Survival on 10/16/2001 04:24 PM CDT
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<< Melona (sp) you promised you would keep us updated, but you havent commented on a survival team in quite a while >>

Yes, you're right, and for that I apologize.

The problem with figuring out how to handle the promotion of Survival skills is that the skills are spread widely over different Guilds and many of them are currently, and have traditionally been, owned by individual Guild Gurus. Clearly, there is a great deal of work to do with Survival skills, but at this time we're trying to figure out how best to handle moving things forward.

The basis of the question is this: When Survival skills (and this applies to Lore, largely, too) are so diverse, and so fractured in ownership and level of Guild interest across the game, how can we possibly aim to standardize? Standardization can only really work if there's some central authority setting the standards, and we don't currently have that with Survival and Lore. They are different from the Combat and Magic systems, because those systems are clearly more game-wide rather than consisting of individual skills which are best owned by the Guilds.

We're still thinking about how to work it.

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Lore/Survival on 10/16/2001 04:24 PM CDT
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Category Talk to Simutronics (34)
Topic GM Announcements -- Responses (6)
Message Re: Lore (7724)
On Oct 16, 2001 at 13:28

<< >>

<< There was a previous announcement about the formation of a LORE team >>

We've been consulting among ourselves in regard to Lore, yes. At this time there is no single team specifically tasked with controlling Lore development, however.

<< Why are the most skilled coders in the game, (Royce and Damissak to name a couple), not being placed on these projects? >>

Because their commitments in other important areas of the game preclude them from having the time to work on Lore (even if they wanted to, which is not necessarily the case. I know Damissak is very happy with Combat, and Royce with Thieves and General Systems.)

<< Please tell us what resources you are committing to the correction of longstanding (in some cases, 4+ years) flaws in the survival and lore skillsets. Who is working on these projects? >>

As I mentioned in a previous post, at this time the majority of Lore and Survival skills are owned by individual Guilds and it is the responsibility of those owners to develop them. Work is taking place on some wider Survival matters - work which will be completely transparent to players, as it is fundamentals, but which will allow for much better development of Survival skills in the future.


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Maelona on Lore/Survival Teams on 11/28/2001 08:46 PM CST
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Category Abilities, Skills and Magic (24)
Topic General Discussions (4)
On Nov 28, 2001 at 18:30
Subject Re: INFO/Harness (2153)

<< >>

<< We were promised Lore and Survival Teams. >>

No promises were made.

I've indicated several times that I, personally, would like to have such teams and you guys know from the occasional comment by another GM that there is support back here for the idea, but you shouldn't suggest that a promise has been broken because no such teams have been created yet.

As I posted a couple of months back when asked for an update, we don't have the needed consensus among Senior staff that these teams are necessary or practicable and until we have that we can't create the teams.

I am hopeful that the go-ahead will be given, but we don't have the go-ahead at this time. In the meantime, this isn't a question of magic suddenly becoming "sacred" - it's a simple process of acknowledging that there are certain things that we need to reserve for professional magic users in the same way as certain survival-based special abilities are reserved for folks like you.

You may feel that the special things that are currently reserved for you are not as exciting or useful as the special things that ought to be reserved for professional magic users, and I may agree with you. However, that's no grounds for allowing things that don't make sense with magic to continue in effect. At the moment we're fixing the magic system; as our circumstances allow, we'll fix other systems too.

As nice as it would be, we can't do everything at once. If we could, you'd have the best survival and lore systems any heart could dream of, but we're only so many people with so much time. While we acknowledge that sometimes players' priorities aren't the same as GMs' priorities and players get upset over that, it's just a fact of life. In many ways it behooves all of us to just accept it and deal with it, otherwise we send ourselves into an early grave through the frustration and stress of feeling like we're failing the entire game if we don't fix all the ancient problems in one sitting.

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