The Locksmith Union on 11/21/2010 10:23 AM CST
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The Locksmith Union has once again opened it's ranks to Locksmiths and Empath's across the lands! We are the -OLDEST- keyed unofficial organization whom has been a fixture in Elanthia since 2001.

From popping boxes, box raffles, contests, and Role-Playing Events, the Union has always provided services for players while having fun doing it.

Our new website is up and running, and while it is not perfect as we continue to update and make changes it serves its purpose well. We have included forums for both public and member-only use, and maintain an -ACTIVE- list of our members with contact information.

You can't miss the JOIN link our main page for those interested in joining the Union, or for those Locksmiths who are already keyed and would like to be listed(With over 700 members, it's a lot easier to let active folks get themselves listed, rather than trying to attempt to sort out who is active.)

We look forward to hearing from you.

Head Locksmith Shannodoah Devnary


"If a Thief kisses you, better count your teeth!"
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