...lol on 04/09/2011 10:57 PM CDT
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On 7/30/2005 @ 8:13:15 PM FATHOMM writes:
I have a custom tattoo voucher which I acquired via an auction around the time of the bard fest in Shard, some time ago (~2 years). The voucher reads as follows: "This here piece of paper means I'll do one custom tattoo for person who won it at auction. It is not at all transferable, and attempting to do so may result in the voucher (and the people trying to swap it) bursting into flames, if I can arrange for that to happen. I'm a Gnome, so wear comfortable clothes, because you're going to need to lie down for this. -- Desya Tiffov"
At the time, I had some communication with Desya as to the parameters, came up with a design, but then didn't play DR for a little while. After I came back Desya was gone and I could find no help on redeeming the voucher. This cycle has repeated, and I'm here, for the third attempt to see if there's anyone whom I can talk to about getting this done.
This last time I assisted and they suggested a post here, so, here's the post. Thanks for any help.

#148 On 7/27/2006 @ 6:44:20 AM FATHOMM writes:
On the off chance that someone is doing custom tattoos, I make my yearly pilgrimage to these boards. A few posts back I explain how the voucher reads.
Thank you for any assistance.

#149 On 3/27/2007 @ 8:55:29 AM DR-CEOSANNA writes:
>On the off chance that someone is doing custom tattoos, I make my yearly pilgrimage to these boards. A few posts back I explain how the voucher reads.
Ack! Sorry no one has responded sooner.
I would suggest writing to dr-events@play.net, explaining that you're trying to redeem an old voucher and making sure to include the full text of how it reads. Normally Thinpi will be able to redeem vouchers from merchants/alterers who are no longer in the realms, but dr-events will make sure your email gets to the GM who will be able to help you out the best.

#152 On 7/7/2008 @ 3:31:59 PM FEIGERZ writes:
I didn't see this thread.
So can a tattoo alterer come back?

#153 On 7/8/2008 @ 7:09:08 AM FATHOMM writes:
It is not likely. I have had a voucher for a custom tattoo for over 5 years now, every year I have asked, and naught has come of it.

Wow. Was there a happy ending? The suspense is Killing me inside.

~Sunshine and Daisies
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Re: ...lol on 04/10/2011 02:05 AM CDT
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Wow, someone dropped the ball there... I think that person deserves free DR for life.
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Re: ...lol on 04/10/2011 04:47 AM CDT
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>>Wow, someone dropped the ball there... I think that person deserves free DR for life.

DR is a small enough game now that Simu needs to care about every single customer and I would definitely finally honor his voucher, but it's really his own fault. From the way he tells the story it sounds like he had the appointment set up and had gone over the outline with the GM and had it all ready to go and then just up and quit playing DR for two years.
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Re: ...lol ::THREAD OVER:: on 04/10/2011 10:31 AM CDT
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Honestly. As that's a post from over 3 years ago, I wouldn't assume nothing has happened.

As there's no point to this thread, it's done.

Message Board Supervisor

If you've questions or comments, take it to e-mail by writing me at DR-Annwyl@play.net.
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Re: ...lol ::THREAD OVER:: on 11/06/2011 06:20 AM CST
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>>but it's really his own fault. From the way he tells the story it sounds like he had the appointment set up and had gone over the outline with the GM and had it all ready to go and then just up and quit playing DR for two years.

Where did I say I had an appointment? I wrote that I had some conversations. I never had an appointment. As I remember it, the person doing the tattoos was available immediately but as it was a custom thing I wanted to think about it. By the time (2-3 weeks) that I had come up with something that person had disappeared and I've been, patiently, asking about it ever since.

I am not making a fuss. I am merely asking. Ok, sure it's my fault. Blah blah, I would rather someone just say you're SOL than to get no answer.

>>Honestly. As that's a post from over 3 years ago, I wouldn't assume nothing has happened.

Actually, based on my previous posts this would be the best assumption.

>>As there's no point to this thread, it's done.

There is a point to this thread, though I can understand why you wouldn't feel that way. I actually cancelled my account as of Dec 2009, I reactivated it just so I could respond to this pointless (to everyone but me) thread.

If I sound a bit snippy, well, I didn't mind that I never got a response, but I kinda mind that I get negative responses.
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