Guild brethren,
During my studies I’ve noticed that some of our Guild documents often leave me with a few new questions that go unanswered in any further text. After consulting with a more experienced Guildmember it has become apparent that many of you have also developed questions about facets of our Guild that you have not yet discovered the answers to, either. While these questions do not prohibit our training or prevent us from defending the cities, there is a benefit to knowledge and higher education.
As such, I hereby invite all guildmembers to bring forth any lurking queries you’ve uncovered in your studies for a formal discussion to take place outside of Arhat’s old tower in Zoluren at the time and date listed below. Once everyone has spoken of their unsolved intrigues we shall then decide upon the three most interesting topics discussed. I will then send a missive to the Guild in hopes that our Guildleaders can shed any light on the questions we’ve put forth.
To avoid any confusion, I will give a historical example:
Consider this question: Our Guild was founded by Arhat the Fire Lion after the Resistance Wars. However, we know that Guild leadership is operated by the Grovekeepers, an ancient group persisting since the Age of Myths. How did this come to pass? Was Arhat a member? Did they step in to keep us whole during the rise of the Dragon Priest Empire? What event took place that reunited us with the Grovekeepers?
While I’m sure some of your questions will involve history I imagine just as many studies involve the Elemental Planes, spell work, and so on.
I look forward to speaking with my peers.
DATE: January 6th
LOCATION: Arhat’s Tower outside the Northeast Gate of Crossing
Lingering Questions: A Warrior Mage social on 12/13/2015 07:42 AM CST
Re: Lingering Questions: A Warrior Mage social on 12/15/2015 07:01 PM CST
This is very interesting to me, and I have several theories as well to share. My character has been growing increasingly interested in WM history. I'll definitely be there. We haven't had much of anything going on related to our guild in a while, so I think this is a great way to get started.
- Saragos
- Saragos
Re: Lingering Questions: A Warrior Mage social on 12/31/2015 07:30 AM CST
Re: Lingering Questions: A Warrior Mage social on 01/06/2016 10:44 PM CST
This was great. Thanks for hosting this! If you have your questions for Guild Leadership submitted, I'll incorporate what answers I can into the Gebuys event when I run it in Prime.
That one guy
If you have questions or comments in regard to this post please email me at
That one guy
If you have questions or comments in regard to this post please email me at
Re: Lingering Questions: A Warrior Mage social on 01/06/2016 11:58 PM CST
Here's my unedited log, I missed a tiny bit of the beginning, and another minute in between.
Perune says, "The idea of this gathering is to discuss a few topics of unknown or missing knowledge in any area related to the Guild.."
Perune says, "And then, pick a small number, say 3, which I shall publically submit to the Guildleadership for review to hopefully have us educated on those facets."
Munchausen asks, "How do we know what we don't know?"
Perune says, "Good question."
Saragos quietly says to Redeth, "Thanks. I'm used to some of the more experienced folks taking charge, but I did the best I could in their absence."
Perune says, "Allow me to demonstrate what I mean with a subject I've been thinking of lately."
Perune says, "You can consider this my submission for the day."
Perune says, "On a historical note.."
Redeth quietly says, "Most of it."
Perune says, "Arhat created the Guild, yet the Grovekeepers are decidedly it's leaders."
Perune asks, "So my question is, how did we, as a Guild, re-align with the Grovekeepers following that war?"
Xionara softly says, "Ooh. Class."
Munchausen says, "I read that old book, before the clans even."
Perune says, "We have no open historical document on this."
Munchausen says, "Said the groveskeepers were the ones who stayed behind, did not form a clan."
Munchausen says, "Stayed with the rock."
Perune says, "Yup."
Perune says, "Far into the past, Age of Myths almost."
Saragos says, "I've got some theories of my own on the subject. I've been doing some study of the history of the Guild myself."
Perune says, "I think we could benefit, as students, to know a bit more history on that subject. If only a little."
Saragos says, "I think you have to see the modern guild in the context of Empire. For thousands of years, there were just the Clans, and elemental mages lived out their lives without any overarching structure beyond that."
Perune says, "Anyone who has any ideas on the subject may share them. I merely submit this for discussion and possibly as an idea to submit to Guildleadership."
Saragos asks, "Elven-Human wars came along, I think they changed everything. Suddenly every elemental mage had learned how to blow things up and tear folks apart with magic. So after the war ended... then what?"
Xionara softly says, "I thought Mazrian was coming."
Munchausen says, "Mercenary work, militia work."
Redeth quietly says, "He's an expectant father. Likely his wife has duties for him."
Saragos says, "The Empire built the College of War Magic itself - it didn't grow up organically. The histories say initially only 5 percent or so of elemental mages were members."
Xionara softly says, "Likely their effort to control the mages."
Saragos says to Xionara, "My thoughts exactly. You've got all these hotheads - have to do something with 'em."
Xionara softly says, "I could see why most mages would not want to be counted, like that."
Saragos says, "But over time, the College gained in prominence. By the time the Empire crumbled, it looks like the Clans were amenable to joining up with Arhat. Likely based on his reputation during the war and association with Lanival."
Xionara softly says to Saragos, "First rule of war, know your enemy. Who they are, where they are."
Munchausen says, "I doubt even Arhat himself could unite all the clans."
Redeth quietly says, "It was hard to look the Fire Lion in the eye."
Liurilias says, "Er, hi."
Saragos says, "So, to come back to the original point... my question is whether the Grovekeepers took that point to hook up with the new Guild, or whether they were pulling strings in the background throughout the Imperial days."
Xionara softly says to Liurilias, "Herro."
Perune says, "A good point too, since we know they were definitely involved then."
Perune says, "They helped to secure the College after its fall."
Xionara softly says, "Once the Empire had fallen, I'm sure most mages thought the College could succeed on its own, and were more likely to join."
Perune says, "Perhaps so."
Perune asks, "Did anyone else have any other theories or ideas on that subject?"
Saragos says, "I think, you're used to being part of a group, it's easy just to keep on doing it, even if that group change form."
Xionara softly says, "There's that, too."
Xionara softly says, "But if mages had problems with the Empire and the Empire was no longer a factor, well there you go."
Perune says to Saragos, "Always easier to stick with what you know, at least in your own mind I think."
Saragos says, "Especially since, as far as I know, the schism didn't really divide the College itself."
The black leopard growls, "Isn't it more likey that the College already had a strong Structure and orginzational purpose by that point, whereas the clans had... nothing? And the collapse of the Empire drove people to seek order where they could find it?"
Xionara softly says, "That's possible."
Xionara softly says, "There were likely a number of factors."
Saragos says, "It's possible. But that actually gets more into one of my big questions. What exactly was the nature of the settlement that brought some of the Clans into the guild? The main History makes it seem like a meeting happened, but I honestly don't trust that book very much. Seems rather whitewashed."
Redeth quietly says, "The desire for power."
Saragos says, "I wonder if the fledgling College waged a covert war against the Clans."
Redeth quietly says, "A unified outlook and shared experience in Elemental magic was the goal. They came together out of the lust for power."
Munchausen says, "The clans war with each other."
Perune says, "I was under the impression that from working with Arhat, they saw a usefulness in a College style approach."
Redeth quietly says, "Something I can...empathize with."
Munchausen says, "I'd bet the clans saw the college as simply another clan."
The black leopard growls, "of course, no one thing is ever a cause. My master simply posits that, in a time of chaos people will naturally tend to seek shelter where they can. This also plays into the aforementioned theory of machinations by the Grovekeepers, who depsite remaining aloof obvious retained some influence"
Saragos says, "I mean, until then, most of the clans mentioned are focused around individual Elements and fighting amongst themselves. Someone offered to put that all together in one organization, where I didn't have to seek out half a dozen masters, I'd want to join too."
Munchausen says, "The college would accept those of all affinities."
Saragos says to Munchausen, "I suspect that was their big selling point."
Munchausen says, "In the time of the clan, a mage with a propensity for water would be killed by the fire clan."
Munchausen says, "Should he find himself discovering the elements in the wrong clan."
Navesi says, "There is much power in different perspectives coming together, I might add. The ability to solve problems that otherwise are quite stubborn."
Perune asks Saragos, "Is that one of the questions you wish to submit? About the Clans joining the current Guild as it stands?"
Saragos says, "Well, I'd probably word it differently."
The black leopard growls, "We also shouldn't discount the Cult of Personality theory either though. If the Grovekeepers sought to bring the clans together, who better to enlist than Arhat?"
Saragos says, "That's a very good point indeed."
Perune says, "I agree. Well thought out."
The black leopard growls, "By using a famous mage and renowned warrior who had an already established power base, most of the ground work was done. Everything else was diplomacy and propaganda"
Saragos says, "I'd like to know more about the College of War Magic. What sort of repression was laid out against the Clans, how they fit into the Imperial apparatus, and how they figured into the Empire's wars of expansion. I would also like to know if they were the first to call us Warrior Mages instead of Elemental Mages."
