State of the Guild Meeting on 03/26/2016 07:26 PM CDT
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Guild brethren,

It has been a while since we gathered to discuss any matters. I’d like to see that change. In fact, I would like to see it change on a more permanent basis. To further this end, I am inviting all guild members to join me in discussing how to make our organization more active and cohesive.

For those of you who are interested in Guild activities and this in particular, I ask you to please notify all of your fellow guild members. Many people are unlikely to come across this message, and word of mouth is really the best way to relay information these days.



Date: Saturday, Apr 2nd
Time: 9 EST
Where: Crossing Warrior Mage Guild, within the Chamber of Reflection.
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Re: State of the Guild Meeting on 04/02/2016 07:43 AM CDT
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Just a reminder, this meeting happens tonight!
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Re: State of the Guild Meeting (Log) on 04/03/2016 08:36 AM CDT
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[Warrior Mage Guild, Chamber of Reflection]
From the peaked ceiling hangs an enormous gaethzen sphere which casts a bright, white light onto the room. Polished marble walls intensify the light, creating an aura effect around everything. In the center of the floor sits a fountain where a tall marble statue of a robed Elven male sends water arching into the pool below from cupped hands. Large, fluffy cushions circle the fountain, creating a comfortable spot to rest.
You also see a stone seat, a massive hiro bear with dense ruffled fur that is sitting, a stone seat, a muscular cloud-grey leopard with fiery rosettes that is sitting, a stone seat, a black leopard that is sitting, a vaulted arch, an iron door, a marble archway and a wooden doorway.
Also here: Master Rehlyn, Warrior of the Claw Ezmundiuz who is sitting, Black Fox Xionara who is sitting, Battle Mage Kaloura who is sitting, Forging Legend Binu who has a fiery visage, Herald Navesi, Knight Magister Saragos, Zaxor who is sitting, Magica and Master Summoner Anabasis who is sitting.

Magica says, "Hopefully, Mazrian will show and give this meeting some gravitas."

You ask, "Do you feel like we cannot accomplish anything without Mazrian?"

Saragos asks Magica, "What, I'm not enough?"

Magica says, "Maz is our most senior Warmage is all.."

You say, "Yes, but he's not always going to be there to hold everyone's hand either. Got to start standing up and doing things on our own too."

Anabasis says, "I've known Maz a long time now. He was quite the young troublemaker back then. He's done well for himself since those days."

Saragos says, "I have great respect for the man. No denying. He's also busy."

Saragos says, "We want something, we can just wait on him to make it a reality. It's unfair to him."

Anabasis says, "He represents well, but none of us should be afraid to voice our opinions."

You say, "Let's get started."

You say, "Let me start by saying that in the very beginning we've already highlighted the reason I wanted to hold this meeting."

You say, "Our Guild often has little activity, and as an ancient order and sworn defenders of the realm, I find that a bit depressing."

You say, "I'd like to see that change."

You say, "I'm guessing everyone who's here would too."

You say, "I'd like to discuss a little bit about what making the guild more unified and active means, and then how we can accomplish those goals."

You say, "I also have a few suggestions that were passed on to me by some peers who couldn't be here."

You say, "First, I feel like we have a lot of offer the Provinces and this city in particular. We spend a large amount of time both teaching outside this hall, and defending the cities."

You say, "Often times we do this alone though, rarely working together."

You say, "I think if we can find ways to do this together more often, not only will it make us more well known amongst friends and enemies, but activity breeds activity."

You say, "Some of the things we've done already have resulted in that."

You say, "For instance, our gathering on unknown knowledge resulted in a lot of coming together and discussing factors of our Guild, and our work."

You say, "To dig in, I'm going to mention the first thing that I personally think could build a more cohesive unit amongst us."

You say, "And that's simply meeting here more regularly."

You say, "If our guildmates know, that on a certain day and certain time, there is likely to be people here, they'll come here to see what we're up to."

You say, "This is simple because it doesn't have to be scheduled, but if people from say, this gathering, gweth to others about being up here to open up discussion and such on guild related topics. If that becomes the norm.. people will often come here to engage."

