Greetings Warrior Mages. I am GM Hyram. I am the new Warrior Mage Guru.
When I first found DragonRealms and read over the player documentation, my Guild choice easily was made. A warrior who slings fireballs and hurls lightning bolts? The same profession as the legendary Lanival? Why would anyone want to be anything else? While I believe all the professions are interesting, worthwhile and meritorious for the right players, I am a Warrior Mage at heart. During the years I played DragonRealms, before becoming a GM a little less than two years ago, I was a Warrior Mage (okay, so there was that short stint playing a singing, lute-toting barbarian . . . just to annoy the bards). From the day I became a GM I wanted to be the Warrior Mage Guild Guru. I am very enthused to get to work ensuring that the Guild I love best is the best it can be.
As you have been told, while I am eager to begin devoting the majority of my GM time to what I consider to be easily the finest and most interesting profession in DragonRealms, I am currently lead designer for the development of a large project that is scheduled to be released soon. I am honor bound to complete my obligations to that project before I can devote my full attention to the Warrior Mage Guild. However, work on Warrior Mage Guild matters is progressing in the meantime, and will accelerate once I am able to devote my full attention to the further development of the Guild.
We are working to put in place a complete Warrior Mage Guild team. We have a new Guild Liaison, who has almost completed his training. Though he is a new GM, he promises to be not only skilled in liaison functions, but also is a proficient and imaginative programmer.
I expect you will see one or more new spells or other releases before Simucon, but there is work to be done first. Over the next three to four months I will be spending a lot of time evaluating existing Warrior Mage spells and systems and related systems, discussing those systems with other GMs (particularly those responsible for related systems), proposing changes to Warrior Mage spells and systems and related systems, and, hopefully, implementing some initial changes. These activities are crucial to lay the proper ground work for future development of the Warrior Mage profession and Guild.
Those who had the opportunity to talk with me at VegasCon should understand I am a staunch advocate for Warrior Mages. A very important aspect of my job as Guild Guru is as an advocate for Warrior Mages in discussions among the game development staff. That said, I take game design seriously, and, while I will advocate the Warrior Mage position zealously, both I and the rest of the development staff are at all times governed by the overriding dictates of striving for balanced game design.
Making advancement beyond 99th circle possible is my number one priority for Warrior Mages.
Even while I have been completing my prior development commitments, we have been working on the circle 100 Warrior Mage quest. The quest has been designed and is in the process of being implemented. I hope each of you who becomes mighty enough to attempt this quest will enjoy tackling it as much as I and other GMs are enjoying creating it.
The ability of Warrior Mage characters to advance beyond 99th circle is unlikely to be available until certain game-wide experience gain revisions are put in place. Experience gain at high skill levels is being evaluated, and such evaluation needs to be completed and changes implemented before the Guilds Team can accurately evaluate and properly set skills requirements for characters beyond 100th circle.
Secondary Weapon Skill -We will be implementing a secondary weapon skill requirement in the next few months, so make sure you are appropriately trained. I considered implementing and releasing the new requirement immediately, but I decided to give you fair warning. It has been a long time since the planned additional skill requirement initially was announced. Though subject to change, the current plan is to introduce the following secondary weapon skill level requirements:
2 ranks per circle from 11th circle to 30th circle
3 additional ranks per circle from 31st circle to 50th circle
4 additional ranks per circle from 51st circle to 100th circle
Ranks per circle above 100th circle -- to be determined.
Please take note hereof, and let there be no confusion, there will be no grandfathering. Should the proposed requirements be altered before release, I will inform you.
Targeted Magic Skill - In addition, I am leaning strongly in favor of having a targeted magic requirement at all circles. In my view, Warrior Mages should be the masters of targeted magic. My initial position is that any such requirement should be preceded by improving the effectiveness of targeted magic for Warrior Mages. I already have begun to suggest and lobby for changes to targeted magic, the evasion penalty and other systems as part of a concerted and ongoing effort make magic a more effective weapon in your arsenal, one at least as effective and useful as, though different than, the sword.