Saragos says, "It seems to me that whoever got that name to stick did a good bit to change history."
Navesi asks Saragos, "I should know my history on this better, but might it have had anything to do with the rise of a different set of Elemental mages?"
Xionara softly says, "I'm no good with this kind of history."
Redeth quietly says to Xionara, "I'm not good with any kind."
Navesi says, "Bards, I'm talking about bards."
Xionara softly says to Redeth, "Hmm."
Munchausen asks, "Are they mages in the sense?"
Navesi asks, "Are you saying we're not?"
Perune says, "I'd say they are."
Munchausen says, "Bards have been called many things."
Xionara softly says, "Bards are mages."
Navesi says, "Personally I would call us mages."
Xionara softly says, "They have access to elemental streams. But they use the magic differently than we do."
Perune says, "Their magic is different but quite useful in war times, as well."
Xionara softly says, "And.. pardon me if I offend.. but I do not think the study of magic is quite so obsessive for a bard as it is for a warrior mage."
You say, "They weave much of their magic together with music, that does not mean that they are not mages."
Navesi says, "All I am saying is that with other Elemental mages around, it's possible that it helped push your guild ancestors toward a new name."
The black leopard growls, "Although it's certainly possible that the change in name occured due to the... evolutions of other uses of elemental mana, my master think's it more likely that the name evolved out of efforts of the early guild to 'brand' itself"
Munchausen asks, "So anyone who uses magics can consider themself a mage?"
Redeth quietly says, "I wouldn't. It's good they've chosen the Elemental realms as their focus of study, but a mage devotes their life to it. A Bard devotes their life to lore. Magically inclined scholars or performers. As with anything there are exceptions but across the board? No...they are not mages."
The black leopard growls, "That allowed them to take advantage of Lanival's legacy, and attract the new, younger blooded mages who would be critical to establishing an orginzation"
Navesi says to Redeth, "Your blunt appraisals are always appreciated."
Redeth quietly says to Navesi, "Thank you."
Xionara softly says, "I consider them lesser mages."
Perune says, "The leopard makes excellent points for its companion."
Xionara softly says, "Not meant to be offensive, just based on how focused they are on the study of magic."
Navesi says, "And you lot are lesser tacticians, I suppose."
Munchausen says, "The way the moon mages look at the stars is the way we look towards the element, I feel."
Saragos says, "Well, we know that they 'war' was in the picture as early as 863 BL, when the College of War Magic was sanctioned."
Xionara softly says, "We are warrior mages, tactics are a part of war."
Redeth quietly says, "Agreed."
Redeth quietly says, "Tact and tactics I lack."
Navesi says to Xionara, "Ah, but we study it with alacrity. But I didn't mean to cause a digression into the differences between our guilds."
Xionara softly says, "You know battle strategy better than most I would think."
Perune says to Munchausen, "Using that analogy I can say I have seen a lot of things that I don't understand, so I guess that's true."
Redeth quietly says, "I know how to stand on a line. If I were to lead people into battle I would likely be the only one to walk out the other side. Pick a Bard or a Paladin for battle plans. A Warmage is a blunt instrument, swung wide and devastating."
Xionara softly says, "I agree to disagree."
Saragos says to Redeth, "I'd take issue with that to an extent. Leadership isn't about battle prowess. But yes. We are instruments of destruction."
Mazrian quietly says, "Got a bit tied up. Pardon me, that."
Elisven says to Liurilias, "Thank you."
Perune asks, "Saragos has submitted some ideas about discovering more about our history with the Imperial College. Does anyone else have some other realms of our Guild they'd like to explore?"
Redeth quietly says to Mazrian, "I told them your wife had you on a short leash."
Saragos says, "And for a weapon, the question is always, 'Who wields it and at what is it pointed?'."
Liurilias says to Elisven, "Quite welcome."
Saragos quietly says to Mazrian, "Good to see you."
Mazrian says to Redeth, "Not far wrong."
Perune says to Mazrian, "Glad you could make it."
Xionara softly says to Mazrian, "I'm pleased that you could make it."
Mazrian says, "Wouldn't have missed it."
The black leopard growls, "Of course, there are several areas of our history that are regrettably vague. More information on the Grovekeepers would be worth it's weight in... well maybe not tyrium, but certainly it would be valuable."
Perune says, "It need not be only history."
Pruina says, "Jeeze...already have targeted magic thoughts coming out of my ears."
Perune says, "But if your companion has any specific areas of history he'd like you to raise, we're all ears."
Saragos says, "Present guild structure is a bit mysterious. We've got all of the guildleaders, then there's High Lord Daervlan, Lord of the Void, and then the Grovekeepers beyond that."
The black leopard growls, "I've already expressed my master's interpretaion of the early years, so I won't continue on that track. But some interesting tangentials are the Suur pillar and the Zalfung stones, for a start"
Mazrian says, "Lord of the Void is sort of off in his own corner, doing his own thing."
Xionara softly says, "Speaking of present guild structure, and guildmasters."
Pruina says, "Oh! I know that one...Laethilore...or something like that."
Elisven says, "Wow."
Whiteburn asks, "...urrem'tier?"
Pruina says, "He's the boss of all the Warmages."
Xionara softly asks, "Is there something wrong with Gauthus?"
Saragos says, "Lathaelor."
Elisven says to Liurilias, "Thank you very much."
Munchausen says, "I thought Meraud was."
Liurilias says to Elisven, "Don't mention it."
Perune says, "I'm under the impression he's a bit of a counter balance incase any of us goes too far off the beaten path."
Perune says, "And that he basically manages himself."
Perune says, "Speaking of the Lord of the Void, that is."
The black leopard growls, "That title is new to us. We would love to hear more concerning this Lord of the Void"
Saragos says, "I don't think we know for certain that Lathaelor is in charge of the Grovekeepers. Last I heard of him making himself seen was when the Pathways were revealed and Galain became the first to hit the hundredth circle."
Xionara softly says, "That would have been quite a long time ago."
Redeth quietly says, "If he's responsible for y'ntrel sechra he needs to have his arse removed."
Munchausen asks, "I know we can summon weapons, and familiars and fissures....what else could be shaped and summoned from the planes? in what ways can we expand our arsenal?"
Saragos says to Xionara, "I'm an old man."
Mazrian says, "I don't think Lathaelor is in charge of anything, precisely."
Xionara softly says to Saragos, "You don't look so old."
Perune asks Mazrian, "Oh?"
Saragos says to Xionara, "I've got a good Empath."
Mazrian says, "He has the power to do what he wants. So he pokes his head in where he will."
Navesi says to Xionara, "He takes care of himself."
Whiteburn says, "It's always hard to tell with smoothskins."
Mazrian says, "Presumably he's got projects and an agenda."
Perune says, "Gauthus didn't seem too pleased about Lathaelor demanding we be taught about Pathways, at least when he spoke to me."
Xionara softly asks, "Is there something wrong with Gauthus?"
Perune asks Xionara, "In what way?"
Woten says, "Or something wrong with the pathways..."
Xionara softly says, "He sits inside the hall when necromancers drop constructs right in front of his door."
You say, "I think that would depend on who you ask."
Xionara softly says, "Kssarh is more.. aware then he is."
Munchausen says, "Heh...he was stationed here, he must not be well liked."
Ograth says, "Careful, he might hear you."
Saragos says, "Sometimes you have something powerful on your hands, you don't know if you can trust the rabble. I think we've all seen members of our guild who misuse their powers."
Redeth quietly says, "He's overly conservative for my tastes. Apprentice under Tyrsan for a decade or two."
Xionara softly says, "Crossing is the largest guild, it's a big responsibility. He ought to be protecting the young ones."
Perune says, "I imagine he thinks we should be able to defend our Guild without him."
Xionara softly says, "I have great respect for his ability, but not so much for his silence."
Saragos says, "His job's to teach. I think our job is to protect."
Xionara softly says to Saragos, "Stationing myself outside the front doors would prevent me from training."
Xionara softly says, "He ought to do more."
Saragos says, "Also, he may be involved in things we don't know about. After all, I think it's fairly well known that Melear's concentration is required to keep that stormcloud from eating Shard."
Navesi says to Xionara, "Someone has to stay and teach."
Mazrian says, "Think of it this way: The foes that come around to the front of the guild are for the most part the LEAST scary things you're likely to meet in your long career. That's training."
Perune says to Xionara, "I understand what you mean, though I think Mazrian does make a good point."
Woten says to Perune, "Another area I'm personally interested in is the history of Chyolvea Tayeu'a, and our reclamation of same. The Hall of Power is magnificent, and the magical wonders in the Guildleader's alcove are unrivaled in my experience, yet so little is actually known."
Mazrian asks, "Have you wandered the fortress? Looked at everything in detail?"
Woten says, "It is... magnificant."
