Speculate coin on 02/19/2005 06:49 PM CST
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Would it be possible to get speculate coin worked into the combat system so it defaults to the critter we are facing?

J>face pecc
spec coin

With a snort of pure porcine pleasure, a small peccary rubs its belly in the mud.
You are already facing the small peccary.
You need to specify a target.
[Syntax: SPECULATE COIN <target>]

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others." ~~ G.O.

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Re: Speculate coin on 06/08/2005 01:19 AM CDT
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and could thieves get that coin flick, i mean we are more nimble with our hands and coins then traders, they trade coins we nimbly sneak them about and do tricks with them i never understood why this cant be sharded ability,thieves are still the only guild with no ability to affect another person besides attacking em

Don't fear the dark, fear what hides in it.
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