You ask, "Any thoughts on that?"

You say, "Ultimately I'm not here to provide some sort of dictation, but simply to spitball ideas I think may work to help us."

Saragos says, "I like it. If I can, I'll make it a point to be here."

Navesi says to you, "In my experience, people start showing up when they see others regularly showing up."

Kaloura cheerfully says, "Same with me."

Binu asks, "We have meetings occasionally. We just had one recently in fact. However, if I understand you correctly you're referring to unofficial and unplanned meetings on a regular basis to foster participation and community with the guild. Correct?"

You say, "Yes, as an example.."

You say, "Let's say we all decided here that a certain day of the week fits us best, and at a certain time, a few us will simply be here. We announce it to our peers via the Gweth, and then we run with whatever we feel like doing that night."

Saragos says, "I see some organizaton amongthe Moon Mages. They've got the visions to push them that way. We don't have that. But a bit more fellowship, chance to chat talk with my fellow Mages... that sounds good to me."

You say, "It doesn't rely on any one person, but as a group, we know to do this."

You say, "Does anyone else have any other thoughts on this? No need to remain silent. We're taking all thoughts here."

Binu says, "As far as defending cities together."

You say, "This is ultimately to benefit everyone."

Anabasis says, "I like the idea of unstructured meetings. Just do what you can with who is available instead of trying to fix times."

Binu says, "I find that some of our good spells to use during invasions don't play well with other mages who would like to cast the same spel."

Binu says, "Maybe only 1 actually."

Xionara softly asks Binu, "Which spell is that?"

Binu says, "Fire rain."

Binu says, "My favorite for large invasions."

Xionara softly says to Binu, "That spell has my second largest accumulation of fines."

Xionara softly says, "Imagine, an ungrateful populace, for casting fire rain in front of the gates to destroy the invaders."

You say, "Before we get too much farther into defending the cities as a group. I'd like to hamper down the meeting more regularly idea, because I feel when we walk away from this, this is something we should have nailed down."

Saragos says, "They're scared of us. I can see why."

Binu says, "Certainly."

You say, "That way it starts up once this is over."

Xionara softly says to Saragos, "We are intimidating."

Xionara softly says to Saragos, "We are intimidating."

Saragos says, "Way I see it, we're basically living weapons. All of us - with all of the hardships and temptations that accompany that. And most of us walk that road alone. No way they can know our minds."

Binu says, "It sounds like a good plan though. Try to have informal gatherings once a week."

Binu says, "Not necessary the same day every week even, but the same spot to start the meeting from."

You say, "Often I make announcements to people. But I do like the idea of something rather than scheduled sparsely and trying to wrangle people, just making it known that on a certain day around a certain time we will meet here to do things."

You ask, "Are there people here willing to host those gatherings?"

You say, "I feel like relying on one person is not a good idea."

Magica says, "Probably best if you have a backup and backup backup."

You say, "I'd rather just anyone who happens to be about make it known they're going to be up here, and they call it, and we do it."

Xionara softly says, "I hesitate to volunteer for that. Knowing my insatiable curiosity, the topics I would raise might make some mages uncomfortable."

Saragos says, "I'm willing to host some meetings."

You say, "If that's often me, that's fine, but I'd like to see it happen when it's not me too."

Saragos asks, "We going to look for a certain time, or just gweth when we're about?"

Magica says, "Thing is if you put it out in the open like that, I doubt anyone will take the lead. Better to designate a couple of people as 'official' meeting leaders."

Binu says, "It may not be on a regular schedule, but I can come and teach and discuss things with younger mages from time to time."

Binu says, "Just announce in front of the guild and on the gweth when I'm free to come by."

Magica says, "Thats a good idea Binu."

You say, "Then let's start with this."

Xionara softly says to Binu, "Your first topic will be not to neglect Athletics training."

You ask, "Who here is willing to organize, besides Saragos and myself?"

Magica says, "Bet Mazrian would."