Liurilias quietly says, "Sometimes there is a difference between what is known and what is shared."
Xionara softly says, "Chyolvea Tayeu'a..."
Mazrian says, "...magnificently disturbing."
Woten says, "Sometimes the most beauty is found at the boundaries of a thing."
Perune asks Mazrian, "I've yet to be able to make the trip, could you describe that a bit?"
Pruina says, "Might be a good field excursion after this."
Woten says, "Centers are always the same, edges are where things become interesting. Chyvolea Tayeu'a is an edge unlike any other."
Saragos says, "It is very likely that Chyolvea Tayeu'a is the Citadel of legend. Archaeological information from there would be invaluable to discover what actualy happened all those thousands of years ago to break up the Council. Perhaps something or Gealeranendae College to investigate."
Saragos says, "Something for, that is."
Xionara softly asks, "The Citadel of Legend?"
Perune says, "A group of Elemental Mages protecting Elanthia, predates the War College."
Mazrian says, "Perhapse. It's a majestic place, in many ways. Austere in its place in the mountains. As you wander around, if you look at especially the religious art, you'll get a sense of wrongness."
Xionara softly says, "It is too bad that group is not still around for me to appeal to."
Xionara softly says to Mazrian, "What religious art."
Munchausen says, "Heh."
Mazrian says, "There's at least one tapestry depicting...well, you should see it."
Saragos says, "Somewhere around thirty-five hundred years ago, it was the first big gathering of elemental mages into an organization. Some say it was founded by the surviving members of the Four."
Woten says, "There is also the mysterious Mage of Storms from Shard. The fruits of those labours are still our sworn duty to contain. A true testament both to our strength and our weakness."
Whiteburn slowly asks Mazrian, "Depicting what?"
Perune says to Mazrian, "Sounds like maybe we should organize a trip for the whole Guild."
Munchausen says, "Yea that book said the forebears of the clerics shunned the elemental practitioners."
Mazrian says, "It would be interesting, to say the least."
Munchausen says, "Anythin holy and elemental? bah I don't trust it."
Saragos says, "Paeldryth's Tale is worth reading as well. Supposedly our climate has been permanently changed through the use of air elementals. Our magics can be dangerous if poorly used."
Perune says to Munchausen, "Some believe Firulf convinced them to do that so we'd gather, finally."
Woten says, "With regards to our mountain stronghold, words cannot do it justice. That being said, some things are best left discovered vice shown."
Mazrian says, "Like I said, it's hard to describe. And rather disturbing. The inhabitants of the fortress clearly had truck with the Vykathi and were influenced by the same."
Navesi quietly says, "As can most."
Saragos says to Munchausen, "Personally, though, I don't know how much credit I give that book. The rigor of it is suspect in a number of places and we're talking about sometin that happened thousands of years ago. I certainly wouldn't hold it against any modern clerics."
Woten says to Mazrian, "Have you been through the... oh what's it called, the portal..."
Perune says to Saragos, "I think that goes for all magic, really."
Mazrian says to Woten, "Oh, yes, several times."
Woten says, "Starts with an E..."
Xionara softly asks Woten, "What is this portal you speak of?"
Woten says, "The hive gives me the creeps. The vykathi, however sentient they might be, are as alien to us as the Elpalzi, probably more so."
Mazrian says, "Moreso. And they are very sentient."
Munchausen says, "To float thru time and space...that contraption in the college does interest me."
Woten says to Xionara, "That is perhaps the most guarded secret of Chyvolea."
Whiteburn crossly says, "I've had quite enough of those insects infesting my treasure boxes."
Xionara softly asks, "What is this?"
Woten says to Xionara, "If you ever make the journey, that will allow access to the... Ah what is it called..."
Whiteburn says, "...but they do know to quickly turn back to sand rather than face me. So I suppose I must give their intellect some consideration."
Woten says to Xionara, "Eh, the portal to their hive."
Xionara softly says, "Ah."
Xionara softly says, "I see."
Woten says, "The experience is not pleasant. Not at all."
Redeth quietly says, "Educational though."
Mazrian quietly says, "Years ago, the vykathi spawned a queen ...perhaps by accident...and the hive was disturbed for awhile. They tried to spread out and invade."
Saragos says, "If you are interested in making a journey, there are some texts in the Throne City Exclusive Library that cannot be found elsewhere. Particularly the Treatises on Elemental Magic."
Perune asks, "I'm guessing that didn't end well for them?"
Xionara softly says, "I am curious to see what kind of place these Vykathi live in."
Mazrian says to Perune, "We're not feeding vykathi larva, so no, it didn't."
Redeth quietly says, "That is my favorite book."
Pruina asks, "The Treatise?"
Pruina says, "Boring."
Xionara softly says, "Someone needs to make me a list of all these books in chronological order so I can read them."
Mazrian says, "Most of the early writing about the guild smacks more of myth than anything else."
Woten says, "Gah, I'm going to have to go back down south just to remember the name of that portal to the hive."
Redeth quietly says, "And is painted in annoyingly broad strokes. "They didn't enjoy being stupid and they banded together."
Perune says, "Might be due to so much of the history being from long ago ages, must have been a lot of interest there at one point."
Redeth quietly says, "Little detail to be had."
Whiteburn asks, "Have the vykathi ever escaped from their hive?"
Redeth quietly says, "Quite a few times."
Munchausen says, "Meh, where the guild is from, not so important as where it is going."
Saragos asks, "The subject of the Zaulfung Stones was brought up earlier. I would like to bring up that subject, if no one objects?"
Perune says, "Please, go ahead."
Whiteburn says to Munchausen, "We must never forget our history, or we are bound to repeat the same mistakes of the past."
Munchausen says to Whiteburn, "Remind me not to side with the S'kra during the next war."
Woten says, "A true magical mystery. They are a creation unrivaled as far as I'm aware, completely flouting all known laws of elemental conservation."
Saragos says, "I believe every mage could stand to read the Treatise on the Elements in Throne City. Among other things, it describes the dangers of Sorcery. Without getting into current politics, I think it's worth pointing out that both Blackfire and the Voidspell are thought to have been Sorcerous in nature."
Whiteburn pointedly says to Munchausen, "Trust me... that would not trouble me over much."
Perune says, "Would explain a lot with the Voidspell."
Xionara softly says, "Sorcery. A dangerous thing, but something to be understood too, if one is to combat it."
Saragos says, "The Zaulfung stones are elementally charged. The leading theory on them is that they are drawing in elemental energy to keep the Void out, in a very crude way of putting it."
Ograth says to Xionara, "Careful, that line of thinking can also lead to trouble."
Xionara softly says, "All thinking can be troublesome."
Saragos says, "It is also theorized that the presence of the Void can open holes that allow things from... outside to leak in. Anyone who has been the Zaulfung has seen the devastation there."
Woten says to Mazrian, "Something Egress maybe..."
Mazrian says, "It's something like that."
Saragos says, "The thing known as Maelshyve has a place of strength there. It is worth considering that such may be the result of Elemental Mages using Sorcery in the past."
Saragos says, "I would not want to be responsible for a catastrophe of that nature happening again. This, aside from the other dangers of Sorcery."
Perune asks, "You mean the corruption?"
Saragos says, "And possibly Maelshyve's arrival onto the Plane of Abiding."
Perune asks, "Hmm, that is interesting. So your question is if Elemental Sorcery was the cause for devestation there?"
Woten asks Saragos, "Well, the Zaulfung Stones are the solution to the problem in the swamps. It's been some time since I read the 'report', if you can call it that, but were Warrior Mages to blame for the weaking in the domain wall there?"
Saragos says, "It's not certain - few from the past is, and many records were lost. But it fits the facts."
Woten says, "I thought Farn's Company shored up the gap that was caused by something else."
Munchausen says, "Im bettin the right elemental planes and a little holy mana would rip a hole quick in our plane here."
Xionara softly says, "I wonder if someone might teach a bit of debilitation..."
Saragos says to Woten, "My theory is that the wound was formed when the Voidspell was first cast, possible THE casting by the Four. The wound festered until Imperial times, when Farn's Company was formed to deal with it."
Perune says to Saragos, "Color me intrigued."
Liurilias asks Perune, "Out of curiosity, what color would you think intrigued to be?"
Saragos says, "It's worth noting that Sorrow had truck with Sidhlot and wanted to do... something with the Stones. He may have been seeking to open that hole again."
Woten says, "Too little is known of the voidspell to say, but from what I understand of the Void, it's possible."
Perune says, "Good question. Yellow maybe."
Maxwelinski says, "Hey everyone."
Maxwelinski says, "I saw all the animals."
Whiteburn asks Saragos, "I thought the stones were raised to hold back the power of the nameless evil... the foul beast known now as Maelshyve?"
Maxwelinski asks, "Petting zoo?"
Xionara softly says, "Is there a reason we cannot permanently close this .... tear into the void. Why do we leave it there? Is the Zaulfang Stones the only solution.."
