Arrowhead pounding and fletching question on 02/13/2005 07:44 AM CST
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Sorry if in the wrong place, couldn't find this info elsewhere. Are arrowhead pounding and fletching specific to rangers, or can barbs do these things? Is it a deal where rangers have a bonus to arrowhead pounding and fletching, and barbs can do it, but would need much higher levels to achieve the same results?
Thanks for any input.
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Re: Arrowhead pounding and fletching question on 02/13/2005 08:18 AM CST
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As far as I know, anyone with a certain amount of skill in bow can pound arrowheads. I think it's 10 lessons, but may be as high as 30, like it is to carve bows. Rangers I think do get a small bonus to it, but then again, they're rangers, archery is their bag baby. ;)

The truth is that ineffective, unfocused violence leads to more death. However fully thought through, well executed violence never leads to more violence because afterwards, the other guys are all dead.
~Commander Ternith Sjomah
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Re: Arrowhead pounding and fletching question on 02/13/2005 08:53 AM CST
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The mech learning from some things<basilisk teeth in particular> seems to be tied in with the quality of the tooth/fang/tusk. a friend of mine pounded out a basilisk arrowhead and got his mech to muddled or v mudd with just one from clear, I could not get mine above learning by completing an arrowhead. the skin/arrange bonus seems to also bonus mech learning. Maybe it was just a fluke, I don't know, anyone else seen this kind of results?

Just A Cleric
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Re: Arrowhead pounding and fletching question on 02/13/2005 09:22 AM CST
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need at least 20 total bow ranks to start pounding arrowheads and fletching arrows


A sailor walks up to you and says, "Your commission as Captain of the Skirr'lolasu has run out."
The sailor salutes and walks away to return to his duties.
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Re: Arrowhead pounding and fletching question on 02/13/2005 04:58 PM CST
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Funny, I thought it was 20 ranks in bows for arrow fletching and 50 collective ranks in bows in order to pound arrowheads...

Amagaim; the player of,

"That'll do it, yes. Unless of course it's within your power to save me from an increasingly miserable and inconsequential existence."

"Well, we have baked apple pies. Would a couple of those help?"
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Re: Arrowhead pounding and fletching question on 02/13/2005 05:08 PM CST
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when I was training my ranger I did it with 20 total


A sailor walks up to you and says, "Your commission as Captain of the Skirr'lolasu has run out."
The sailor salutes and walks away to return to his duties.
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Re: Arrowhead pounding and fletching question on 02/13/2005 09:42 PM CST
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>>when I was training my ranger I did it with 20 total

When I was training it with my paladin, 20 ranks didn't let me yet. You can first make arrows (10 ranks in any bow skill), then you can make bows (10 in shortbow, 20 in longbow), and then you can pound arrowheads (greater than twenty, probably the 50 like Amagaim mentioned).

J'Lo, no that other one
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Re: Arrowhead pounding and fletching question on 02/14/2005 05:42 AM CST
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should put a disclaimer on this one. This was for it to let me do it. I broke every single arrowhead I tried on the first or second pound, but it did let me try. It didn't tell me that "hey stupid, you're too young to know how to do that" or something


A sailor walks up to you and says, "Your commission as Captain of the Skirr'lolasu has run out."
The sailor salutes and walks away to return to his duties.
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