Pausing Invisibility on 07/23/2020 06:33 PM CDT
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open my shadows
You don't want to ruin your spell just for that do you?
rele eotb
Your corruption fades, revealing you to the world once more.
open my shadows
You slowly open your shadows, glancing around suspiciously.

That's super annoying, and is just one example of the many times I'd love to break magical invisibility just for a moment.

I miss the days where there were certain verbs that would (unintentionally) drop you out for a second. I don't suppose there'd be a chance of getting an officially supported method to intentionally lower invisibility (temporarily) without actually dropping the spell/ability?

- I
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Re: Pausing Invisibility on 07/24/2020 05:59 AM CDT
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Maining a character with the most restrictive guild inviso in game with respect to refresh locations, PLEASE gimme something like this!

~Hunter Hanryu
>I would like to avoid the collection of broken dreams and sorrow that is the Ranger guild.~Agalea
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