Woten says, "Either way, this has been an entertaining and informative meeting, but we must be moving on."
Perune says to Maxwelinski, "Good morning."
Saragos says, "Not exactly pleasant conversation, I know."
Perune says to Maxwelinski, "Warrior Mage discussion, feel free to take part."
Saragos says to Whiteburn, "According to the texts in Throne City, it's likely that the Voidspell poked the hole that Maelshyve used to get in."
Maxwelinski says, "Oh, just passing through."
Mazrian says, "I do have a question we might raise, before I need to step out."
Perune says to Mazrian, "Of course."
Perune says, "It is getting on, we should likley discuss which ones we should present to the Guild leadership."
Mazrian says, "We're taught a simple, standard cosmology of the elemental planes."
Mazrian says, "Six elements in opposed pairs, diagrams showing their relations."
Mazrian says, "But all those relationships are wrong in the details."
Mazrian says, "In fact, the physics becomes almost arcane."
Mazrian asks, "So what is actually going on?"
Xionara softly asks, "What do you mean, the relationships are wrong in the details?"
Mazrian says, "We're taught there are three pairs of opposed elements. Earth-Air, Water-Fire, Aether-Electricity."
Saragos asks Mazrian, "You're speaking of the possibilities of other elements existing?"
Perune says, "Part of the cosmology was developed before the Electricity realm was even discovered, so that makes sense."
Mazrian says, "Among other things."
Mazrian says, "Those pairings are fluid, Xionara. Any element can oppose any other."
Mazrian says, "Which is just...odd. Like water running uphill."
Mazrian says, "And Electricity is different in several ways from the other elements."
Mazrian says, "Doesn't fit the standard model at all."
Saragos quietly says, ""I wish we had a surviving copy of Hh'reshh's Principles of Elemental Magic."
Mazrian asks, "So what other elements might be out there, and what are we really doing when we tap them?"
Perune says, "It's possible it's actually a merger of elements. It's realm is whether two others meet."
Xionara softly says, ")Mazrian I think that some of them are more oppositional than others yes, but .."
Balaraj asks, "How do i get the blackfire?"
Perune says, "And such other realms may exist."
Xionara softly says to Balaraj, "I would like to know the answer to that question myself."
Mazrian says, "Something to think on."
Saragos says to Balaraj, "If I knew, I'd fight to keep that knowledge hidden."
Mazrian says, "Be safe, everyone."
Balaraj asks, "Is it possible ta harness the light and darkness?"
Xionara softly says, "It's odd to just blurt it out, that question."
Perune says, "Thanks for coming."
Xionara softly says, "Quite a controversial topic."
Ograth says, "I suppose tearing one hole in our plane just wasn't enough."
Whiteburn slowly says, "My thoughts exactly."
Saragos asks Perune, "So, the questions?"
Perune says, "Yes, so."
Xionara softly says, "I still think we ought to find out if anything beyond the Zaulfang Stones can be done to close that tear."
Whiteburn says, "The stones appear to be working as they should."
Xionara softly says, "Why do we need stones at all, can't we just eliminate the tear."
Saragos says, "I suspect what can be done with existing knowledge has been done. The Stones are beyond our current knowledge - at least common knowledge."
Saragos says to Xionara, "I don't believe it to be that simple."
Xionara softly says, "All our unified knowledge, with guildhalls everywhere, and we know less than we did, perhaps."
Perune says, "It seems we have questions on The Grovekeepers re-uniting with our current Guild, Guild hierarchy itself, broad questions about the Imperial College, about the history of Chyolvea Tayeu'a, a question about what caused the devastation in Zaulfung, and.."
Perune says, "The actual cosmology of the Elements."
Saragos says, "That pretty much covers it. I think the first three are the ones we're likely to get answers on."
Perune asks, "Think so?"
Perune says, "Personally, your question about the Zaulfung is very intriguing to me."
Saragos says, "Well, the fourth one is controvrsial to say the least, and not much may be known about the fifth other than theories."
Perune says, "We should probably cut down the number we submit to three, though, in hopes of getting answers at all."
Nylhhsha asks, "Why the crowd?"
Perune says, "If I submit a large list of questions, I'm not sure how well received it will be, though we can always submit more later."
Navesi says to Nylhhsha, "We're gathering to discuss Warrior Mage history."
Nylhhsha says, "Ah."
Perune asks, "Do the other Warrior Mages present have an idea on which subjects they'd like to see submitted to the Guild leadership?"
Xionara softly says, "I have a question about why there are no Prydaen guildleaders, but I don't want to be the one they choose, so no."
Perune says, "I'm sure there will be, one day."
Perune says, "No guildleader lasts forever."
Navesi says to Xionara, "A similar reason for why there are few Kaldar guildleaders. The ones here have been well established for some time, often since before our respective migrations."
Xionara softly says, "It would be hard to find one of us who would agree to stay in one place for so long, anyway."
Saragos says to Xionara, "You start talking like that, the existing guildleaders are going to start watching their backs."
Liurilias says, "Caring for generations of students requires certain proclivities that may not have yet been exhibited."
Xionara softly says to Saragos, "Gauthus ought to watch his back. Or maybe that's why he doesn't come out, he's too busy watching his back..."
You hear the soft voice of Xionara say, "I have issues with that."
Redeth quietly says, "What's good for the goose...leaving initiates to fend for themselves in invasions and locking your door at night. It goes hand in hand."
Perune asks Saragos, "Well then, still think first 3 are the best bet?"
Saragos says to Perune, "That's my thought, though I hate to speak for everyone else."
Perune says, "It seems no one else has much to say on it, though many have left to rest."
Liurilias says to Saragos, "It seems most of your comrades already departed."
Liurilias says, "You're surrounded by Clerics now..."
Perune says, "I think we'll start with that."
Redeth quietly asks, "Are the Warmages outnumbered on Warmage teaching night?"
Perune says, "And then if I'm able to press for more, I will."
Xionara softly says, "I'm not sure why we have to limit to three."
Xionara softly says, "Why not submit them all, and let them choose which to answer, or not to."
Xionara softly says, "If we don't ask them all, we can't get answers to any that we don't ask, and maybe they might answer."
Xionara softly says, "If we don't submit them.. there is zero possibility."
Perune says to Xionara, "Perhaps you're right."
Saragos says to Redeth, "I'm afraid many of our guildmates are more interested in battle than scholarship."
Xionara softly says, "I would.. humbly, of course, submit all of them, in the hopes that we get answers to as many as possible, while understanding that we may not get many answers at all."
Xionara softly says, "That would be my suggestion."
Redeth quietly says, "I would not have it differently. Still, this was well timed."
Redeth quietly says, "I would want to know who discovered the elemental plane of electricity."
Redeth quietly says, "It's second tier elementalism. There are likely more."
Saragos says to Redeth, "If I remember my research correctly, it was likely discovered during the days of the Citadel."
Saragos says, "And Archmage Hh'reshh later discovered Aether."
Perune says to Xionara, "I will speak to a few of the attendees who left and see how they feel, it may be the same as you do. If it seems that way, I will submit them all as you say."
Perune says, "It's quite possible you are right."
Saragos says, "By the way, I want to thank Perune for bringing us all together. We haven't had anything like this in a long while, and it was well overdue."
Perune says, "I'd like to thank everyone for coming. It was good to meet with my peers and others who simply have interest in our guild."
Navesi says to Perune, "I appreciate any chance to discuss history, even if it is not of my own guild."
Pruina asks, "Done?"
Perune says to Navesi, "I imagine we'll be seeing you again, then."
Liurilias says, "Thank you for allowing us to listen in."
Perune says, "I believe so, yes."
Pruina says, "This was great! See you guys at the next one."
Xionara softly says to Perune, "Thank you."
Perune says to Xionara, "And thank you. I was glad to hear your thoughts."
Redeth quietly says, "Someone go taunt Geva or Arhat."
Redeth quietly asks, "Wait...not Arhat. Who's the fool on the Reach?"
Navesi says, "Alret."
Redeth quietly says, "Alret."
Redeth quietly says, "Don't taunt Arhat."
Redeth quietly says, "That's the right way to a singed bottom."
Saragos says to Redeth, "You taunt Arhat enough to get him to rise from the dead and walk around again, I'll be impressed. Afraid that you're a necromancer too, but impressed."
Redeth quietly says, "If anyone could anger a man from his grave it would be Netherlich. I'll leave him to it."
Redeth quietly says, "Good morning, all."
Xionara softly says, "Poke things, see what happens, I guess that's her philosophy."
Perune says, "Have to learn some how."
Saragos says to Perune, "You need any help getting any of the documents together for submission, please let me know."
Perune says, "Might have to take you up on that."
Perune says, "Especially with the War College, that's kind of a broad subject we might need to trim down to a question or two."
Perune says, "Think about it for a few days and I'll get with you on it."
