First off GM Skralthaen and myself would like to thank all of you for such a great turnout at last night's meeting. I hope you enjoyed it as much and we did.
For any of you that have perhaps missed the meeting, or are not aware, the bead ritual is now live.
Clerics are now able to shape blocks of wood to any one of the 39 aspects. Beads are then hung from a chain attached to the wrist, and when a cleric goes to a concecrated area and meditates they will receive devotion. Anyone with enough skill can shape the beads, but at this time only clerics gain any knowledge from it.
The amount of devotion gained will vary and is dependent on the quality of the bead created.
Various NPCs (7 total) can be found in most of the major cities and will sell the necessary supplies for this ritual and give hints. They wander around a little bit, as NPCs usually do, so don't expect to always find them in the same room. Also please keep in mind that one doesn't have to buy the carving blocks, wood can be foraged and carved into blocks.
-GM Zabari