Possible Bug with caskets. on 07/16/2020 08:53 PM CDT
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>get my cask
You get a misshaped ironwood casket from inside your spidersilk lootsack.

>disarm my ask id

While checking the casket for traps, you notice a bronze seal over the casket's lock. The seal is covered in strange runes and a glass sphere is embedded within it.
The ironwood casket's trap is a trivially constructed gadget which you can take down any time.
Roundtime: 2 sec.

>disarm my ask normal

You begin work at disarming the casket.

You cautiously pry the seal away from the lid, being extremely careful not to break it.
Roundtime: 4 sec.

>pick my ask id

The lock is a trivially constructed piece of junk barely worth your time.
Roundtime: 2 sec.

>pick my ask quick

You deftly remove a lockpick from the lockpick ring and begin to work at quickly picking open the casket.
With a soft click, you remove your lockpick and open and remove the lock.
You return your lockpick to the lockpick ring.
Roundtime: 2 sec.

>open my ask

What were you referring to?

>open my cask
You open the ironwood casket...

So yeah, not sure what to think about that one......since its a CASKET, and not asket. lol

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Re: Possible Bug with caskets. on 07/16/2020 09:21 PM CDT
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FWIW, You can save some keystrokes by skipping the noun (casket, coffer, chest, etc) and simply type DISARM or PICK Identify/Quick/Careful and so forth if you're holding the container in question. I presume it just defaulted to that option rather than checking for the correct noun.

- Anuind Silverspruce

Any drunken idiot can fall off a bar stool, a real man rides it to the ground.
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Re: Possible Bug with caskets. on 07/17/2020 01:52 AM CDT
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PICK and DISARM default to whatever is in your hands if it doesn't recognize what you tell it to pick/disarm. Open doesn't.
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Re: Possible Bug with caskets. on 07/17/2020 10:00 AM CDT
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well okie dokie than.....lol ok. So not a bug! Nothing to see here!

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