eye flair with a sickening sizzle. The mountain giant scratches wildly at her right eye as the flesh underneath sizzles and boils out bits of cooked flesh.

Just an idea, it saddens me to know that such a glorious spell has been thrust into the bin of obsolete spells. Maybe make it like a 100th circle spell, or a sorcery spell for them!
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Re: Old spell I miss on 12/18/2015 09:46 AM CST
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I would call MOA a few things, but obsolete isn't one of them. The bonus damage type spells (DR, HP, MOA) can seem a little lackluster right now because of the odd spot damage is in. That said, More is Always Better, and once the Barrier Review lands and we see some more tweaks on damage these spells might really start to shine awful bright.

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Re: Old spell I miss on 12/18/2015 02:07 PM CST
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I do miss the old Mark of Arhat as well.

And the old Dragon's Breath that set stuff on fire, or even the in between version that had multiple spits.

And Aether Lance, Frost Scythe, Fist of Stone, old CL, nerve damage from electricity spells, ice patch that also did damage, arc light that also did damage, aether cloak blocking locates, Paeldryth's Wrath that did damage, and the old aegis of granite created shield. There might be some more.

Now, I love that we don't have to have all the first tier spells anymore, rimefang is great, ring of spears is better than it used to be I think, fire rain...well it doesn't hit everyone anymore but it also doesn't do as much damage anymore either, blufmor gaeren used to be better, but it's still not bad, tailwind is improved since it follows you around now.
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Re: Old spell I miss on 12/18/2015 06:08 PM CST
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I think our spells are pretty solid, mechanically. Too many eyes on spreadsheets has lost a lot of the 'unique' and 'cool' factors... though I think there's also an awareness of this. Maybe not a solution, but hey knowing is half the battle?

Your search-fu is pig dung!
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Re: Old spell I miss on 12/18/2015 11:32 PM CST
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>nerve damage from electricity spells

Static Discharge. I used to love going out to something swarmy, like grass eels, and just wreck everything at melee by slowly piling up damage as well as handing out stuns. In hindsight, it was overpowered (especially with the electric charge cantrip), but man did I learn a lot of skinning in eels.

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Re: Old spell I miss on 12/19/2015 07:04 AM CST
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Frankly static discharge was my favorite low level spell in DR, ever. It was so cool to have access to an AOE effect at 10th or whatever, it really felt signature for WMs to me. I miss guilds getting different types of magic at different levels.
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Re: Old spell I miss on 12/22/2015 08:59 AM CST
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I miss SD, too. It was my "oh crap" spell when I got swarmed and couldn't retreat. Then again, I also hated having a ton of different damage spells, but really only using a couple, the best ones, to do damage and train.
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Re: Old spell I miss on 12/22/2015 03:51 PM CST
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That incarnation of SD was easily the most over powered spell for it's level in the history of the game. Overall, it is second only to CL when you could blast the same person 32 times or whatever.
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Re: Old spell I miss on 12/24/2015 03:35 PM CST
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SD may have been overpowered, but now the majority of our spells are underwhelming. That's a really terrible place to be for the supposed premier magical combat guild in the game.
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Re: Old spell I miss on 12/25/2015 12:13 PM CST
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Don't feel to bad, if your not a cleric your spells are underwhelming.
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Re: Old spell I miss on 12/26/2015 02:55 AM CST
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I just keep training. One day the ranks will mean what they're supposed to.
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