tattoos on 05/08/2004 09:25 PM CDT
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are the tattoos on a rotating typed deal like some shops?
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Re: tattoos on 05/10/2004 11:54 AM CDT
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I would really like to see a tattoo artist every now and then. Yes, I'm lazy and don't feel like going to Hara'jaal. ; )

~Lt. Skylira Mer'Luna, Zoluren Cavalry
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Re: tattoos on 05/10/2004 01:02 PM CDT
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>Yes, I'm lazy and don't feel like going to Hara'jaal. ; )

It isn't just that. It is the fact that you have the exact same tattoo as, what, 1/12 of the realms? They either need to expand on the tattoos, change them, have them rotating, or something. But yes, I would LOVE to see a tattoo alterer.

Stringpuller of Raydell, et al

"It's not the Sais that counts..." ~Swordswallower's saying.

"...I'll make thee eat iron like an ostrich, and swallow my sword like a great pin, ere thou an I part." ~Cade, from King Henry VI
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Re: tattoos on 05/10/2004 01:42 PM CDT
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Chelone and Inky are two offhand that I know of. Too bad they've not been around since the very beginning of the fest...Yeah it's all comming back to me now. That was a very long week waiting for them to come back, which they never did by the way.

So the island right now would be the only place to get a tattoo, unless of course..A) a GM dusts off any of the previously known tattoo alterers from whatever hole they stuffed em in. B) One or more of the other merchants/alterers learned how to do tattoo's, Which is what Chelone did. She was primarily a painter of portraits and so on, however she told those present one day she was around, that she had recently aquired/learned tattoo'ing skills. C) More tattoo alteration vouchers. Presently, I think the only way to get these are from expensive GM held auctions and Droughtman's prizes. Not really a great option for people who have no money to participate in either of those. Crappy spell scrolls (How many Huldah Pall's do we really need?) are in the treasure system, along with newspapers and assorted tacky clothing, why can't tattoo alteration vouchers be thrown in as well, Heck any alteration voucher in the treasure system would ROCK. I hear origami envelopes are now in the system, surely another piece of paper could be doable. D) Taisidon 1 & 2 and the Excursion deal, there's a tattoo shop located there. They are cheap in the shop, same set-up as the shop on the island but totally different designs, however you have to pay cash for the quest, assuming it was EVEN running in the first place.

I'm sure there's more, I just got distracted and lost my train of thought. People actually think I need to work while Geesh. Only thing I can really suggest to do is highlight alterers names that you know do tattoo's and wait to see if they ever log on, then hop like a rabid bunny rabbit to find out where they are and run to them to try to get something done.
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Re: tattoos on 05/10/2004 01:44 PM CDT
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>why can't tattoo alteration vouchers be thrown in as well, Heck any alteration voucher in the treasure system would ROCK.

Oooo...yes, yes, yes! :-)

~Lt. Skylira Mer'Luna, Zoluren Cavalry
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Re: tattoos on 05/10/2004 01:47 PM CDT
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>why can't tattoo alteration vouchers be thrown in as well, Heck any alteration voucher in the treasure system would ROCK.

That would be cool, but I think they should stay pretty limited, probably even a lower drop rate than damite and glaes and kertig and all that. But I think it would be neat to kill something and find a voucher that the critter stole from the shop before he went out to find a place to roll in the mud.

Stringpuller of Raydell, et al

"It's not the Sais that counts..." ~Swordswallower's saying.

"...I'll make thee eat iron like an ostrich, and swallow my sword like a great pin, ere thou an I part." ~Cade, from King Henry VI
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Re: tattoos on 05/10/2004 02:45 PM CDT
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I'd love to see these in the treasure system. And not just in Sky giant boxes. <even though I'm one of the 2% of folks in the realms that can open 'em> :-)

A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.

The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"

The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
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Re: tattoos on 05/11/2004 12:21 PM CDT
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>I'd love to see these in the treasure system. And not just in Sky giant boxes. <even though I'm one of the 2% of folks in the realms that can open 'em> :-)

I don't see why it would be. My first piece of glaes was found in Crossing Goblins, lovely day, it was. But yeah, spread it out a bit.

Sgt. Raydell D'Rougus of the Zoluren Cavalry, et al.

"Join the army, meet interesting people, kill them." ~ Graffiti at Bromley

"Only the dead have seen the end of war." ~ Plato
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Re: tattoos on 05/23/2004 06:50 PM CDT
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This has been said a hundred times but i think would be nice is have a tattoo design contest for the shop on hara'jal. Or heck it could even be a career, so and so artist could lease a shop from a trader.

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Re: tattoos on 05/23/2004 09:46 PM CDT
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>Or heck it could even be a career

Now THAT sounds nifty!

~Lt. Skylira Mer'Luna, Zoluren Cavalry
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Simple tattoos on 04/28/2011 11:26 AM CDT
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It would be really nice to see a tattoo shop that has a ton of really basic tattoos (size color object), instead of the shops that have just a small group of detailed tattoos. This way people have more variety, and it leaves a bit more to the imagination.

A small blue butterfly tattoo.. vs a flying blue indigo butterfly with golden highlights over an ocean of rippling waves as the sun sets. :D
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Re: Simple tattoos on 04/28/2011 10:21 PM CDT
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Good idea. Or basic stuff like geometric shapes constructable similar to the heraldry shop in Shard, jewelry shop in Haven, etc. Six blue circles on the neck, five blue circles on the neck, four green diamonds in a box pattern on the right thigh, etc.
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Re: Simple tattoos on 04/29/2011 02:27 PM CDT
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Make it a system for characters to use, possibly under artistry :).

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Simple tattoos on 04/29/2011 05:04 PM CDT
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With inks created by Alchemy (maybe with lower quality inks offering a risk of infection?).

unrelated: clothing/armor dyes created with alchemy to be applied with artistry would be neat, too.
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