Binu says, "For that lesson, I'll drag people through the Selgotha as punishment."

Xionara softly says, "I wouldn't mind it."

You say, "Alright then. Saragos, Xionara, and Binu, if you don't mind hanging around a bit afterwards we'll try to sort out what days work for us."

You say, "So we can have a consistent thing going on."

You say, "Moving on to what Binu was touching on.."

You say, "Fighting as a group."

You say, "Binu is right that some spells, such as Fire Rain, we can really only have one of us working on."

Magica says, "I love fire rain."

You say, "But I do find that organizing for combat does make us a force to contend with."

You say, "When someone enters this city with intent to kill its citizens, I want them to fear hearing we're coming. That's just my opinion."

Binu says to you, "That's exactly what I want the invaders to feel as well."

Binu says, "They should fear our arrival."

You say, "To that end, I think when we're being hit, either by Elpalzi or silly velvers. One of us should gweth for a meet up at the Guild."

You say, "We group up, and then we bring hell to whatever is attacking."

Magica asks, "Is Alret still running around?"

You say, "Sadly, yes."

You say, "They tried to take Fort Motte recently."

Binu says, "That sounds like a good idea."

Binu says, "Coordinate who is going to do the large damage spells, who is going to debilitate, and so on."

Xionara softly says, "... I might have to wear gweths again."

Navesi says to you, "I have jobs for those interested in using their familiars as lookouts, too."

Saragos says, "If I'm about I'll be leading a group. Warrior Mages working together can be a catastrophic force."

Binu says, "Maybe split up into 2 or 3 groups if we have enough, each group having people for each role."

Saragos says, "True, only one Fire Rain can go at a time. But honestly, that's not the most important spell. A good group gets rolling, you hardly have time to set it up anyway, often."

You say, "And often times we keep moving."

Binu says, "It's mainly at the gates, where the large forces end up gathering."

Rehlyn says, "Rimefang can be good for travel."

You say, "My preferred as well."

Navesi says, "In particular, watching can be a way for lower circle Warrior Mages to participate. Though it can also be a boring and thankless job."

Saragos says, "Chain Lightning, if you have the strength to keep casting it, can be good if you cast it at the creatures."

Saragos says, "One thing you more experienced mages can do if you've got younger War Mages with you - cast Magnetic Ballista."

Zaxor says, "If you're going to organize into small groups, you should have someone in each group keep eddy up. Ignore fire rain unless that group is guarding a gate."

Binu says, "Yes, good ideas."

Saragos says, "Any of our guild can reload it, to take the strain off of you. But it still hits with the caster's skill."

Saragos says, "So a less skilled mage can make an impact manning the ballista."

You say, "It seems like we're in agreement for joining up during combat. So I ask that everyone here just keep their mind on the gweth during invasions to hear one of us calling."

Saragos says, "Anyone wants to spend some time working on the specifics of finely targeting our area spells like that, I'll be happy to help after the meeting."

You say, "And if you don't hear us, make the call yourselves, see who comes."

Binu says, "Yes, that's a very good point."

Navesi says, "It's okay to be pro-active. A good thing, really."

You say, "Groups are far more devesatating than solo fighters, in general."

Binu says, "You don't have to be an elder member. Just call together our guildmates to help protect the city."

Saragos says, "It's very true. Even groups you can take on your own go vastly faster with some support."

Xionara softly says, "I don't really care about protecting the city, truth be told. I just want the invaders squashed so they can't attack the guild."

You say, "Guild is part of the city, really."

Xionara softly says, "I'm not too fond of the Zoluren government."

Navesi says, "You don't have to like the government to protect the innocent people."

You say, "Anyhoo. I want to ask a question that one of our guildbrothers wanted me to ask."

Binu says, "I know that many of us have gotten very used to solo hunting due to our spells, or for more efficient training, or whatever. Let's not let that keep us from grouping up to defend the citizens."

You ask, "How do you guys feel about Wizard Duel Nights?"

You say, "I'm polling to see interest, this party was curious about running some."

You say, "Getting some dueling experience can be useful."

