Ink Splattered Voucher on 07/27/2006 06:44 AM CDT
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On the off chance that someone is doing custom tattoos, I make my yearly pilgrimage to these boards. A few posts back I explain how the voucher reads.

Thank you for any assistance.
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Re: Ink Splattered Voucher on 03/27/2007 08:55 AM CDT
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>On the off chance that someone is doing custom tattoos, I make my yearly pilgrimage to these boards. A few posts back I explain how the voucher reads.

Ack! Sorry no one has responded sooner.

I would suggest writing to, explaining that you're trying to redeem an old voucher and making sure to include the full text of how it reads. Normally Thinpi will be able to redeem vouchers from merchants/alterers who are no longer in the realms, but dr-events will make sure your email gets to the GM who will be able to help you out the best.

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