Near-Trader Experience on 02/21/2006 08:15 PM CST
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Ok, so, the other day I walked into the gem shop down in Shard to get a gem pouch. I have a bad habit of losing them.

Anyways, there's this Trader in there with the title "Scammer". I don't quite remember his name. But as soon as I walked in he says, "Need to sell some pouches?" and gives me one of those Trader handshakes. Ok this really creeped me out.

First off, the Trader handshake has always seemed a little much for me but it also triggers one of my "you feel" highlights in StormFront.

Second off, and this was the really creepy part, was the room was littered with gem pouches. Most of them were red. There were other colors, and some fuzzy ones, but mostly it was a red gem pouch, a red gem pouch, a red gem pouch, a red gem pouch, a red gem pouch, and a red gem pouch.

The whole scene just really seemed surreal to me and not just because I was drinking at 9 in the morning. I mean the little fallen gem pouches reminded me of nothing so much as the fallen corpses of the Trader's slaked thirst and here I come in, an unexpected meal, and the Trader starts sizing me up with a glint in his eye, running his tongue over those pointy vampire teeth of his...

Really though if there was any PC Guild that would be qualifed to be Undead it would be Traders. We have the slow, shambling Traders dragging their heavy weights of perdition across the land, and the sleek fanged vampire Traders that show up in the Markets and Gem Shops...

Is this an irrational fear? Hmm.

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Re: Near-Trader Experience on 02/21/2006 11:07 PM CST
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Creepy traders? No, you're not the only one.
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