Fish, Skinning & Scraping on 03/21/2009 03:14 PM CDT
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Does anyone have any experience in using skinning and scraping fish to train?

What all does each of these teach?
Which teaches better?
and do either teach enough to lock anything?


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Re: Fish, Skinning & Scraping on 03/21/2009 03:30 PM CDT
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I was going to include skinning and scraping into my Ultimate Fishing Script v 2.0 but I remember renegging on that because my feeling was that the experience output was pretty dismal.

I will check it out later and see what I find.

Obligatory Fishing plug: For Survival Terts, I think fishing is probably the best way to train Foraging after a certain point. I have over 540 ranks, the last 40 ranks being trained solely with fishing.

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Re: Fish, Skinning & Scraping on 03/21/2009 03:47 PM CDT
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>>What all does each of these teach?
Fishing teaches Foraging and Animal Lore.

>>Which teaches better?
I suspect foraging for at-challenge things with precise and careful probably teaches faster, but you don't get the Animal lore, nor the skinning/mechlore if you scrape.

>>and do either teach enough to lock anything?
I can lock foraging + animal lore while fishing and , skinning + mech lore (not at the same time), in the 100-200 range without too much difficulty.

Scraping fish is probably not as time efficient as scraping big skins that you hunted down, but I've used it while hunting non-skinnable things to keep my survival skills level(ish).
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Re: Fish, Skinning & Scraping on 03/21/2009 05:38 PM CDT
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>I was going to include skinning and scraping into my Ultimate Fishing Script v 2.0 but I remember renegging on that because my feeling was that the experience output was pretty dismal.

It either didn't move me at all, or got me to learning, after like 40 fish in a row with mid 300's. Was the only reason I even tried fishing :/
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Re: Fish, Skinning & Scraping on 03/21/2009 06:37 PM CDT
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<<It either didn't move me at all, or got me to learning, after like 40 fish in a row with mid 300's. Was the only reason I even tried fishing :/>>

Ok, that is what I was looking for....guess I won't bother with it.

I was basically trying to decide is it worth it to sell them or try to scrape them for experience in skinning.

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Re: Fish, Skinning & Scraping on 03/23/2009 11:08 AM CDT
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Scraping fish works skinning well at low levels. And it works foraging surprisingly well if you're aggressive enough (recasting frequently). My new ranger uses it exclusively at this point.
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Re: Fish, Skinning & Scraping on 03/23/2009 08:34 PM CDT
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>>Scraping fish works skinning well at low levels.<<

Yeah I was hoping it worked well, or atleast moderately well at mid-level ranks.
(I was hoping I could work skinning into my survival script)

Foraging works really well for fishing, plus you get AL on top of that, so that is what I use for training. I used to forage sticks which worked decently too, but this seems just as good with AL just for TDPs as an extra.

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