Pulsing items and Atmo on 10/08/2017 12:46 PM CDT
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Is there a rule that states that pulsing items that recover Vitality, Spirit, Concentration and Mana must also have ATMO pulsing messaging?

It would be fantastic if there were a way to get the effect of items without the ATMO. Whether that means a command to silence the messaging, or a Craft Enchantment that silences all ATMO on your person while maintaining the effects, or applying a potency crystal to a pulsing item to silence it; so many items would be superior without the ATMO or at least with the option of going without the ATMO.
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Re: Pulsing items and Atmo on 10/08/2017 03:28 PM CDT
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100% agree

Monster Elec

You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde snarling in barbaric disapproval of your deeds.
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Re: Pulsing items and Atmo on 10/08/2017 05:57 PM CDT
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Agreed. We need far more silencers in my opinion.

- Navesi
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