Foraging bait and other suggestions on 03/08/2008 08:56 AM CST
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I'm sure I'm not the first to suggest these, but they've come to mind as some simple ways to expand the fishing system, so I thought I'd put them up just in case:

1) Seems like foraging up some worms for bait should be pretty easy to do. Perhaps other bugs could be found and used also, as well as clams/oysters. Could also use other caught fish (the small ones), or bits of meat cut from slain creatures. I suggest these mostly for variety (and the potential to catch those fish picky enough to want different things), but also because bait shops are scarce, and the realism would be nice.

2) I would love to see more blackboards and weighing scales. It seems like fishing is something that the majority of cities in DR would be interested in, considering most are near a river or large body of water.

3) I'd also love to be able to use my grass braiding skills to make a fishing net, even if it can't be used yet.

4) I'd really like a fish basket to store my caught fish in. Are these sold anywhere?

Finally, just thought I would note to any new fishermen that handmade worms are very easy to bait -- I always get them on the first try, with 20 mech.

Good fishing,

- Player of Niieth
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Re: Foraging bait and other suggestions on 03/08/2008 09:37 AM CST
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>>4) I'd really like a fish basket to store my caught fish in. Are these sold anywhere?<<

I know there were fishing baskets given as premium gifts a long, long time ago and I think there some sold at a fest too.

Gnomes Rule!
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Re: Foraging bait and other suggestions on 03/08/2008 10:37 AM CST
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Something just for fish or just something fishy-sounding but will hold anything? I know I seen one in one of the store-bought regular shops, but chop my legs off and call me Stumpy if I recall which one.

J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
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Re: Foraging bait and other suggestions on 03/08/2008 11:26 AM CST
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In Ilaya Taipa they sell creels, which are baskets made for holding fish. Usually something used by fly fishers.
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Re: Foraging bait and other suggestions on 03/09/2008 09:21 AM CDT
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Thank you! A creel is just what I need, I think.
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Re: Foraging bait and other suggestions on 03/10/2008 01:42 PM CDT
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I think there was a willow creel sold in a shop in southwest part of Leth too. Not sure if it's still sold there or not. This is old old old old old old... info.


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Re: Foraging bait and other suggestions on 03/10/2008 01:48 PM CDT
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I would like to suggest the use of fish guts from skinning fish for bait


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Re: Foraging bait and other suggestions on 03/11/2008 11:48 PM CDT
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I'd love to be able to forage bait. I got kinda addicted to fishing while the pier was still open, but the fact it took me so long to bait the hook and I wasted so much of it kind of makes me leery of buying my own bait while I can't hook it too well. I'd definitely splurge on my own pole and hooks and things, though, if I could at least forage up bait (and use the guts, that would be great too)...

player of Kyriaca
Third time's the charm!
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Re: Foraging bait and other suggestions on 03/12/2008 04:35 PM CDT
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>>I'd love to be able to forage bait. I got kinda addicted to fishing while the pier was still open

Prime or Plat/TF? Because in Prime you don't need access to the pier in order to use the free fishing supplies in Crossing. Go over to the pier down by Riverpine Circle, I believe, and there should be some there (if not, it's definitely in the other one two steps west of the shipyard).

J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
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