athletics in the crossing on 11/27/2017 11:40 AM CST
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I'm getting close to capping out at the brook and was told to start the walls next. I have about 87 ranks in athletics and just can't swing the loop of the brook any longer. I was wondering where to start on the walls of the crossing.

I have also been told about the harbor in Ilaya Tapia. Haven't tried it yet but i know i can if i need to. Wanted to try the spot in the crossing to prevent a ferry ride if i can.

Thanks in advance,

Mnion - Human Ranger
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Re: athletics in the crossing on 11/27/2017 05:12 PM CST
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use the top nw/se or se/nw over and over. That should take you into the hundreds. There's a trick with making yourself more hindered, but I'm not really sure. There's a climbing post you can do about there to get into the salgotha, and you can go down to leth and swim around the brook just southwest of that. That should take you until you can practice climbing on one of the gates.
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Re: athletics in the crossing on 11/28/2017 06:25 AM CST
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Do failed climbs no longer teach? I seem to recall that a run around Crossing, even when you failed the climb, taught decently back in the day.

If you want to stick with swimming, what about the Segoltha where it starts near Tiger clan? It's been a while (and it was still called swimming then) but with a good cast of ATH you should be able to run up to the Faldesu and find a direction there that will train.

~Hunter Hanryu
"Beseech Tree to Cross, which turns any nearby tree into a handy-dandy cross for the Ranger to carry around in any thread for maximum dramatic effect."~TEVESHSZAT
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Re: athletics in the crossing on 11/29/2017 08:24 AM CST
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<< I was wondering where to start on the walls of the crossing.

From NE gate:

"go gate", "w", "w", "s", "s", "w", "w", "s", "w", "w", "w", "w", "w", "w", "go bridge", "w", "w", "w", "w", "go gate", "climb wall", "s", "climb embrasure", "climb wall", "n", "e", "climb break", "climb wall", "climb embrasure", "climb wall", "w", "climb embrasure", "go gate", "e", "e", "e", "e", "e", "e", "e", "e", "s", "s", "s", "s", "s", "e", "e", "se", "e", "e", "e", "e", "go gate", "climb wall", "n", "climb break", "climb wall", "climb embrasure", "climb wall", "s", "climb embrasure", "go bushes", "n", "ne", "n", "n", "up", "n", "n"

<< Wanted to try the spot in the crossing to prevent a ferry ride if i can.

There's plenty of options in crossing or near crossing. Off the top of my head, with climb practice you can go up to 300ish on the NE gate wall, 300 - 600ish on Segoltha riverbank and 600+ on drake rock.
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Re: athletics in the crossing on 12/03/2017 10:43 PM CST
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IF you have 87 athletics, go the east gate just inside, go stair, CLIMB PRACTICE EMBRASURE and repeat till you lock (wont take too long). There are two embrasures here the first one you come to starts a bit lower say around 75 and the second one when you move starts around 85 (actually might be lower), and you can use climb practice embrasure and learn somewhere near 225. And I want to point out this little page on the wiki.

Take a look at it and you will see what works. Its fairly accurate.

Ranger Pfanston and his Soggy pup.
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Re: athletics in the crossing on 12/04/2017 12:26 PM CST
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thank for all the responses. i know what i need to do now. i wasn't sure how to get to the embrasure, but i do now. thanks everyone.

Mnion - Human Ranger
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