Mark of Arhat on 03/08/2005 06:54 PM CST
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an intersting question here, I have been out for awhile so my memory on Dr history is abit fuzzy even more so warmie history but I thought Mark of Arhat was originally planned a fire spell? Also wasn't he a mage who specialized in Fire?

Not arguing against the spell, just the name
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Re: Mark of Arhat on 03/08/2005 07:09 PM CST
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Yup, was originally a fire spell, and still is. Here's the new description:

Mark of Arhat [PLANNED]
The Mark of Arhat spell is named for the founder of the first guild, Warrior Mages. Arhat was to fire magic as a mother is to child. One of his favorite spells was one of his own devising. He never named the spell and when it was found at the time of his death, the spell was named in Arhat's honor. Mark of Arhat is a form of targeted spell that does not deal damage upon impact, but afterwards as the mage harnesses mana for it. Requirements: Dragon's Breath, 40th circle.

And here's the original description:

Spell Name: Mark of Arhat
Abbreviation: (moa)
Requirements: Pillar of Fire.
Description: Perfected by the Fire Mage during his battles for Lanival, this targeted spell marks the target with an arcane sigil that begins to burn on contact. This mark draws upon the caster's held mana to inflict increasing amounts of damage upon the opponent.

As you can tell from the descriptions, he was a fire mage who fought by Lanival's side. The old burnt-out Warrior Mage guild in Crossing was founded by him, and he played a pivotal role in the reformation of the guild.

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Re: Mark of Arhat on 03/08/2005 09:30 PM CST
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Okay I just misread the GM announcement on the spell review I thought they were referring to mark of arhat as a lightning spell, read it again see that its another spell.
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