Navesi says, "Well I'm looking forward to learning if and when the leadership responds."
Perune says, "If we make this case to Gauthus for education and it sounds silly, he's gonna whack my skull."
Saragos says, "Well, he's not Kssarh."
Perune says, "Yeah, could be worse."
Perune says, "At least Gauthus can't make me try to interpret visions. There must be no passing that class."
Xionara softly says, "He'll probably just continue not to respond and stand there dozing."
Xionara softly says, "I think he teaches youngins in his sleep."
Xionara softly says, "You know, you just have to catch him mumbling the right thing, inbetween snores."
Navesi says to Saragos, "Well dear, I need to return to training."
Saragos says, "Oh, interpreting visions is easy."
Navesi says, "A pleasure, everyone."
Saragos says, "Interpretation is almost always, 'Something nasty is coming to try and kill folks.'."
Saragos says, "My wife just walked away. Suppose I should go after her."
Perune says, "I suppose I will take my leave as well."
Xionara softly says, "Well then."
Perune says, "Have a good day."
Perune says, "The idea of this gathering is to discuss a few topics of unknown or missing knowledge in any area related to the Guild.."
Perune says, "And then, pick a small number, say 3, which I shall publically submit to the Guildleadership for review to hopefully have us educated on those facets."
Munchausen asks, "How do we know what we don't know?"
Perune says, "Good question."
Saragos quietly says to Redeth, "Thanks. I'm used to some of the more experienced folks taking charge, but I did the best I could in their absence."
Perune says, "Allow me to demonstrate what I mean with a subject I've been thinking of lately."
Perune says, "You can consider this my submission for the day."
Perune says, "On a historical note.."
Redeth quietly says, "Most of it."
Perune says, "Arhat created the Guild, yet the Grovekeepers are decidedly it's leaders."
Perune asks, "So my question is, how did we, as a Guild, re-align with the Grovekeepers following that war?"
Xionara softly says, "Ooh. Class."
Munchausen says, "I read that old book, before the clans even."
Perune says, "We have no open historical document on this."
Munchausen says, "Said the groveskeepers were the ones who stayed behind, did not form a clan."
Munchausen says, "Stayed with the rock."
Perune says, "Yup."
Perune says, "Far into the past, Age of Myths almost."
Saragos says, "I've got some theories of my own on the subject. I've been doing some study of the history of the Guild myself."
Perune says, "I think we could benefit, as students, to know a bit more history on that subject. If only a little."
Saragos says, "I think you have to see the modern guild in the context of Empire. For thousands of years, there were just the Clans, and elemental mages lived out their lives without any overarching structure beyond that."
Perune says, "Anyone who has any ideas on the subject may share them. I merely submit this for discussion and possibly as an idea to submit to Guildleadership."
Saragos asks, "Elven-Human wars came along, I think they changed everything. Suddenly every elemental mage had learned how to blow things up and tear folks apart with magic. So after the war ended... then what?"
Xionara softly says, "I thought Mazrian was coming."
Munchausen says, "Mercenary work, militia work."
Redeth quietly says, "He's an expectant father. Likely his wife has duties for him."
Saragos says, "The Empire built the College of War Magic itself - it didn't grow up organically. The histories say initially only 5 percent or so of elemental mages were members."
Xionara softly says, "Likely their effort to control the mages."
Saragos says to Xionara, "My thoughts exactly. You've got all these hotheads - have to do something with 'em."
Xionara softly says, "I could see why most mages would not want to be counted, like that."
Saragos says, "But over time, the College gained in prominence. By the time the Empire crumbled, it looks like the Clans were amenable to joining up with Arhat. Likely based on his reputation during the war and association with Lanival."
Xionara softly says to Saragos, "First rule of war, know your enemy. Who they are, where they are."
Munchausen says, "I doubt even Arhat himself could unite all the clans."
Redeth quietly says, "It was hard to look the Fire Lion in the eye."
Liurilias says, "Er, hi."
Saragos says, "So, to come back to the original point... my question is whether the Grovekeepers took that point to hook up with the new Guild, or whether they were pulling strings in the background throughout the Imperial days."
Xionara softly says to Liurilias, "Herro."
Perune says, "A good point too, since we know they were definitely involved then."
Perune says, "They helped to secure the College after its fall."
Xionara softly says, "Once the Empire had fallen, I'm sure most mages thought the College could succeed on its own, and were more likely to join."
Perune says, "Perhaps so."
Perune asks, "Did anyone else have any other theories or ideas on that subject?"
Saragos says, "I think, you're used to being part of a group, it's easy just to keep on doing it, even if that group change form."
Xionara softly says, "There's that, too."
Xionara softly says, "But if mages had problems with the Empire and the Empire was no longer a factor, well there you go."
Perune says to Saragos, "Always easier to stick with what you know, at least in your own mind I think."
Saragos says, "Especially since, as far as I know, the schism didn't really divide the College itself."
The black leopard growls, "Isn't it more likey that the College already had a strong Structure and orginzational purpose by that point, whereas the clans had... nothing? And the collapse of the Empire drove people to seek order where they could find it?"
Xionara softly says, "That's possible."
Xionara softly says, "There were likely a number of factors."
Saragos says, "It's possible. But that actually gets more into one of my big questions. What exactly was the nature of the settlement that brought some of the Clans into the guild? The main History makes it seem like a meeting happened, but I honestly don't trust that book very much. Seems rather whitewashed."
Redeth quietly says, "The desire for power."
Saragos says, "I wonder if the fledgling College waged a covert war against the Clans."
Redeth quietly says, "A unified outlook and shared experience in Elemental magic was the goal. They came together out of the lust for power."
Munchausen says, "The clans war with each other."
Perune says, "I was under the impression that from working with Arhat, they saw a usefulness in a College style approach."
Redeth quietly says, "Something I can...empathize with."
Munchausen says, "I'd bet the clans saw the college as simply another clan."
The black leopard growls, "of course, no one thing is ever a cause. My master simply posits that, in a time of chaos people will naturally tend to seek shelter where they can. This also plays into the aforementioned theory of machinations by the Grovekeepers, who depsite remaining aloof obvious retained some influence"
Saragos says, "I mean, until then, most of the clans mentioned are focused around individual Elements and fighting amongst themselves. Someone offered to put that all together in one organization, where I didn't have to seek out half a dozen masters, I'd want to join too."
Munchausen says, "The college would accept those of all affinities."
Saragos says to Munchausen, "I suspect that was their big selling point."
Munchausen says, "In the time of the clan, a mage with a propensity for water would be killed by the fire clan."
Munchausen says, "Should he find himself discovering the elements in the wrong clan."
Navesi says, "There is much power in different perspectives coming together, I might add. The ability to solve problems that otherwise are quite stubborn."
Perune asks Saragos, "Is that one of the questions you wish to submit? About the Clans joining the current Guild as it stands?"
Saragos says, "Well, I'd probably word it differently."
The black leopard growls, "We also shouldn't discount the Cult of Personality theory either though. If the Grovekeepers sought to bring the clans together, who better to enlist than Arhat?"
Saragos says, "That's a very good point indeed."
Perune says, "I agree. Well thought out."
The black leopard growls, "By using a famous mage and renowned warrior who had an already established power base, most of the ground work was done. Everything else was diplomacy and propaganda"
Saragos says, "I'd like to know more about the College of War Magic. What sort of repression was laid out against the Clans, how they fit into the Imperial apparatus, and how they figured into the Empire's wars of expansion. I would also like to know if they were the first to call us Warrior Mages instead of Elemental Mages."
Saragos says, "It seems to me that whoever got that name to stick did a good bit to change history."
Navesi asks Saragos, "I should know my history on this better, but might it have had anything to do with the rise of a different set of Elemental mages?"
Xionara softly says, "I'm no good with this kind of history."
Redeth quietly says to Xionara, "I'm not good with any kind."
Navesi says, "Bards, I'm talking about bards."
Xionara softly says to Redeth, "Hmm."
Munchausen asks, "Are they mages in the sense?"
Navesi asks, "Are you saying we're not?"
Perune says, "I'd say they are."
Munchausen says, "Bards have been called many things."
Xionara softly says, "Bards are mages."
Navesi says, "Personally I would call us mages."
Xionara softly says, "They have access to elemental streams. But they use the magic differently than we do."
Perune says, "Their magic is different but quite useful in war times, as well."
Xionara softly says, "And.. pardon me if I offend.. but I do not think the study of magic is quite so obsessive for a bard as it is for a warrior mage."
You say, "They weave much of their magic together with music, that does not mean that they are not mages."
Navesi says, "All I am saying is that with other Elemental mages around, it's possible that it helped push your guild ancestors toward a new name."
The black leopard growls, "Although it's certainly possible that the change in name occured due to the... evolutions of other uses of elemental mana, my master think's it more likely that the name evolved out of efforts of the early guild to 'brand' itself"
Munchausen asks, "So anyone who uses magics can consider themself a mage?"
