New Chapters and Writing Paper for Notes on 06/29/2009 05:01 PM CDT
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Any chance of a Merchant selling new chapters to add to our spell books? I'm a War Mage but I have learned some spells outside my Guild and would like to be able to see them in my Spell book. Also, I would love to get writing pages to add to my spell book so I can add notes on my magic.

I think it's been several years since spellbooks have seen any new work so since they were so expensive and actually fall into role playing for magic users can we see a Merchant? Also I think some folks may have damaged spellbooks that might also see some work.

Thunndir Storm
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Re: New Chapters and Writing Paper for Notes on 06/29/2009 05:09 PM CDT
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The writing pads are broken and there is no ETA for them getting fixed.

Rev. Reene

(1:37:09 PM) Telrenth: I haven't got the foggiest idea what the hell you're talking about. Which, now that I think back on things, is about normal for the first few minutes of a conversation with you.
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