Origami Instructions on 10/24/2003 07:58 AM CDT
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What would be the next set of instructions after Fish? I have been trying to make the jump to Dolphin but i still cant understand the first fold. What will it take to be able to fold them?

This is how i see the Dolphin instructions with 166 Mech lore, 108 Scholorship, 28 intell.

You read quickly through the dolphin instructions. You find that you recognize almost all of the folds, and think that you could probably make this without too much trouble. Now if only you could figure out where to place the first fold.
Roundtime: 3 seconds.

They do not see what lies ahead when sun has failed the moon is dead.

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Re: Origami Instructions on 10/24/2003 08:41 AM CDT
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There's a calculator that you can find here:


Hopefully that'll help.

~Azimee Ta'Shiza
~Gypsy Songbird
~Tinbird In Training
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Re: Origami Instructions on 10/24/2003 10:03 AM CDT
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<<<<There's a calculator that you can find here:



They do not see what lies ahead when sun has failed the moon is dead.

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Origami Instructions in Leth? on 04/30/2005 10:53 AM CDT
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I went to Leth to buy some origami instructions but I couldn't find anything but the primer. Can different instructions still be purchased in Leth? If so, where are they?

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