I keep saying to myself, "Hey, self. You're one sexy man. Also, the rumor system shouldn't be only tied to guild and race. There should be at least a third option there."
So self says to me, he says, "Hmm. What about a universally-existant 'reputation' score which would tie into things like a character's Charisma stat, circle, performance within respective guilds (which is tracked [inadequately in some cases, but serviceable enough for these purposes] by most guilds via things like Inner Fire, Devotion, Soul, Confidence/Rep, etc.), "roleplay" status (the easy but sloppy way being by RPA count, the hard but accurate way by GMs setting up something manually), etc, which would when highly favorable override the guild/race tenets? Also, weren't they going to do a reputation/alignment system sometime this decade? They could throw that in there somewhere, too."
"Self," I said, "You're pretty brilliant when you lay off the internet gaming. That stuff rots your brain. Yeah, Self, it's a great idea, but it's waaaaaaaaaay too complicated for them to finish anytime soon. Why not just tie it into something that already exists, like those aforementioned guild stats? 'I don't usually talk to you types, but you're such a well-known X, maybe just this once...'"
"Either way," Self replied. "It would be nice to have more robust and malleable access to a robust and malleable system."
"I know. You're hot, Self. Let's make out."
RP Uber Alles,
Rumors expansion on 10/02/2004 02:23 AM CDT
Re: Rumors expansion on 10/02/2004 03:06 AM CDT
>>>"I know. You're hot, Self. Let's make out."
Sheeeesh. Not even back for 24 hours and I.B. is already scaring the beejeezus out of me.
Dude, gimme a break! At least wait until I'm back for longer before coming up with wierd things like this, mmmmmkay?
Now if you will excuse me, I need to go and wash my eyeballs with sulphuric acid. They just MIGHT get clean again that way.
Oh, and before I go and permanently blind myself, way interesting idea you have there, Mr. D. Way interesting.
[sounds of screaming with a background noise of faint sizzling sounds ensues]
Amagaim; the player of,
Those destined to die greet you
Take your sword
And dance, dance, dance, dance!
Dance the dance of death!
--- Das Ich, Kain und Abel (translation)
Sheeeesh. Not even back for 24 hours and I.B. is already scaring the beejeezus out of me.
Dude, gimme a break! At least wait until I'm back for longer before coming up with wierd things like this, mmmmmkay?
Now if you will excuse me, I need to go and wash my eyeballs with sulphuric acid. They just MIGHT get clean again that way.
Oh, and before I go and permanently blind myself, way interesting idea you have there, Mr. D. Way interesting.
[sounds of screaming with a background noise of faint sizzling sounds ensues]
Amagaim; the player of,
Those destined to die greet you
Take your sword
And dance, dance, dance, dance!
Dance the dance of death!
--- Das Ich, Kain und Abel (translation)
Re: Rumors expansion on 10/02/2004 11:04 AM CDT
I was mildly disturbed after reading this:
>>I keep saying to myself, "Hey, self. You're one sexy man.
I was convinced I would now have nightmares after this:
>>"I know. You're hot, Self. Let's make out."
After this, I believe there is not enough therepy in the world to help fix the scars left:
>>[sounds of screaming with a background noise of faint sizzling sounds ensues]
I'm beginning to scared that you all might actually turn me into one of you! ;)
~ Britia
>>I keep saying to myself, "Hey, self. You're one sexy man.
I was convinced I would now have nightmares after this:
>>"I know. You're hot, Self. Let's make out."
After this, I believe there is not enough therepy in the world to help fix the scars left:
>>[sounds of screaming with a background noise of faint sizzling sounds ensues]
I'm beginning to scared that you all might actually turn me into one of you! ;)
~ Britia
Re: Rumors expansion on 10/15/2004 01:19 AM CDT