Skinning 3.0 and Warrior mages on 03/19/2012 06:18 PM CDT
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Ok folks the new skinning 3.0 has broken some things for warrior mages. Last night while helping a young warrior mage get some Pathways, we discovered that at least some of the new skinning items were not being accepted as actual skinned items by Gauthus the guild leader. One in particular was the frogs out the east gate of leth. I had the young war mage get 7 skins of the frogs (On the off chance that since only skins were available before they might be the only accepted items) and he also got 4 frog legs because he failed to use ARRANGE FROG FOR SKIN, SKIN FROG, and it defaulted to random item. Upon return to Gauthus, the items (both skins and legs) were ignored by the guild leader and he was unable to get his pathway of conserve I think it was. And yes I thought at first it was over the time limit but we checked that out and it wasn't. So we asked about another pathway and he got kill a grendel. Well I just happened to anticipate that the night before and got him a grendel ear (before skinning 3.0 was put in). Gauthus accepted it and he got the pathway. There is every indication that none of the new skins will be accepted by the guild leader until he is adjusted to the new skins/parts. I have bugged this in game, but figured you folks should know.

Ranger Pfanston and his soggy puppy.
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Re: Skinning 3.0 and Warrior mages on 03/19/2012 06:46 PM CDT
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I thought that pathway quest needed the frogs out the east gate of Riverhaven? Were you hunting the correct frogs?
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Re: Skinning 3.0 and Warrior mages on 03/19/2012 09:29 PM CDT
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Thats correct out the east gate of riverhaven those were the frogs he got the skins, legs from.
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