Spells - Of course, we will be reviewing, tweaking (both down and --believe it or not-- UP) and enhancing existing spells and developing new spells for release.
Many, though probably not all, new spells will be taken from the spell lists on the DragonRealms website; however, it is likely new spells taken from the list will differ somewhat in substance from the descriptions presently set forth. The first/next new spell releases for the Warrior Mage Guild are likely to be for the Earth Book, as I have long lamented the fact that Earth spells are lacking in number.
In addition, both the incoming Warrior Mage Liaison and I are interested in developing a new set of cantrips, as well as exploring enhancement of numerous existing spells. The incoming Warrior Mage Liaison is currently working on proposals for a new set of cantrips.
Element Specialization - My development hopes for the next 12 months include, but are in no way limited to, filling out the number of available spells for each element so that the various Books become balanced, yet unique, and thereafter, designing and implementing element specialization for Warrior Mages at higher circles.
Element specialization enjoys much support among the DragonRealms development staff. Specialization has long been part of the unrealized design concepts for DragonRealms -- "As Warrior Mages progress, they begin to specialize in a particular style of magic." See Official Player Documents. Moreover, the notion of element specialization is infused throughout DragonRealms in existing in-game books, infamous NPCs, the recent formation of player run Cabals, etc.
I have reviewed the threads spawned by my comments at VegasCon concerning specialization and have found some of the posts insightful and interesting. Please be advised that my design concept is not to limit your choices or abilities, but to open a whole new realm rich with possibilities and to allow and encourage Warrior Mage players to customize their characters, as well as providing significant roleplaying tools and opportunities. At this juncture, I am not able to provide accurate time frames for initial release of element specialization or details concerning what the system ultimately will entail.
Enchantment - Enchantment is being evaluated. It is a system I would like to develop/see develop, but I am reserving detailed comment until I have a chance to further study the matter. My initial thoughts are that Warrior Mage enchantment probably ought to focus on enchanting weapons and armor. In my view, several game systems need further development before weapon and armor enchantment become fully viable options. The foregoing comments are not intended to exclude other enchantment possibilities, and there are enchantment-like systems in discussion and/or early stages of development. I have begun discussions with several GMs concerning enchantment for Warrior Mages and will inform you if and when I have something of substance to report.
I and the other members of the Warrior Mage team intend to write additional/flesh out existing histories for the Warrior Mage Guild, as well as working out many details concerning the Guild's current structure, related NPCs, etc. Another of my goals for the Warrior Mage Guild team is the development and presentation of an ongoing series of Warrior Mage Guild-related events.
Current plans include developing and/or completing additional Guild halls for Province 4 (the islands). I hope to release these some time this year.
Long term I would like to develop a number of Warrior Mage quests. Warrior Mage Guild quests will likely center around gaining certain new spells or abilities or enhancement of previously acquired spells.
I am impressed by much of what I have seen concerning the developing player groups which have named themselves "Cabals." I am studying ways in which the Warrior Mage Guild team might best support and further encourage such groups.
You should understand, however, that it is highly unlikely player run Cabals will be getting special abilities or similair substantive mechanics. The issues and problems associated with player run organizations dispensing and administering substantive abilities should be obvious to all.
In any event, the player development of Cabals is a wonderful addition to DragonRealms and a credit to the Warrior Mage Guild. I congratulate those who have participated therein to date on a job well done.
Familiars, their status and future development is another set of issues which is dear to my heart. In my view, familiars are a fine system as they stand, but could use revision and substantial expansion due in large part to the advent of companions and Moon Mage spells which mimic what were once abilities unique to Warrior Mage familiars. The GM staff is actively engaged in discussions concerning the future of familiars.
