Gath Mysanda Update on 07/23/2017 07:01 PM CDT
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In preparation for wider distribution of gath mysanda, some updates were made:

1) Gath mysanda no longer tries to nuke your scrolls when charging. I am actually not sure if it was succeeding or not, but since scroll loss is no longer a function of attunement loss it's gone.
2) All the messaging has been changed to reflect modern lore terminology. FOCUS has been changed to be more informative. Yes, Necromancers can still use them.
3) Some minor behind-the-scenes changes that you shouldn't notice.

The core functionality, including skill checks, randoms, and breakage, have not been touched. Please let me know if any bugs crop up.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino
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