Redeth quietly says, "I wouldn't. It's good they've chosen the Elemental realms as their focus of study, but a mage devotes their life to it. A Bard devotes their life to lore. Magically inclined scholars or performers. As with anything there are exceptions but across the board? No...they are not mages."
The black leopard growls, "That allowed them to take advantage of Lanival's legacy, and attract the new, younger blooded mages who would be critical to establishing an orginzation"
Navesi says to Redeth, "Your blunt appraisals are always appreciated."
Redeth quietly says to Navesi, "Thank you."
Xionara softly says, "I consider them lesser mages."
Perune says, "The leopard makes excellent points for its companion."
Xionara softly says, "Not meant to be offensive, just based on how focused they are on the study of magic."
Navesi says, "And you lot are lesser tacticians, I suppose."
Munchausen says, "The way the moon mages look at the stars is the way we look towards the element, I feel."
Saragos says, "Well, we know that they 'war' was in the picture as early as 863 BL, when the College of War Magic was sanctioned."
Xionara softly says, "We are warrior mages, tactics are a part of war."
Redeth quietly says, "Agreed."
Redeth quietly says, "Tact and tactics I lack."
Navesi says to Xionara, "Ah, but we study it with alacrity. But I didn't mean to cause a digression into the differences between our guilds."
Xionara softly says, "You know battle strategy better than most I would think."
Perune says to Munchausen, "Using that analogy I can say I have seen a lot of things that I don't understand, so I guess that's true."
Redeth quietly says, "I know how to stand on a line. If I were to lead people into battle I would likely be the only one to walk out the other side. Pick a Bard or a Paladin for battle plans. A Warmage is a blunt instrument, swung wide and devastating."
Xionara softly says, "I agree to disagree."
Saragos says to Redeth, "I'd take issue with that to an extent. Leadership isn't about battle prowess. But yes. We are instruments of destruction."
Mazrian quietly says, "Got a bit tied up. Pardon me, that."
Elisven says to Liurilias, "Thank you."
Perune asks, "Saragos has submitted some ideas about discovering more about our history with the Imperial College. Does anyone else have some other realms of our Guild they'd like to explore?"
Redeth quietly says to Mazrian, "I told them your wife had you on a short leash."
Saragos says, "And for a weapon, the question is always, 'Who wields it and at what is it pointed?'."
Liurilias says to Elisven, "Quite welcome."
Saragos quietly says to Mazrian, "Good to see you."
Mazrian says to Redeth, "Not far wrong."
Perune says to Mazrian, "Glad you could make it."
Xionara softly says to Mazrian, "I'm pleased that you could make it."
Mazrian says, "Wouldn't have missed it."
The black leopard growls, "Of course, there are several areas of our history that are regrettably vague. More information on the Grovekeepers would be worth it's weight in... well maybe not tyrium, but certainly it would be valuable."
Perune says, "It need not be only history."
Pruina says, "Jeeze...already have targeted magic thoughts coming out of my ears."
Perune says, "But if your companion has any specific areas of history he'd like you to raise, we're all ears."
Saragos says, "Present guild structure is a bit mysterious. We've got all of the guildleaders, then there's High Lord Daervlan, Lord of the Void, and then the Grovekeepers beyond that."
The black leopard growls, "I've already expressed my master's interpretaion of the early years, so I won't continue on that track. But some interesting tangentials are the Suur pillar and the Zalfung stones, for a start"
Mazrian says, "Lord of the Void is sort of off in his own corner, doing his own thing."
Xionara softly says, "Speaking of present guild structure, and guildmasters."
Pruina says, "Oh! I know that one...Laethilore...or something like that."
Elisven says, "Wow."
Whiteburn asks, "...urrem'tier?"
Pruina says, "He's the boss of all the Warmages."
Xionara softly asks, "Is there something wrong with Gauthus?"
Saragos says, "Lathaelor."
Elisven says to Liurilias, "Thank you very much."
Munchausen says, "I thought Meraud was."
Liurilias says to Elisven, "Don't mention it."
Perune says, "I'm under the impression he's a bit of a counter balance incase any of us goes too far off the beaten path."
Perune says, "And that he basically manages himself."
Perune says, "Speaking of the Lord of the Void, that is."
The black leopard growls, "That title is new to us. We would love to hear more concerning this Lord of the Void"
Saragos says, "I don't think we know for certain that Lathaelor is in charge of the Grovekeepers. Last I heard of him making himself seen was when the Pathways were revealed and Galain became the first to hit the hundredth circle."
Xionara softly says, "That would have been quite a long time ago."
Redeth quietly says, "If he's responsible for y'ntrel sechra he needs to have his arse removed."
Munchausen asks, "I know we can summon weapons, and familiars and fissures....what else could be shaped and summoned from the planes? in what ways can we expand our arsenal?"
Saragos says to Xionara, "I'm an old man."
Mazrian says, "I don't think Lathaelor is in charge of anything, precisely."
Xionara softly says to Saragos, "You don't look so old."
Perune asks Mazrian, "Oh?"
Saragos says to Xionara, "I've got a good Empath."
Mazrian says, "He has the power to do what he wants. So he pokes his head in where he will."
Navesi says to Xionara, "He takes care of himself."
Whiteburn says, "It's always hard to tell with smoothskins."
Mazrian says, "Presumably he's got projects and an agenda."
Perune says, "Gauthus didn't seem too pleased about Lathaelor demanding we be taught about Pathways, at least when he spoke to me."
Xionara softly asks, "Is there something wrong with Gauthus?"
Perune asks Xionara, "In what way?"
Woten says, "Or something wrong with the pathways..."
Xionara softly says, "He sits inside the hall when necromancers drop constructs right in front of his door."
You say, "I think that would depend on who you ask."
Xionara softly says, "Kssarh is more.. aware then he is."
Munchausen says, "Heh...he was stationed here, he must not be well liked."
Ograth says, "Careful, he might hear you."
Saragos says, "Sometimes you have something powerful on your hands, you don't know if you can trust the rabble. I think we've all seen members of our guild who misuse their powers."
Redeth quietly says, "He's overly conservative for my tastes. Apprentice under Tyrsan for a decade or two."
Xionara softly says, "Crossing is the largest guild, it's a big responsibility. He ought to be protecting the young ones."
Perune says, "I imagine he thinks we should be able to defend our Guild without him."
Xionara softly says, "I have great respect for his ability, but not so much for his silence."
Saragos says, "His job's to teach. I think our job is to protect."
Xionara softly says to Saragos, "Stationing myself outside the front doors would prevent me from training."
Xionara softly says, "He ought to do more."
Saragos says, "Also, he may be involved in things we don't know about. After all, I think it's fairly well known that Melear's concentration is required to keep that stormcloud from eating Shard."
Navesi says to Xionara, "Someone has to stay and teach."
Mazrian says, "Think of it this way: The foes that come around to the front of the guild are for the most part the LEAST scary things you're likely to meet in your long career. That's training."
Perune says to Xionara, "I understand what you mean, though I think Mazrian does make a good point."
Woten says to Perune, "Another area I'm personally interested in is the history of Chyolvea Tayeu'a, and our reclamation of same. The Hall of Power is magnificent, and the magical wonders in the Guildleader's alcove are unrivaled in my experience, yet so little is actually known."
Mazrian asks, "Have you wandered the fortress? Looked at everything in detail?"
Woten says, "It is... magnificant."
Liurilias quietly says, "Sometimes there is a difference between what is known and what is shared."
Xionara softly says, "Chyolvea Tayeu'a..."
Mazrian says, "...magnificently disturbing."
Woten says, "Sometimes the most beauty is found at the boundaries of a thing."
Perune asks Mazrian, "I've yet to be able to make the trip, could you describe that a bit?"
Pruina says, "Might be a good field excursion after this."
Woten says, "Centers are always the same, edges are where things become interesting. Chyvolea Tayeu'a is an edge unlike any other."
Saragos says, "It is very likely that Chyolvea Tayeu'a is the Citadel of legend. Archaeological information from there would be invaluable to discover what actualy happened all those thousands of years ago to break up the Council. Perhaps something or Gealeranendae College to investigate."
Saragos says, "Something for, that is."
Xionara softly asks, "The Citadel of Legend?"
Perune says, "A group of Elemental Mages protecting Elanthia, predates the War College."
Mazrian says, "Perhapse. It's a majestic place, in many ways. Austere in its place in the mountains. As you wander around, if you look at especially the religious art, you'll get a sense of wrongness."
Xionara softly says, "It is too bad that group is not still around for me to appeal to."
Xionara softly says to Mazrian, "What religious art."
Munchausen says, "Heh."
Mazrian says, "There's at least one tapestry depicting...well, you should see it."
Saragos says, "Somewhere around thirty-five hundred years ago, it was the first big gathering of elemental mages into an organization. Some say it was founded by the surviving members of the Four."
