Useful Tattoos (there is such a thing) on 02/27/2003 08:21 AM CST
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Imagine if you will...

Magical Ink (not so far fetched)
Patterns which hold magic or pretain to magic (arcane symbols anyone?)

>prep fireshard 20
>You the tattoo's along your arms become warm, a warm red glow outlinging the arcane symbols inked into your skin. You feel extra power move into the spell you are preparing.

>blah, blah, blah

>Your tattoed arms flash with an angry glow as a hurling hammer of fire materializes in front of you, hurtling towards the happless gerbil you've been targeting. SPLAT!'s an idea?

-Bardic Halfling
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Re: Useful Tattoos (there is such a thing) on 02/27/2003 09:08 AM CST
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That was a good series, I forget the name of it. With the races that had all their magic tattooed on their skin, and their counterparts the ones that danced for their magic. Very cool series.


Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion.

-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
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Re: Useful Tattoos (there is such a thing) on 02/27/2003 10:56 AM CST
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I wasn't really thinking of any sort of series. It just popped into my head. Think of it like this...(elemental twist here)

Certain ink and certain patterns make casting certain spells easier, and certain spells harder. For exmaple...

Joe Bob War Mage gets some Arcane Fire Tattoos. Job notices he can cast fire spells a bit faster now, but...his water based spells takes longer to cast! Gah! But...Joe is a pyro, so it's all good!

Additional drawbacks...

If your spell backfires and uses the arcane tattoos (Joe is a pyro, remember?) his arms become mangled and burned! Ouch! Poor Joe!

Multi-Guild Applications.

Only Empaths can give you a tattoo (they know what it's like to work with percision and needles, gotta sew up Barbarians all the time) , only your own magic type can make the ink for the tattoo. Maybe instead of spell enhancements, it gives you a limited boost to something else. And once you've "used" all the boosts, the ink fades and your tattoo goes POOF.
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Re: Useful Tattoos (there is such a thing) on 02/27/2003 02:27 PM CST
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>>That was a good series, I forget the name of it.

The Death Gate Cycle, by Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman.

- S., et al.

And then Trogdor smote the Kerreck, and all was laid to burnination.

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Re: Useful Tattoos (there is such a thing) on 03/22/2003 11:37 AM CST
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wouldn't be too bad of an idea to have the embroidery system overlap into the tatoo system.

Buy Magic ink
Get a needle
study pattern
stitch tatoo/embroidery person on person

mech also affects how elaborately done the tatoo becomes.

<50 mech == smeared lines, etc.
>500 mech = crisp lifelike portrait that was done by an artist
( you get the idea)
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Re: Useful Tattoos (there is such a thing) on 03/22/2003 01:31 PM CST
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Hm...I don't think we should stitch people. But what about painting people with semi-perminant tattoo? They could have magical uses... A moonmage or warmage could enchant ink...then maybe a trader or someone with high mech lore could do the painting. The tattoo could then be touched or envoked in some way...and voile! A small boost to scholarship, or maybe a person could shoot some fire shards. All for a very limited use of course.

Myth's Player
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Re: Useful Tattoos (there is such a thing) on 04/02/2003 04:06 AM CST
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For a limited use, but I don't think the tattoo should disappear all together. More like it has to harness its own mana over time. Allowing the arcane symbol to "recharge" The tattoo is like its only mana source for itself and after it expends that mana, must regen. This reminds me of that crappy game... Its on the top of the list in best 100 muds or whatever... anyways, here is what they have...

Boar - Regens Health
Moon - Regens Mana

Their are a buncha more but thats all I can remember...

A tattoo of a bow, has the power to grants you additional bow skills. (Kinda like a pride thing) which you use your more better then normal.

Same with sword, and what not... Simple things. Like stalking and hiding, I don't know how that would help with a tattoo... But like a herb tat would help you forage better.

But I like that idea... For Rangers (myself)

Tree would help with Natural minipulation, a tat of animals would help in the animal book so forth... Ok i'll stop rambling...

bye bye

Understanding comes to those who have realized their true Self. Realization of their true Self comes to those who have gained understanding. BY: ME!

~Proud to finally say, Player of Geuno Krysuntaye, the Prydaen Ranger.
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Re: Useful Tattoos (there is such a thing) on 04/12/2003 10:29 AM CDT
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Even as a barb I would support this idea and its not something that I would see the anti-mana guild ever being a part of. Something this....incrediable would be a shame to see go to waste just because one guild or even three wouldn't be able to make use of it. Very good idea....though I would definatly like to see everyone be able to tattoo other people, but make it where it would take a very high magic user, possessing the sphere of magic represented by the tattoo to give it its initial charge. IE have tattoo artist give Teeklin a tattoo of a stalking panther across his back. When complete Teeklin would have to go and seek out a very high level ranger or a ranger that has taken the time to work hell out of his or her magic to activate the tattoo.

