Faldesu and Armor on 11/11/2012 12:27 PM CST
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So..I have 130 swimming.

I'm a paladin wearing some HP, LC and LP, but all my hinderance is trained down to insignificant. Despite that I cannot make it around the boulder in the middle of the river period while wearing my armor, having to remove it. I have no encumbrance or wounds.

This seems odd..im not encumbered (armor is not heavy to me) nor is it hindering me, but the difference is night and day. In fact I tried putting on some very hindering leather armor (i have no ranks in it) and I was able to swim around it just fine.

Theres seems to be something in swimming a bit hard coded to discriminate against metal armor, but if you have no encumbrance (i.e its not heavy) or hindrance, I do not see the reasoning for this.
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Re: Faldesu and Armor on 11/11/2012 12:32 PM CST
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Wearing anytype of armor or worn weaponry hinders swimming regardless of armor skill. It seems to be better to just remove all armor and stow it even with the extra burden it seems to be easier to swim that way.
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