Announcing the newest changes... on 03/12/2002 09:00 PM CST
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I thought that would get your attention.

Please, Everyone welcome our new and hopefully eternal Liaison to our fold, and give her a hello as only we moonies know how...

Mass Mis-teleportation!!! <G>

I think you'll all find Sarevael will do an awesome job at not only keeping on top of things, but keeping the rest of us in line too. Unfortunately, she's taken a shining to the Shadowmasters, and won't let me have them back! <whines>

<hands Sarevael a tiny list>

There ya go - soon as you finish the first couple hundred things on that list, then you can take a 2 hour nap. <g>

Welcome aboard, Sarevael!

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Re: Announcing the newest changes... on 03/12/2002 09:08 PM CST
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<<There ya go - soon as you finish the first couple hundred things on that list, then you can take a 2 hour nap. <g>>>

He thinks I need naps. How quaint. Little does he know that evil never sleeps.

::maniacal laughter, while clutching a plushie Shadowmaster::
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Re: Announcing the newest changes... on 03/12/2002 09:11 PM CST
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<< He thinks I need naps. How quaint. Little does he know that evil never sleeps.>>

<smirk> Who was it that said Evil never admits it is Evil.. oh yeah, I did. :P

Oh by the way, Kssarh is looking for you.... something about polishing his buttons and his 3 o'clock massage. Geez, the way she coddles these GuildMasters.... <shakes head>

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