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Augstawne Girene Dzirta on 02/12/2015 12:53 PM CST
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Attention players of Rakash, the Augstawne Girene Dzirta is looking for new membership to add to the number of families involved with the pack.

Are you interesting in being part of a group that works within the game to promote the Rakash people?

Are you tired of going solo with your RP of being a traditional Rakash character?

Do you want to explore some new or different RP with your Rakash character?

Well, this might be the perfect opportunity for you to get more involved with the Rakash as a whole through membership in the longest running Rakash group within DragonRealms.

Through the years a number of players have contributed to the lore and history of the pack, we're always evolving in order to best fit the desires of the members and the setting of the game as whole. What started as just two players wanting to create a group for their race has grown to encompass several players and points of view. While some players have left the game or otherwise become inactive, the pack still remains.

We use our resources and contacts to host activities within the game that promote the Rakash way of life and thinking. We encourage Rakash players to become more involved with the race as a whole and within their own provincial areas. We contribute to active discussions by representing the Rakash point of view and methods of handling things. We assist each other in being better players and thus having better characters to play.

Membership with the pack grants you access to all we can do, and in trade, grants you the ability to do more with us. Some of the things we've done for members in the past are:

* Creation of custom items for your character through use of DR Wedding Team.

* Coming of Age ceremonies and trials for younger Rakash characters.

* Awarding members as caretakers for some of the Augstawne relic items.

* Providing racial items and attire for characters seeking to represent the race.

* Inclusion into the group and guidance in creation of history for your character and/or family.

* Tutoring in your guild or areas of interest.

* Supplying above average weapons and armor to characters in need.

If any of this is of interest to you, go ahead and contact me personally by clicking on the "e-mail author" link next to my avatar on forums.

Salute a drowned sailor? You ought to brush up on your protocol, Kasto.
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