Confirmations for the P5 Shrine contest are (finally) sent. If you submitted an entry but did not receive a notification, it's likely due to account transfers and such. If this is the case, please email me with the character name of who you entered the contest with, your old account name and your new account name. If I can match up the records, i'll fire off a confirmation letter to you and you will be entered into the contest. I can be reached at for this or any related questions.
As I mentioned in the confirmation letters, the winning shrines will not end up in P5 after all. As SGM Jovah posted in the "Announcements" folder of the "Talk to Simu" topic, P5 has been postponed for at least a year so that the GM staff as a whole can better flesh out the current game. I am currently developing a large Cleric-oriented area in an existing province, and this is where the winning shrines will be placed.
Thanks to all who entered, and good luck!
-GM Skralthaen