Just some thoughts. No Teeklin's were injured in the writting of this post.

~jimi, driver of Ternith

Do not be afraid of death. Be afraid of having failed to live.
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Tattoos and art in general ((was Re: Useful Tattoos (there is such a thing))) on 04/12/2003 10:44 AM CDT
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There is always something one or two guilds can't do. For instance, the entire fishing and hunting systems empaths can't use. Thieves, traders, and barbs don't use magic. Rangers, and the mages can summon helpers. Only certain groups can snipe. Only one guild can cultivate roses. Only one can do shifting. Only one can enchant.

So...with all these things in mind, what's so wrong about being able to create tattoos? I say give it to the arts guild. The bards. Let them have a creation system. Or, let bards and warriormages have it.

Bards make the inks out of plants and herbs. They can they paint it onto a person's forehead, neck, arms and hands. Then the tattooed person sees a warrior mage to have it enhanced. A feather design can be used to lighten something like a feather. So the mage instills a certain amount of uses into the tattoo. The person can not use the tattoo if armor covers it. You need to remove the armor, then rub the tattoo to invoke the magic inside. Each rub chips away a little paint until there's nothing left...the end of the elemental charges.

While we're on the subject of bardic art, why not allow bards to do more then music? They can write dashing poetry anthologies or short stories. They should be able to work on other art skills as well. Like painting. It all does what a bard's meant to do. Convey stories through art forms.

Myth's Player
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Re: Tattoos and art in general ((was Re: Useful Tattoos (there is such a thing)) on 06/21/2003 11:55 PM CDT
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I also don't think that Barbs would need to be excluded in a 'magic' tattoe system. Their tattoes would be a little diffrent from Bob WarriorMages 'I Throw Fireballs' tattoe, but it would still help them. Rather then being magic, a Barb's tattoe could be an example of a powerful warrior symbol or scene which they could focus on to help them clear their mind and purify their inner power, resulting in an increase in their inner fire or increasing the time of their current dance. Personally, I almost find that application more fun then the magic version.

On another note: I don't, howerver, think that traders or thieves should be able to benifit from magic tattoes. Traders are, in many ways, the bussiness people of our world and as such they should look professional. Just like you don't see bankers with "I love you mom" tattoes on their foreheads, you shouldn't see Traders covered in tattoes...

Now that I am thinking about it further... thieves should be allowed to have tattoes... the system should just be designed to remember the downside of 'identifing marks on the perpetrator.'

Ok, I'll shut up now.

It has been said that it is best to be both loved and feared, but of the two, it is better to be feared... I'm working on the second part.
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Re: Useful Tattoos (there is such a thing) on 07/04/2003 02:30 AM CDT
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maybe something in line with the illustrated man?? than to have a tattoo thats practical?
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Re: Useful Tattoos (there is such a thing) on 03/19/2004 12:54 AM CST
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>That was a good series, I forget the name of it. With the races that had all their magic tattooed on their skin, and their counterparts the ones that danced for their magic. Very cool series.

sure i know this is over a year late in responding to the post, but i had to say it: this sounds like the carebears.

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Re: Useful Tattoos (there is such a thing) on 03/19/2004 07:07 AM CST
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In ADD: The red mages of Thay have their magics tattooed on themselves.

Mytherceria, BlackFire Hopeful
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Re: Useful Tattoos (there is such a thing) on 03/19/2004 07:37 AM CST
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>>That was a good series, I forget the name of it. With the races that had all their magic tattooed on their skin, and their counterparts the ones that danced for their magic. Very cool series.

Death-gate cycle Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman

Blue Fire
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Re: Useful Tattoos (there is such a thing) on 03/20/2004 08:55 AM CST
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In an AD&D campaign I played in the characters were given magical knife tattoos. You tap the tattoo and the knife comes to life in your hand. You press the knife back into place on your arm and it resumes being a tattoo.

My character's knife tattoo was purple. ::hums:: It matched her "cloak of plenty".

player of Syrath

"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."

Kinsmen, Steel, Stone.

RL/IG Calendar 2004
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Re: Useful Tattoos (there is such a thing) on 03/21/2004 06:35 PM CST
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In the cleric folders, Zabari mentioned they would be getting magic tattoos or something like that.


YOU HAVE <insert ability here>!! YOU ARE OVERPOWERED!! DIE GUILD DIE!!!

Now with combat move charts!
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Re: Useful Tattoos (there is such a thing) on 03/24/2004 01:16 AM CST
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Cleric Enchantments: Totems, and it will be more like a brand from what Heiu has said. Still in the pre-dev stages, though.

Visionary Heroiklim Zortal
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Re: Useful Tattoos (there is such a thing) on 10/30/2004 02:35 PM CDT
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Not the poor Gerbil!!!! That is a very good Idea. But it's a little late for those of us who already have non-useful tats. Ah well.
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