Given the nature of design and development for a complex and ever expanding game environment like DragonRealms, you should expect rarely/never to receive promises from me or other members of the Warrior Mage Guild team concerning future development or releases. The foregoing comments and discussions should not be interpreted as promises. One promise and pledge I will make is to give you my best efforts, my enthusiasm and much of my time working on development of the Guild.
Finally, the Warrior Mage and Guilds teams welcome your ideas, comments and suggestions concerning development of the Warrior Mage Guild and profession. I am particularly intrigued by some of the better organized and well stated discussions I have read on the Warrior Mage message boards. Though at times it may not be apparent to you, we do read the boards, as well as collecting player feedback from other sources.
If you wish to offer suggestions to or otherwise communicate with me, you should make use of the boards, sign up on the speaker lists at in-game Warrior Mage Guild meetings or approach me at Simucon or VegasCon. My current policy is that I will not read or respond to unsolicited player e-mails.
I look forward to working with you to make the Warrior Mage Guild the very best it can be.
See you in the Realms,
GM Hyram
P.S. I offer sincere thanks to GM Dalzien for his stewardship and work with the Warrior Mage Guild, as well as to GMs Maelona and Talmiran for their presence on the Warrior Mage boards in recent months.
Greetings! on 05/25/2001 09:03 PM CDT
Thank you, Hyram, for such a nice post. I'm glad my nagging you every day for the last six or so months didn't make you think I was totally nuts. <hums>
Greetings, fellow Warrior Mages! I'm GM Narcissa, the very excited Assistant Warrior Mage Guru. Some of you might know me from the Wedding Team, which I hope to still do a bit in addition to my duties for my guild.
I'm very excited to be working on the Warrior Mage team, and I hope you all will be happy to have me. I look forward to meeting some of you at Simucon as well as any in game meetings we may have.
I'd post more of a greeting, but I just finished a wedding and I'm drained <g>. Here's to the Warrior Mage Guild!! <tips a drink>
GameMistress Narcissa
Greetings Once Again on 10/22/2001 11:26 AM CDT
Greetings Mighty Spell Slingers,
I guess you all noticed that I have been scarce since mid-July (tongue firmly in cheek). My absence was caused by a number of factors -- primarily some necessary intensive attention to my "real" business/career. I have missed DragonRealms and developing for and championing the cause of this Guild. I never intended to be away quite so long, but in the final analysis it couldn't be helped. Thank you to Wysterien and others who sent me encouraging correspondence.
I think it's high time we returned to our "previously scheduled programming." We got off to a fairly good start early this summer -- a fix for tingle, reduction of the evasion penalties, teaching targeted magic in combat, a heap of proposals for further development of the Warrior Mage Guild and lots of preliminary work in a number of areas that stand to yield both short and long term benefits and results.
So... what am I currently working on? Currently my focus is spread over the following Warrior Mage projects, all of which I have worked upon in earnest over the last several days:
(1) The Warrior Mage Circle 100 Quest and advancement to Circle 100 and beyond (this is top banana for the time being);
(2) Long term guild events and Guild history;
(3) Lobbying for and gently prodding along the infamous targeted magic system revision, as well as fleshing out the proposed aethereal pathway ability for Warrior Mages;
(4) New titles;
(5) Completion of previously begun Guild Halls on the islands;
(6) Some new/proposed Warrior Mage magical items;
(7) Implementation of the secondary weapon requirement; and
(8) Bug fixes aplenty - particularly spell bugs (perhaps the most joyous of all development GM duties).
All of what was proposed and discussed in my previous posts is still in the hopper and receiving attention. In the coming months we will be looking at creation systems (waiting on a few things before we can commence forging flame tongue and frost brand weapons), element specialization and so forth. (...and no, I haven't forgotten about familiars...I will update you when I have news...for now I can only say that familiars are important to me and I have hopes for the future...)