Binu says, "Sounds like fun to me. I have a couple of friends I usually do that with, although we do it for testing purposes mostly."

Xionara softly says, "I'd be open to it."

Kaloura cheerfully says, "Not my cup of tea, but I make a great cheering section."

You say, "I'll let him know there was some interest then."

Saragos says, "Sounds great to me. Some practice is always welcome."

Ezmundiuz says, "I haven't attacked another since Outcast overran shard. Could be useful."

You say, "A long time ago, friend."

You say, "Fighting is a perishable skill, I hear."

Binu says, "It is a good idea to get practice with strategies on how to best use our spells."

You say, "Something that was brought to my attention is that we have a lot of history and landmarks around the world."

You say, "Zaulfung Stones, the fortress in Dragonspine, the seordmoars, and some rare artifacts in the Muspar'i guild."

Rehlyn says, "The Fortress outside Shard."

You say, "I'm thinking about grouping up and having us run some trips to explore these places, and come to an understanding about our past."

Magica says, "Sounds exciting."

Magica exclaims, "Kinda' like an archeological dig!"

Binu says, "Good idea. It's been a long time since I've studied these things. I bet it has for many of us."

Xionara softly asks you, "Oh, do you mean the Vykathi?"

Kaloura cheerfully says, "That would be interesting. I've only ever gone where Gauthus sent me."

You say, "Partly."

You say, "If people like the idea of seeing these places, artifacts and so on, we'll make that a thing."

You say, "Each month or so I've been trying to do a specific Guild activity to bring some unity to us, and I'd like to continue in that vein."

You say, "Even if it's not me who's doing the leading."

Binu says, "I'd be happy to have a list of trips and we can just pick one and go every month."

Magica says, "I think Perune, taking us into the past and discovering our roots is a excellent way."

Saragos says, "I like the idea a lot. There's much to be learned from seeing our mistakes of the past. Where other mages have triumphed or failed in the past."

Navesi says, "As a Bard I can only support this idea."

You say to Navesi, "Maybe we can have you bring your guild and you can lead a few."

Navesi says, "I'd be happy to."

You ask, "On top of that, does everyone here recall the last theory and question meet we did to pose questions to the guildleaders?"

Magica asks, "What question?"

Saragos says, "Indeed."

Binu says, "That's been a while, if I was here at all."

You say to Magica, "I held a meeting where we delved into topics we felt we needed a bigger understanding of. We then presented the topics to the Guildleaders and they gave us some answers."

Anabasis says, "Yes. We got some good response to it."

You say, "I plan to hold the next one next month, so start thinking of topics you'd like to go over."

You say, "Write em down, hold on to them, and when that meet comes up, we can pose them to each other and see what stands."

You ask, "Anyways, before this meeting ends. Does anyone here have any ideas to further our goals of being more united?"

Saragos says, "I think talking more is important. There's a lot going on out there. We're needed. Our talents are needed. And there's more we can do to help."

You say, "The Paladins too have been talking about becoming more organizing, and they want to host hunts against evil forces. I've been tempted to ask Leucius if we can take part."

Xionara softly says to you, "Paladins lead well."

You say, "They do."

Binu says, "That's a good idea. We have worked well with Paladins in the past when it comes to defending cities."

Saragos says, "It's also worth noting that the outside of our guild gets hit by people looking to stir up trouble."

Binu says, "In fact, our two guilds were the first line of defense, together, if I recall correctly."

You say, "Yes, the reasons our guilds exist are similar."

Xionara softly says, "I wouldn't mind having a tin can for a distraction while I wander through the enemy..."

Magica says, "Paladins..."

Magica says, "Rekon... is very very powerful. Powerful paladin he is."

Saragos says, "It might be nice if those of us with the capability of putting a stop to some things could keep a closer eye on our guild area. I know I'm going to."

Xionara softly says, "Really though, they are excellent at forming a... wall... of defense so to speak."

You say, "Ah, yes."

You say, "Saragos brings up a point. One young mage came to me and mentioned he has problems being outside our Guildhall due to the random violence always there."