Woten says, "There is also the mysterious Mage of Storms from Shard. The fruits of those labours are still our sworn duty to contain. A true testament both to our strength and our weakness."
Whiteburn slowly asks Mazrian, "Depicting what?"
Perune says to Mazrian, "Sounds like maybe we should organize a trip for the whole Guild."
Munchausen says, "Yea that book said the forebears of the clerics shunned the elemental practitioners."
Mazrian says, "It would be interesting, to say the least."
Munchausen says, "Anythin holy and elemental? bah I don't trust it."
Saragos says, "Paeldryth's Tale is worth reading as well. Supposedly our climate has been permanently changed through the use of air elementals. Our magics can be dangerous if poorly used."
Perune says to Munchausen, "Some believe Firulf convinced them to do that so we'd gather, finally."
Woten says, "With regards to our mountain stronghold, words cannot do it justice. That being said, some things are best left discovered vice shown."
Mazrian says, "Like I said, it's hard to describe. And rather disturbing. The inhabitants of the fortress clearly had truck with the Vykathi and were influenced by the same."
Navesi quietly says, "As can most."
Saragos says to Munchausen, "Personally, though, I don't know how much credit I give that book. The rigor of it is suspect in a number of places and we're talking about sometin that happened thousands of years ago. I certainly wouldn't hold it against any modern clerics."
Woten says to Mazrian, "Have you been through the... oh what's it called, the portal..."
Perune says to Saragos, "I think that goes for all magic, really."
Mazrian says to Woten, "Oh, yes, several times."
Woten says, "Starts with an E..."
Xionara softly asks Woten, "What is this portal you speak of?"
Woten says, "The hive gives me the creeps. The vykathi, however sentient they might be, are as alien to us as the Elpalzi, probably more so."
Mazrian says, "Moreso. And they are very sentient."
Munchausen says, "To float thru time and space...that contraption in the college does interest me."
Woten says to Xionara, "That is perhaps the most guarded secret of Chyvolea."
Whiteburn crossly says, "I've had quite enough of those insects infesting my treasure boxes."
Xionara softly asks, "What is this?"
Woten says to Xionara, "If you ever make the journey, that will allow access to the... Ah what is it called..."
Whiteburn says, "...but they do know to quickly turn back to sand rather than face me. So I suppose I must give their intellect some consideration."
Woten says to Xionara, "Eh, the portal to their hive."
Xionara softly says, "Ah."
Xionara softly says, "I see."
Woten says, "The experience is not pleasant. Not at all."
Redeth quietly says, "Educational though."
Mazrian quietly says, "Years ago, the vykathi spawned a queen ...perhaps by accident...and the hive was disturbed for awhile. They tried to spread out and invade."
Saragos says, "If you are interested in making a journey, there are some texts in the Throne City Exclusive Library that cannot be found elsewhere. Particularly the Treatises on Elemental Magic."
Perune asks, "I'm guessing that didn't end well for them?"
Xionara softly says, "I am curious to see what kind of place these Vykathi live in."
Mazrian says to Perune, "We're not feeding vykathi larva, so no, it didn't."
Redeth quietly says, "That is my favorite book."
Pruina asks, "The Treatise?"
Pruina says, "Boring."
Xionara softly says, "Someone needs to make me a list of all these books in chronological order so I can read them."
Mazrian says, "Most of the early writing about the guild smacks more of myth than anything else."
Woten says, "Gah, I'm going to have to go back down south just to remember the name of that portal to the hive."
Redeth quietly says, "And is painted in annoyingly broad strokes. "They didn't enjoy being stupid and they banded together."
Perune says, "Might be due to so much of the history being from long ago ages, must have been a lot of interest there at one point."
Redeth quietly says, "Little detail to be had."
Whiteburn asks, "Have the vykathi ever escaped from their hive?"
Redeth quietly says, "Quite a few times."
Munchausen says, "Meh, where the guild is from, not so important as where it is going."
Saragos asks, "The subject of the Zaulfung Stones was brought up earlier. I would like to bring up that subject, if no one objects?"
Perune says, "Please, go ahead."
Whiteburn says to Munchausen, "We must never forget our history, or we are bound to repeat the same mistakes of the past."
Munchausen says to Whiteburn, "Remind me not to side with the S'kra during the next war."
Woten says, "A true magical mystery. They are a creation unrivaled as far as I'm aware, completely flouting all known laws of elemental conservation."
Saragos says, "I believe every mage could stand to read the Treatise on the Elements in Throne City. Among other things, it describes the dangers of Sorcery. Without getting into current politics, I think it's worth pointing out that both Blackfire and the Voidspell are thought to have been Sorcerous in nature."
Whiteburn pointedly says to Munchausen, "Trust me... that would not trouble me over much."
Perune says, "Would explain a lot with the Voidspell."
Xionara softly says, "Sorcery. A dangerous thing, but something to be understood too, if one is to combat it."
Saragos says, "The Zaulfung stones are elementally charged. The leading theory on them is that they are drawing in elemental energy to keep the Void out, in a very crude way of putting it."
Ograth says to Xionara, "Careful, that line of thinking can also lead to trouble."
Xionara softly says, "All thinking can be troublesome."
Saragos says, "It is also theorized that the presence of the Void can open holes that allow things from... outside to leak in. Anyone who has been the Zaulfung has seen the devastation there."
Woten says to Mazrian, "Something Egress maybe..."
Mazrian says, "It's something like that."
Saragos says, "The thing known as Maelshyve has a place of strength there. It is worth considering that such may be the result of Elemental Mages using Sorcery in the past."
Saragos says, "I would not want to be responsible for a catastrophe of that nature happening again. This, aside from the other dangers of Sorcery."
Perune asks, "You mean the corruption?"
Saragos says, "And possibly Maelshyve's arrival onto the Plane of Abiding."
Perune asks, "Hmm, that is interesting. So your question is if Elemental Sorcery was the cause for devestation there?"
Woten asks Saragos, "Well, the Zaulfung Stones are the solution to the problem in the swamps. It's been some time since I read the 'report', if you can call it that, but were Warrior Mages to blame for the weaking in the domain wall there?"
Saragos says, "It's not certain - few from the past is, and many records were lost. But it fits the facts."
Woten says, "I thought Farn's Company shored up the gap that was caused by something else."
Munchausen says, "Im bettin the right elemental planes and a little holy mana would rip a hole quick in our plane here."
Xionara softly says, "I wonder if someone might teach a bit of debilitation..."
Saragos says to Woten, "My theory is that the wound was formed when the Voidspell was first cast, possible THE casting by the Four. The wound festered until Imperial times, when Farn's Company was formed to deal with it."
Perune says to Saragos, "Color me intrigued."
Liurilias asks Perune, "Out of curiosity, what color would you think intrigued to be?"
Saragos says, "It's worth noting that Sorrow had truck with Sidhlot and wanted to do... something with the Stones. He may have been seeking to open that hole again."
Woten says, "Too little is known of the voidspell to say, but from what I understand of the Void, it's possible."
Perune says, "Good question. Yellow maybe."
Maxwelinski says, "Hey everyone."
Maxwelinski says, "I saw all the animals."
Whiteburn asks Saragos, "I thought the stones were raised to hold back the power of the nameless evil... the foul beast known now as Maelshyve?"
Maxwelinski asks, "Petting zoo?"
Xionara softly says, "Is there a reason we cannot permanently close this .... tear into the void. Why do we leave it there? Is the Zaulfang Stones the only solution.."
Woten says, "Either way, this has been an entertaining and informative meeting, but we must be moving on."
Perune says to Maxwelinski, "Good morning."
Saragos says, "Not exactly pleasant conversation, I know."
Perune says to Maxwelinski, "Warrior Mage discussion, feel free to take part."
Saragos says to Whiteburn, "According to the texts in Throne City, it's likely that the Voidspell poked the hole that Maelshyve used to get in."
Maxwelinski says, "Oh, just passing through."
Mazrian says, "I do have a question we might raise, before I need to step out."
Perune says to Mazrian, "Of course."
Perune says, "It is getting on, we should likley discuss which ones we should present to the Guild leadership."
Mazrian says, "We're taught a simple, standard cosmology of the elemental planes."
Mazrian says, "Six elements in opposed pairs, diagrams showing their relations."
Mazrian says, "But all those relationships are wrong in the details."
Mazrian says, "In fact, the physics becomes almost arcane."
Mazrian asks, "So what is actually going on?"
Xionara softly asks, "What do you mean, the relationships are wrong in the details?"
Mazrian says, "We're taught there are three pairs of opposed elements. Earth-Air, Water-Fire, Aether-Electricity."
Saragos asks Mazrian, "You're speaking of the possibilities of other elements existing?"
Perune says, "Part of the cosmology was developed before the Electricity realm was even discovered, so that makes sense."
Mazrian says, "Among other things."
