Sorry, repost of question on 04/03/2004 09:57 AM CST
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Realized that I hit reply instead of post last night and didn't mean to hijak the other thread.

When a spell is one-way blockable by veil of ice, who do you cast veil of ice on? The caster or castee?

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Re: Sorry, repost of question on 04/03/2004 12:14 PM CST
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>When a spell is one-way blockable by veil of ice, who do you cast veil of ice on? The caster or castee?

Veil of Ice protects the target, but does not hinder the caster, for hybrid spells.

If I have a VoI up, and cast Fist of Stone, my VoI will block the Fist. If I have VoI up and cast LB, the VoI does nothing.

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