Delivery Tasks, F2P, and Low Levels on 03/11/2015 07:18 PM CDT
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F2P characters and characters under 30th circle will now only be given delivery tasks within the province they're currently in, and to Zoluren if they are outside Zoluren.

For example, a F2P player who bought a Passport to Therengia and is in Riverhaven might receive a Delivery task to anywhere in Zoluren or Therengia. That same player with an active passport to Therengia asking for a task in Zoluren, will only be seen to Zoluren.

That one guy

If you have questions or comments in regard to this post please email me at
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Re: Delivery Tasks, F2P, and Low Levels on 03/11/2015 07:57 PM CDT
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Yay! Task systems are functional again! I can finally make some coin on my noobs to buy some phat haxxor lootz.

I'm actually really happy about this one.
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