You say, "Either by Necromancers, or other guilds."

Binu says, "That's a good thought."

Navesi says, "Sometimes invasions of Elpalzi hit as well, or other things."

Magica asks, "The entrance to our guildhall is always so popular..I wonder why?"

Xionara softly says to you, "Thievery is a problem too, though most young ones don't notice that until it's too late."

You say to Magica, "Because we're always holding classes there."

Zaxor says, "Because its always full of soft targets."

Magica says, "Ahhh."

Binu asks, "I'd really like a way to allow them to call out to elders for assistance when things get ugly. I know that gweths are an option, but is there any other way we can allow them to reach out?"

You say, "I think we have few options."

Xionara softly says, "But I can't be sitting outside the front doors all the time, guarding them, either. I wish Gauthus would quit daydreaming."

Saragos says, "You see something you don't like, show up."

You say, "One guildbrother asked me specifically to bring up moving classes into the guildhall because he's tired of dealing with the dimwitted outside."

Anabasis says, "Well, there is the obvious one of inviting the young ones to move inside. They won't be able to forage like groundhogs, but they would be far more safe."

Saragos says, "One thing I like about the outside - anyone can show up."

You say, "That's my only thing, sometimes I do like to have others to teach and such."

Saragos says, "I'd like to keep that alive, if I can. That's where I met my wife for the first time."

Binu says, "Well, with inside the guild anyone can ask the elemental to inform the mages inside that they want entrance."

Anabasis says, "I certainly don't mind when a friendly Empath comes by outside."

You say, "But I understand some of the younger guys and gals are tired of glass constructs or zombies and what have you."

Navesi says, "One thing I noticed from the Empath guild is that if you make it clear that you're inside often, and you gweth about it, people will eventually come in to find you."

Navesi says, "I'm not sure what is the right choice for your guild, but that's something to keep in mind."

Binu says, "That is true. Trouble makers will find a way."

You say, "Well guild brothers, these are the things I wanted to discuss. Unless anyone has any other topics related to making us more unified, I'm going to get with Saragos, Binu and Xionara about scheduling regular meets."

You say, "And I'll be here for some time after if anyone needs anything."

You say, "Or has anything they want to discuss."

Magica says, "Thanks for having the meeting Perune, I enjoyed it."

Binu says, "Thank you for hosting this gathering."

You say, "You're welcome. I hope I'll see you guys again soon."
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Re: State of the Guild Meeting (Log) on 04/03/2016 01:24 PM CDT
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You cut the best part of the log out, IMO.

Nice job hosting these by the way.

@thayelf //

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
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Re: State of the Guild Meeting (Log) on 04/03/2016 02:34 PM CDT
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>>You cut the best part of the log out, IMO.

Which part?

It got to be a lot to sort through by the end but I still have a log of it.
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Re: State of the Guild Meeting (Log) on 04/07/2016 04:36 PM CDT
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I assume Thayet means the thumping that occurred.
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Re: State of the Guild Meeting (Log) on 04/07/2016 05:26 PM CDT
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>I assume Thayet means the thumping that occurred.

I believe the assumption was that she was the player behind the fresh from the CM troll, ergo no one was really acknowledging her comment.

And yes, that character did seem to be there for the express, sole, and explicit, purpose of disrupting the meeting. I was shocked she didn't get thumped faster.
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Re: State of the Guild Meeting (Log) on 04/07/2016 06:59 PM CDT
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> And yes, that character did seem to be there for the express, sole, and explicit, purpose of disrupting the meeting.

Interesting the exact same thing happened at the Paladin meeting a few days ago. I wonder if it is the same person.
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Re: State of the Guild Meeting (Log) on 04/07/2016 11:42 PM CDT
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I was referring to someone mentioning my character and calling her a "very veteran Thief" actually. My post was intended to be humorous.

>> I believe the assumption was that she was the player behind the fresh from the CM troll, ergo no one was really acknowledging her comment.

Why would you ever think this? Seriously.

@thayelf //

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
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