Part II of our releases this month is an augmentation to Clerical mana. Essentially this change gives a modifier to the mana in the room based on your devotion. Rooms will still have their own mana, and this is only meant as rewarding boost to those who keep their devotion at a high level and don't just perpetually hang around "cloudy".
Those with high devotion will notice that mana everywhere they travel is a step or two above normal. Those with mid-level devotion will receive the normal amount of mana. And because we cannot introduce something so powerful without some sort of down side, those with bad devotion will receive less mana than normal. There are messaging indicators to tell you how your mana is being affected.
I am sure that this is a change that everyone will find worthwhile -- that is if you take the time to tend to your devotion as you should. If you think this is a horrible, horrible thing, please make sure to test it before you comment. Again, enjoy!
-GM Skralthaen