Suggestions on 05/20/2009 12:45 PM CDT
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As a prefeace, I just got to 28th circle and have been away from the realms for a while. Was looking for some advice on where people think I ought to be putting my TDPs (especially in light of planned changes to EXPERIENCE) as well as what skills I should be focusing on, and what they thought of my character overall at 28th. I realize I need to train up my defenses to better match my heavy edged (primary weapon) and targetted magic, and have been catching up. Also been hunting silver leucros and morah vines, switching up when I get quite board with one or the other. Any other general advice would be appreciated. Thanks for the help in advance.


Strength : 21 Reflex : 17
Agility : 18 Charisma : 17
Discipline : 20 Wisdom : 19
Intelligence : 21 Stamina : 19

Concentration : 110 Max : 110

Showing all skills that you have skill in.

SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning
Shield Usage: 89 93% clear Leather Armor: 57 79% clear
Light Chain: 90 58% clear Heavy Chain: 2 97% clear
Light Plate: 44 95% clear Heavy Plate: 4 39% clear
Parry Ability: 106 42% clear Multi Opponent: 89 78% clear
Light Edged: 17 19% clear Medium Edged: 79 02% clear
Heavy Edged: 104 21% clear Twohanded Edged: 0 61% clear
Medium Blunt: 30 31% clear Short Bow: 12 78% clear
Light Crossbow: 58 21% clear Heavy Crossbow: 2 45% clear
Quarter Staff: 6 67% clear Light Thrown: 9 48% clear
Brawling: 24 40% clear Offhand Weapon: 13 04% clear
Primary Magic: 155 67% clear Harness Ability: 147 81% clear
Power Perceive: 119 47% clear Magical Devices: 107 93% clear
Targeted Magic: 112 13% clear Evasion: 93 67% learning
Climbing: 49 96% learning Perception: 78 07% clear
Hiding: 53 14% clear Lockpicking: 42 42% clear
Disarm Traps: 41 17% clear Stalking: 26 68% clear
Stealing: 17 61% clear First Aid: 71 65% clear
Foraging: 29 11% clear Escaping: 16 72% clear
Skinning: 68 10% clear Swimming: 40 59% clear
Scholarship: 71 72% learning Mechanical Lore: 65 06% clear
Appraisal: 54 63% learning Teaching: 50 29% clear
Animal Lore: 3 87% clear

Total Ranks Displayed: 2341

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Targeted Spell Suggestions Requested on 05/20/2009 01:08 PM CDT
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Hi all. I'm looking for opinions on good spells for training Targeted Magic with. I am currently 25th circle and I have Ethereal Shield, Fire Shard, Fire Ball, Mantle of Flame, Tremor, Sure Footing, Fist of Stone, Zephyr, Tailwind, Paeldryth's Wrath, Swirling Winds, Vertigo, and Y'ntrel Sechra. As you can see I am focusing on the Earth, Wind, and Fire books. With Aether thrown in there because it's fun.

Now I am honestly not that interested in learning the Electricity or Water books, but I constantly have people telling me to learn Lightning Bolt then Chain Lightning. I understand those are our best spells, but that's just not what I see my character using. If I do need to go after those spells to be able to train I guess I will have to do that. So does anyone have any training tips or suggestions for spells that are not in those two books? Are Stone Strike or Aether Lash good enough to cover for not having Lightning Bolt? Thanks in advance for any help.
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Re: Targeted Spell Suggestions Requested on 05/20/2009 01:13 PM CDT
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ALA still teaches me fine if you want to stay away from the electricity spells


The Empath spellbook is a riddle trapped in an enigma hidden inside a lot of suck.-Armifer
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Re: Targeted Spell Suggestions Requested on 05/20/2009 01:15 PM CDT
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Lash and Stone Strike hold their own against CL as far as TM training

Cute verbs and speaking from hiding are excellent ways to catch a lightning bolt in the face regardless of mystical ninja abilities.

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Re: Targeted Spell Suggestions Requested on 05/20/2009 01:21 PM CDT
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Thanks for the quick replies guys! Now how is the best way to train with them? Fast casts at low prep or should I do fewer casts at a high prep?
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Re: Targeted Spell Suggestions Requested on 05/20/2009 01:24 PM CDT
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<<Now how is the best way to train with them? Fast casts at low prep or should I do fewer casts at a high prep?

PAFO? Everyone's different with attunement needs/playstyle.


Crackling with unspent rage since 386AV.
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Re: Targeted Spell Suggestions Requested on 05/20/2009 01:26 PM CDT
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>>PAFO? Everyone's different with attunement needs/playstyle.

Pretty much, i generally wait for full target as it's easier to script with not having to worry about changing the amount of mana and such

Cute verbs and speaking from hiding are excellent ways to catch a lightning bolt in the face regardless of mystical ninja abilities.

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Re: Targeted Spell Suggestions Requested on 05/20/2009 06:05 PM CDT
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>>As a prefeace, I just got to 28th circle and have been away from the realms for a while. Was looking for some advice on where people think I ought to be putting my TDPs (especially in light of planned changes to EXPERIENCE) as well as what skills I should be focusing on, and what they thought of my character overall at 28th. I realize I need to train up my defenses to better match my heavy edged (primary weapon) and targetted magic, and have been catching up. Also been hunting silver leucros and morah vines, switching up when I get quite board with one or the other. Any other general advice would be appreciated. Thanks for the help in advance.

