Learning from creature magic on 01/01/2006 11:54 PM CST
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How come critter magic doesn't teach like brutish warrior critter things swinging their claws/mauls/etc at you?

I propose that critter magic be a manner in which we can learn skills (as appropriate) in combat. Spells like dinazen olkar and venom teach very small amounts of evasion at level. Spells like curse of zachriedek, mental blast, tezirah's veil teach nothing. Just for basic suggestions, perhaps CoZ could teach armor skill, DO and venom could teach MORE evasion than currently (or shield skill if blocking with a shield), mental blast could teach... I'm not sure about that one. Maybe PM, though that's no longer in the calcs for resisting MB.

I would love to see a lot more critter magic in the realms in general. As it stands, however, there's no point in training vs a mage critter except to stand in front of it and have it swing it's staff at you. I'd love to see magical combat as a viable way to train my character.
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Re: Learning from creature magic on 01/02/2006 05:51 AM CST
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I know! How about a new Magic set skill, learnable by anyone (including Barbarians without penalty), called Defensive Magic, which you learn from being cast at with non-TM spells.

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Re: Learning from creature magic on 01/02/2006 07:48 AM CST
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<<I would love to see a lot more critter magic in the realms in general.>>

I would have to agree with ya there....seeing as the offensive magic is usually the most dangerous.

I believe we should learn more defenses from the magic shot than you would on a regular swing...I would
also include critter special moves....tail whips, charges what-have-you should teach alittle higher than their regular attacks in my opinion.


Why kill yourself when you can kill others
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Re: Learning from creature magic on 01/03/2006 05:05 AM CST
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I personally think a Defensive Magic skill would be cool. The only issue i'd have is that I'd want some (non-magical) method of training it without being cast at. That would be like the only way to learn perception would be having people hide on you. Works well for a while, but at higher ranks it would be downright friggin impossible. Perhaps make two seperate skills that function independently: Defensive Magic under the magic skillset, ad something comparable under the Weapon skillset for Barbs/Thieves/Traders.

You say, "I don't think moon mages would like being dipped in boiling tar just to learn astrology much."
Sadeia says, "More reason to dip em."

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Re: Learning from creature magic on 01/03/2006 10:29 AM CST
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<<Perhaps make two seperate skills that function independently: Defensive Magic under the magic skillset, ad something comparable under the Weapon skillset for Barbs/Thieves/Traders.>>

As the original poster pointed out, this magical defense skill would be learnable by NMUs. There's no reason barbs, thieves, and traders should learn it at a different rate than rangers and paladins.

Well actually, for traders it would be the same rate, tertiary versus tertiary. Ha.

Marksman Ahmir Nam'al

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PS: Oh my god they're called IMs. They're not pigeons. Nor are they pidgeons or pidgions or pidgins.
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Re: Learning from creature magic on 01/04/2006 09:04 PM CST
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Higher circle creatures have a lot of varied magics.

Basilisks, Heirophants, Sky giants, Adan'f, Fendryads, swamp trolls, rock trolls, seodomars, hafwa, wir dinego, darvagers, fire sprites, fire atik's, etc.

Unfortunately most of the spells/abilities are buggy (creature TM is insanely high), and there just isn't enough of them. I'd be game more some more magic wielding creatures all across the board :P

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