Suggestion - Unofficial Groups Event Calendar on 07/17/2002 10:16 PM CDT
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I would like to suggest a calendar for events run by unofficial groups.

This would be monitored and entries viewed and checked to see if they match the criteria for the calendar. The criteria could be things such as must be of interest to at least a significant group of players, must have enough information to be self explanatory, must provide for expectations (like what will happen, how long).

I also think the events calendar in general should be viewable in game with a calendar verb. I don't know if this has been suggested before. I find the IG news system is good but its hard to remember when an event was unless you write it down.

I am aware that the Events Calendar may not be accessed by Unofficial Groups because I received a reply from feedback and also an assist. Someone also pointed out to me that there have been exceptions to this (was it Gladiator Games?), but the policy isn't spelled out anywhere.

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Re: Suggestion - Unofficial Groups Event Calendar on 08/24/2002 11:13 AM CDT
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I agree. It would be nice to see what the other unofficial orders are doing for events without having to scour over all the posts in their seperate folders.
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Re: Suggestion - Unofficial Groups Event Calendar on 02/08/2003 09:36 AM CST
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Perhaps you could set up a liaison with the other unofficial groups that way you could not know what they've planned but you could work something out to help them, plan in conjunction and spread the word out to your friends which would help the group get the word out on a whole, because I really doubt that simu is going to start up a calendar for unofficial groups and even if they did it'd be months in the coming.
Anayia Silverdusk
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Re: Suggestion - Unofficial Groups Event Calendar on 02/09/2003 01:46 PM CST
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Pfft, if they make one. It'll be soon.. Simu time. (35 years real time).

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Re: Suggestion - Unofficial Groups Event Calendar on 02/09/2003 01:57 PM CST
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Maybe they could just add another symbol on the Events Calender for unofficial groups, like the shield for Premium and the sword for standard.
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