Mazrian says, "Those pairings are fluid, Xionara. Any element can oppose any other."
Mazrian says, "Which is just...odd. Like water running uphill."
Mazrian says, "And Electricity is different in several ways from the other elements."
Mazrian says, "Doesn't fit the standard model at all."
Saragos quietly says, ""I wish we had a surviving copy of Hh'reshh's Principles of Elemental Magic."
Mazrian asks, "So what other elements might be out there, and what are we really doing when we tap them?"
Perune says, "It's possible it's actually a merger of elements. It's realm is whether two others meet."
Xionara softly says, ")Mazrian I think that some of them are more oppositional than others yes, but .."
Balaraj asks, "How do i get the blackfire?"
Perune says, "And such other realms may exist."
Xionara softly says to Balaraj, "I would like to know the answer to that question myself."
Mazrian says, "Something to think on."
Saragos says to Balaraj, "If I knew, I'd fight to keep that knowledge hidden."
Mazrian says, "Be safe, everyone."
Balaraj asks, "Is it possible ta harness the light and darkness?"
Xionara softly says, "It's odd to just blurt it out, that question."
Perune says, "Thanks for coming."
Xionara softly says, "Quite a controversial topic."
Ograth says, "I suppose tearing one hole in our plane just wasn't enough."
Whiteburn slowly says, "My thoughts exactly."
Saragos asks Perune, "So, the questions?"
Perune says, "Yes, so."
Xionara softly says, "I still think we ought to find out if anything beyond the Zaulfang Stones can be done to close that tear."
Whiteburn says, "The stones appear to be working as they should."
Xionara softly says, "Why do we need stones at all, can't we just eliminate the tear."
Saragos says, "I suspect what can be done with existing knowledge has been done. The Stones are beyond our current knowledge - at least common knowledge."
Saragos says to Xionara, "I don't believe it to be that simple."
Xionara softly says, "All our unified knowledge, with guildhalls everywhere, and we know less than we did, perhaps."
Perune says, "It seems we have questions on The Grovekeepers re-uniting with our current Guild, Guild hierarchy itself, broad questions about the Imperial College, about the history of Chyolvea Tayeu'a, a question about what caused the devastation in Zaulfung, and.."
Perune says, "The actual cosmology of the Elements."
Saragos says, "That pretty much covers it. I think the first three are the ones we're likely to get answers on."
Perune asks, "Think so?"
Perune says, "Personally, your question about the Zaulfung is very intriguing to me."
Saragos says, "Well, the fourth one is controvrsial to say the least, and not much may be known about the fifth other than theories."
Perune says, "We should probably cut down the number we submit to three, though, in hopes of getting answers at all."
Nylhhsha asks, "Why the crowd?"
Perune says, "If I submit a large list of questions, I'm not sure how well received it will be, though we can always submit more later."
Navesi says to Nylhhsha, "We're gathering to discuss Warrior Mage history."
Nylhhsha says, "Ah."
Perune asks, "Do the other Warrior Mages present have an idea on which subjects they'd like to see submitted to the Guild leadership?"
Xionara softly says, "I have a question about why there are no Prydaen guildleaders, but I don't want to be the one they choose, so no."
Perune says, "I'm sure there will be, one day."
Perune says, "No guildleader lasts forever."
Navesi says to Xionara, "A similar reason for why there are few Kaldar guildleaders. The ones here have been well established for some time, often since before our respective migrations."
Xionara softly says, "It would be hard to find one of us who would agree to stay in one place for so long, anyway."
Saragos says to Xionara, "You start talking like that, the existing guildleaders are going to start watching their backs."
Liurilias says, "Caring for generations of students requires certain proclivities that may not have yet been exhibited."
Xionara softly says to Saragos, "Gauthus ought to watch his back. Or maybe that's why he doesn't come out, he's too busy watching his back..."
You hear the soft voice of Xionara say, "I have issues with that."
Redeth quietly says, "What's good for the goose...leaving initiates to fend for themselves in invasions and locking your door at night. It goes hand in hand."
Perune asks Saragos, "Well then, still think first 3 are the best bet?"
Saragos says to Perune, "That's my thought, though I hate to speak for everyone else."
Perune says, "It seems no one else has much to say on it, though many have left to rest."
Liurilias says to Saragos, "It seems most of your comrades already departed."
Liurilias says, "You're surrounded by Clerics now..."
Perune says, "I think we'll start with that."
Redeth quietly asks, "Are the Warmages outnumbered on Warmage teaching night?"
Perune says, "And then if I'm able to press for more, I will."
Xionara softly says, "I'm not sure why we have to limit to three."
Xionara softly says, "Why not submit them all, and let them choose which to answer, or not to."
Xionara softly says, "If we don't ask them all, we can't get answers to any that we don't ask, and maybe they might answer."
Xionara softly says, "If we don't submit them.. there is zero possibility."
Perune says to Xionara, "Perhaps you're right."
Saragos says to Redeth, "I'm afraid many of our guildmates are more interested in battle than scholarship."
Xionara softly says, "I would.. humbly, of course, submit all of them, in the hopes that we get answers to as many as possible, while understanding that we may not get many answers at all."
Xionara softly says, "That would be my suggestion."
Redeth quietly says, "I would not have it differently. Still, this was well timed."
Redeth quietly says, "I would want to know who discovered the elemental plane of electricity."
Redeth quietly says, "It's second tier elementalism. There are likely more."
Saragos says to Redeth, "If I remember my research correctly, it was likely discovered during the days of the Citadel."
Saragos says, "And Archmage Hh'reshh later discovered Aether."
Perune says to Xionara, "I will speak to a few of the attendees who left and see how they feel, it may be the same as you do. If it seems that way, I will submit them all as you say."
Perune says, "It's quite possible you are right."
Saragos says, "By the way, I want to thank Perune for bringing us all together. We haven't had anything like this in a long while, and it was well overdue."
Perune says, "I'd like to thank everyone for coming. It was good to meet with my peers and others who simply have interest in our guild."
Navesi says to Perune, "I appreciate any chance to discuss history, even if it is not of my own guild."
Pruina asks, "Done?"
Perune says to Navesi, "I imagine we'll be seeing you again, then."
Liurilias says, "Thank you for allowing us to listen in."
Perune says, "I believe so, yes."
Pruina says, "This was great! See you guys at the next one."
Xionara softly says to Perune, "Thank you."
Perune says to Xionara, "And thank you. I was glad to hear your thoughts."
Redeth quietly says, "Someone go taunt Geva or Arhat."
Redeth quietly asks, "Wait...not Arhat. Who's the fool on the Reach?"
Navesi says, "Alret."
Redeth quietly says, "Alret."
Redeth quietly says, "Don't taunt Arhat."
Redeth quietly says, "That's the right way to a singed bottom."
Saragos says to Redeth, "You taunt Arhat enough to get him to rise from the dead and walk around again, I'll be impressed. Afraid that you're a necromancer too, but impressed."
Redeth quietly says, "If anyone could anger a man from his grave it would be Netherlich. I'll leave him to it."
Redeth quietly says, "Good morning, all."
Xionara softly says, "Poke things, see what happens, I guess that's her philosophy."
Perune says, "Have to learn some how."
Saragos says to Perune, "You need any help getting any of the documents together for submission, please let me know."
Perune says, "Might have to take you up on that."
Perune says, "Especially with the War College, that's kind of a broad subject we might need to trim down to a question or two."
Perune says, "Think about it for a few days and I'll get with you on it."
Navesi says, "Well I'm looking forward to learning if and when the leadership responds."
Perune says, "If we make this case to Gauthus for education and it sounds silly, he's gonna whack my skull."
Saragos says, "Well, he's not Kssarh."
Perune says, "Yeah, could be worse."
Perune says, "At least Gauthus can't make me try to interpret visions. There must be no passing that class."
Xionara softly says, "He'll probably just continue not to respond and stand there dozing."
Xionara softly says, "I think he teaches youngins in his sleep."
Xionara softly says, "You know, you just have to catch him mumbling the right thing, inbetween snores."
Navesi says to Saragos, "Well dear, I need to return to training."
Saragos says, "Oh, interpreting visions is easy."
Navesi says, "A pleasure, everyone."
Saragos says, "Interpretation is almost always, 'Something nasty is coming to try and kill folks.'."
Saragos says, "My wife just walked away. Suppose I should go after her."
Perune says, "I suppose I will take my leave as well."
Xionara softly says, "Well then."
Perune says, "Have a good day."
Re: Lingering Questions: A Warrior Mage social on 01/07/2016 07:14 AM CST
Thanks for the log. I had wanted to attend; however, other events prevented me.
-Dartellum Waddle
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-Dartellum Waddle
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Re: Lingering Questions: A Warrior Mage social on 01/07/2016 09:43 AM CST
Re: Lingering Questions: A Warrior Mage social on 01/07/2016 05:47 PM CST