patterns on 04/28/2004 04:12 PM CDT
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so, im in the origami tent in leth, but I dont see any patterns. Do i have to go over to the islands to buy patterns?

~~ Wrynkler
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Re: patterns on 04/28/2004 04:14 PM CDT
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There are patterns and the primer in the leth tent. look in and on everything, can't recall where they are right off.

Visionary Heroiklim Zortal

Heiu says, "By the end of the year I expect to see an explosion"
Heiu says, "Hold me to that if you want.... at Christmas"
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Re: patterns on 04/28/2004 05:30 PM CDT
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<<There are patterns and the primer in the leth tent.

you mean Instructions!

>tap my instructions
You tap some phoenix instructions inside your leather longcoat.

Make a difference, Be a Vodka Doner
Don't let Soim's Simucon supplies run low this year

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Re: patterns on 04/28/2004 05:50 PM CDT
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(coughs) Soim, it's DONOR, not Doner. Don't worry, the vodka is still coming at Simu. Maybe I can make up a spelling list for you to keep too...

(runs FAST and FAR away)


To be a book-collector is to combine the worst characteristics of a dope fiend with those of a miser.

- Robertson Davies, "The Table Talk of Samuel Marchbanks"
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Re: patterns on 04/28/2004 05:57 PM CDT
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gah I got to change it yet again. sheesh... this is so hard

Make a difference, Be a Vodka Doner
Don't let Soim's Simucon supplies run low this year

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Re: patterns on 04/28/2004 07:58 PM CDT
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Celestica moves a stone mortar labeled "NotCelestiaa" to his right hand.

You tap a hollow ram's horn labeled "NotCelestica" that you are wearing.
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idea's for new origami patterns on 08/23/2004 02:21 AM CDT
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slashdot had a story linked about the international origami convention with some really difficult looking stuff. one professional/master folder does lots of fantasy stuff--

you can follow the link to his stuff...i dont think even apu could manage some of those folds.

anyway, just thought the link might give meriel some new ideas for extremely difficult patterns.

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Re: idea's for new origami patterns on 08/23/2004 12:07 PM CDT
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There was a mention in a recent Scientific American about a topolgist who makes truly outrageous paper sculptures out of single sheets. It wasn't by folding so much as warping... I can't find any linkage unfortunately.
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suggested origami patterns on 11/30/2008 10:30 AM CST
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seahorse pull curls up its tail
winged horse pull rears and flaps its wings
castle pull lowers/raises the drawbridge
merelew/mermaid pull raises his/her arms and flaps his/her tail
rose pull the flower opens/closes its petals
lotus pull the flower opens/closes its petals
shadowling day (Moon Mage only) pull covers its eyes with its paws
shadowling night (Moon Mage only) stretches its legs and arches its wings
quiver (Ranger only) opens or closes
bow (Ranger only) the string pulls back to fire an arrow
musical note (Bard only) no pull
mountain lion pull throws head back and opens mouth to roar
mammoth pull raises its trunk and feet and lowers its tusks.
helmet (Paladin only) raises/lowers the visor
shield (Paladin only) no pull
plate mail (Paladin only) pull a dent appears
spear (Barb only) no pull
talisman (War Mage only)pull becomes a cat, dog , lizard or bird
fox pull slinks about slyly
merlin pull flaps its small wings and stretches its talons
kestrel pull flaps its small wings and opens its sharp beak
eagle pull flaps its large wings and stretches talons
hawk pull opens its sharp beak and stretches its large wings
dog pull wags its tail

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New patterns on 03/23/2009 09:08 AM CDT
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Any luck on getting a more updated version of the patterns and when we could do them.

Side note friend tried to do Gilded Raven with SF 658 and FF 557 and says its sticky but managed to do it after several attempts.
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Re: New patterns on 03/23/2009 01:26 PM CDT
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I updated the Elanthipedia with everything that had been posted here, so as far as I can tell it's the most up to date list.

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