Looks like you have a pretty good start, skill wise I would catch up your thrown weapon now rather then later. Your brawling seems oddly low as well, it should be easy enough for you to lock by doing bobs while training defenses or LX.

If you plan on wearing the armors that you're training now i assume you're going to continue to work stealth as well. I'd recommend keeping stalk close to hiding, if the two get too far apart from one another you might run into problems later on now that learning on stunned critters is no longer an option.

Stats look pretty good to. What race are you? Raising agility will help you lock weapons faster, discipline and reflex never hurt. Eventually you'll want charisma to 35 so that your fir fam drags every time but i'd hold off on that till 50th obviously. With mentals it looks like intelli will play a big role with the new changes but you'll have to be the judge, if you're not happy with how fast you're learning then bump them up.

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Re: Targeted Spell Suggestions Requested on 05/21/2009 04:00 AM CDT
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Just so you know, the new TM system is going to hit Chain Lightning with several tactical nerf nukes.

Okay, it's probably not going to be that bad, but the spell is going to be reeled in from its extreme training potential. It'll still be good, but it may not be the best. At the same stroke, every single-target TM spell is going to get a boost in teaching potential.

Choose your TM spells with this in mind.

- GM Wythor

What goes up
is futile --
unless it goes out
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Re: Targeted Spell Suggestions Requested on 05/21/2009 04:41 AM CDT
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Thanks Wythor and thanks everyone else! I've decided to take Stone Strike as my next spell. Just one more circle to go. I am quite excited to try it out!

P.S. - Wythor, any rough time frame for when these TM changes will be going in?
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Re: Targeted Spell Suggestions Requested on 05/21/2009 07:17 AM CDT
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I love stone strike. it is similar to other spells as when you pump more mana into the spell the fragments increase in size. also unless your target has a good amount of first aid they will aggravate the wound more when they attempt to tend it
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Re: Targeted Spell Suggestions Requested on 05/21/2009 08:03 AM CDT
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Will CL's potential to actually do damage go up?

- Mazrian

The Flying Company
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Re: Targeted Spell Suggestions Requested on 05/21/2009 03:45 PM CDT
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>>Wythor, any rough time frame for when these TM changes will be going in?

I told the bosses that I'd have it done within a couple of months, and that was a few weeks ago. So far things are going fairly smoothly, so I'd expect a mid to late summer release.

>>Will CL's potential to actually do damage go up?

Very much so. If you take the time to fully target it, the TM skill used will increase by nearly 1/3 of your ranks -- once the new system is rolled out.

It might have to become a little easier to avoid (since its avoidability is gimped right now to offset some of its current offensive penalty), but this increase in defensive potential would only be about half of the offensive increase potential, leaving a net gain of about 1/6 of your TM ranks over the current system.

- GM Wythor

What goes up
is futile --
unless it goes out
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Re: Targeted Spell Suggestions Requested on 05/21/2009 05:00 PM CDT
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I can see why you might not want to comment now, but does this mean CL will still be shooting 22 bolts of doom?
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Re: Targeted Spell Suggestions Requested on 05/21/2009 07:25 PM CDT
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I feel like we've already discussed this before...
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Re: Targeted Spell Suggestions Requested on 05/21/2009 07:34 PM CDT
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>Choose your TM spells with this in mind.

Now if only we could forget spells for free more than twice a year when they get changed.

- Starlear -
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Re: Targeted Spell Suggestions Requested on 05/21/2009 10:21 PM CDT
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>I told the bosses that I'd have it done within a couple of months, and that was a few weeks ago. So far things are going fairly smoothly, so I'd expect a mid to late summer release.

My biggest complaint about the host of new systems (Crafting, Armor, EXP) has been the reluctance to suggest a release time frame.
On TM: Couple of months? Sometime this summer? Thank you! Finally, some dates to plan by! (Note: PLEASE do not hold Wythor to this! Delays happen and there are MANY great reasons for delays.)

As a way of helping us with the changes, it could be great if we could forget 2 or 3 extra spells. (Don't need to reset my whole book, but moving some stuff around might be nice...)

Thanks for keeping us up to date, Wythor!
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Re: Targeted Spell Suggestions Requested on 05/25/2009 01:08 AM CDT
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>>I can see why you might not want to comment now, but does this mean CL will still be shooting 22 bolts of doom?

While I was tweaking CL a few nights ago (the tweak is currently in QC) I noticed that the maximum number of bolts possible is 24.

The spell won't be losing its stranglehold on the area-effect arena as a result of the TM rewrite, since spending more targeting time will make it more lethal than it currently is. Its learning potential will probably be scaled back a bit though.

>>As a way of helping us with the changes, it could be great if we could forget 2 or 3 extra spells.

That's up to the bosses, but I wouldn't be overly concerned by the TM rewrite as a whole. The purpose of the rewrite is to make the majority of TM spells better, and create an internally consistent system that is capable of keeping up with the wild imagination of spell designers.

- GM Wythor

What goes up
is futile --
unless it goes out
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