QOL Sanowret crystals and thieves request on 10/08/2016 12:35 AM CDT
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Would it be possible to revisit the 100% concentration requirement of using a sanowret crystal? Not asking to reduce the concentration costs at all, just the requirement of starting at 100% rather then just having enough in your pool to pay the cost.

Thieves are the only guild that uses concentration as a resource and when running khri hunting etc are rarely at 100% concentration. Thus it can be difficult to get the most out of your khri while weaving in sanowret crystal uses, no other guild really runs into this issue.

Thanks for your consideration.
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Re: QOL Sanowret crystals and thieves request on 10/08/2016 01:37 AM CDT
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>>Thieves are the only guild that uses concentration as a resource

Traders do also. I run into the same issue all the time with mine because I've just used speculate finesse.

And funnily both guilds are the ones who might most like to use the sanowret crystal.

- Navesi
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Re: QOL Sanowret crystals and thieves request on 10/08/2016 11:27 AM CDT
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Sorry about that, I stand corrected. It unevenly effects traders and thieves and like you pointed out, probably the guilds who need to use it the most.
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Re: QOL Sanowret crystals and thieves request on 10/08/2016 03:03 PM CDT
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Or perhaps the people who can't use any magical items other than the Sanowret crystal, the commoners, have the most use for it. Runestones aren't working?

"I, for one, think it's nice to have new folks who are excited and already care enough about the game to offer suggestions. We need more of that." -Solomon

Thanks for being in my corner Solomon, come back soon.
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Re: QOL Sanowret crystals and thieves request on 10/08/2016 03:15 PM CDT
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You need to be a magic user to use Rhinestones. NMUs can use items like the wands and such recently available at Duskruin, but I believe they get no arcana experience for doing so.
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