We have several spells in the early stages of development, but it appears new spell development and release may have to be pushed back a bit given the fact that Team Magic is currently considering the prospect of some significant changes to the magic system. I am a bit frustrated over this development, since I had hoped to dive back in and focus primarily on new spells for the next several months. However, the magic system changes being discussed are important and it appears those changes will be very good for this Guild and the game overall.
I extend my earnest thanks to GM Narcissa for her excellent stewardship over the last few months and for her dedication and hard work in producing a new Guild shop I hope you will all enjoy, as well as the festival and events which are planned in conjunction therewith. Your praise for her is well deserved. GM Koyta has been a driving force in pulling together the upcoming festival. GM Maelona has been wonderful in insuring that the Guild enjoyed some October new releases. GM Rigby has pitched in admirably by coding a new spell for the Guild, which I expect will be released shortly (if not even as I write this). GM Valdrik has completed the work necessary for the full release of Vertigo. I am sure I have missed folks who deserve credit. In short, you have not been abandoned at any point, there is an entire staff of GMs who are at all times working towards the development of this Guild and DragonRealms overall.
Glad to be back.
I guess you all noticed that I have been scarce since mid-July (tongue firmly in cheek). My absence was caused by a number of factors -- primarily some necessary intensive attention to my "real" business/career. I have missed DragonRealms and developing for and championing the cause of this Guild. I never intended to be away quite so long, but in the final analysis it couldn't be helped. Thank you to Wysterien and others who sent me encouraging correspondence.
I think it's high time we returned to our "previously scheduled programming." We got off to a fairly good start early this summer -- a fix for tingle, reduction of the evasion penalties, teaching targeted magic in combat, a heap of proposals for further development of the Warrior Mage Guild and lots of preliminary work in a number of areas that stand to yield both short and long term benefits and results.
So... what am I currently working on? Currently my focus is spread over the following Warrior Mage projects, all of which I have worked upon in earnest over the last several days:
(1) The Warrior Mage Circle 100 Quest and advancement to Circle 100 and beyond (this is top banana for the time being);
(2) Long term guild events and Guild history;
(3) Lobbying for and gently prodding along the infamous targeted magic system revision, as well as fleshing out the proposed aethereal pathway ability for Warrior Mages;
(4) New titles;
(5) Completion of previously begun Guild Halls on the islands;
(6) Some new/proposed Warrior Mage magical items;
(7) Implementation of the secondary weapon requirement; and
(8) Bug fixes aplenty - particularly spell bugs (perhaps the most joyous of all development GM duties).
All of what was proposed and discussed in my previous posts is still in the hopper and receiving attention. In the coming months we will be looking at creation systems (waiting on a few things before we can commence forging flame tongue and frost brand weapons), element specialization and so forth. (...and no, I haven't forgotten about familiars...I will update you when I have news...for now I can only say that familiars are important to me and I have hopes for the future...)
We have several spells in the early stages of development, but it appears new spell development and release may have to be pushed back a bit given the fact that Team Magic is currently considering the prospect of some significant changes to the magic system. I am a bit frustrated over this development, since I had hoped to dive back in and focus primarily on new spells for the next several months. However, the magic system changes being discussed are important and it appears those changes will be very good for this Guild and the game overall.
I extend my earnest thanks to GM Narcissa for her excellent stewardship over the last few months and for her dedication and hard work in producing a new Guild shop I hope you will all enjoy, as well as the festival and events which are planned in conjunction therewith. Your praise for her is well deserved. GM Koyta has been a driving force in pulling together the upcoming festival. GM Maelona has been wonderful in insuring that the Guild enjoyed some October new releases. GM Rigby has pitched in admirably by coding a new spell for the Guild, which I expect will be released shortly (if not even as I write this). GM Valdrik has completed the work necessary for the full release of Vertigo. I am sure I have missed folks who deserve credit. In short, you have not been abandoned at any point, there is an entire staff of GMs who are at all times working towards the development of this Guild and DragonRealms overall.
Glad to be back.