M3 Status Update - WM on 02/03/2012 08:22 PM CST
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1) Are the WM issues that you mentioned which are slowing progress more so from the newer functionality spells such as Ignite and the "unnamed" familiar combat spell or rather from things such as Elementalism/Pathways?

2) Will the pathways be getting an overhaul for M3? For instance, I know some such as Pathway Power which helps penetrate a person's innnate magical resistance (which is going away) will become a bit useless. Or will this pathway be changed instead to work effectively against barrier spells which will really hamstring our guild's strong suit, TM?

3) Could you elaborate, in whatever detail you are willing to provide, on how our PM will break down into the new skills? Will it all be automatically grandfathered? Will we have an option to allocate/specialize how we want? Would 500 PM translate into roughly 500 in all the new skills via grandfathering roughly? Etc.

4) Do you plan to do a fair amount of testing for M3 in the test realm?

I know you all have lives to lead outside of DR so the time you spend and amazing work you all are providing upstairs is greatly appreciated (congrats btw on the grad program I believe you've mentioned). Thank you.

- P
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Re: M3 Status Update - WM on 02/03/2012 08:49 PM CST
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>>1) Are the WM issues that you mentioned which are slowing progress more so from the newer functionality spells such as Ignite and the "unnamed" familiar combat spell or rather from things such as Elementalism/Pathways?

Actually, Ignite's functionality has been resolved and it should make release. Should. Unnamed familiar combat spell is a much bigger kettle of fish. The only thing WM issues are slowing me down on at the moment is spell conversions.

>>2) Will the pathways be getting an overhaul for M3?

Zeyurn and I are still going over them. Part of the benefit/curse of having to plug in the Pathways again is that we can't help but review them.

>>3) Could you elaborate, in whatever detail you are willing to provide, on how our PM will break down into the new skills? Will it all be automatically grandfathered? Will we have an option to allocate/specialize how we want? Would 500 PM translate into roughly 500 in all the new skills via grandfathering roughly? Etc.

I'd like to keep this under my hat for now, since this is a Very Important thing and people are going to scream if I say one thing then need to do another.

>>4) Do you plan to do a fair amount of testing for M3 in the test realm?

Yes. Socharis has already set our target for a Test release.

"In our days truth is taken to result from the effacing of the living man behind the mathematical structures that think themselves out in him, rather than he be thinking them." - Emmanuel Levinas
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Re: M3 Status Update - WM on 02/09/2012 01:26 PM CST
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I think i recall this being talked about before, but will there be any easing on environment restrictions on our spells? Like being indoors, in or under water, and the in the rain?

They talked a bit about making water and similiar combat more viable over in the combat 3.0 thread, so i was wondering.

I think we have 3 non analogous pure- Tm spells that work in the water- fos, ael, and ala; rimefang works if you cast before swimming, but the water snuff's all air, fire, and most earth spells, and elec and water just being even less favorable options.

I don't mind environment restrictions or synergy with spells, I just wish it didn't make everything fizzle.

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
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Re: M3 Status Update - WM on 02/09/2012 01:34 PM CST
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>>I think i recall this being talked about before, but will there be any easing on environment restrictions on our spells? Like being indoors, in or under water, and the in the rain?

Yes. It's part of the dynamic we're defining between Magic Prime guilds (MMs also dealing with environment, Clerics constrained by Alignment) and it's another thing to add depth to choosing how you want to murder something.

Also bear in mind that you'll have optional access to a perfectly legitimate, 1-slot TM blasters for every element except Aether. You only ever need to take one, but nothing stops you from taking more if the diversity is prudent for you.

"In our days truth is taken to result from the effacing of the living man behind the mathematical structures that think themselves out in him, rather than he be thinking them." - Emmanuel Levinas
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