Hello Warrior Mages!
Just dropping by to let you folks know that the Spellbook project that GM Brandewynne began a couple years ago has been picked up again, and is being worked on currently.
I'd like to invite you to follow the progress of this project on my website. Generally i'm responsible for Cleric Guild development, but all GameMasters have extraneous projects from time to time. Click on the "Skral's Den" link in the left frame for the section where I post updates on various projects. I want you folks "In The Loop" on the finalizing of spellbooks, becaue this is where they originated.
If you have any ideas or thoughts on things that could spice up spellbooks, feel free to post them in the Responses to Guru folder. I'll be checking back periodically as the project progresses.
-GM Skralthaen