Baronial Battle! on 11/28/2005 02:18 PM CST
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When: Friday 12/2 9pm est
Who: Anyone and everyone. 5 plat lirum entry fee with funds going to the new Therengian arena
Where: Therenborough Amphitheater northerly of the bank.

Rules: All contestants enter the arena at once. No area effect spells or abilities. No pre fight advantages (spell buffs, ability buffs, loaded weapons). Fight to the death! Last fighter standing wins 20% of the entry fee pot and supreme bragging rights!

IMPORTANT: This fight is to the death. If and when you fall, stay put. Don't depart right off. Don't drag dead folks, weapons or body parts out of the room.

We will have a few empaths and clerics around, but be prepared to have to depart with rejuve only after the fight is over.

Depending on the length of the event, and whether or not we have folks left after the match that would like to go again, we may have more than one bout.

Gladiator Maulem~

"The truth is that ineffective, unfocused violence leads to more death. However fully thought through, well executed violence never leads to more violence because afterwards, the other guys are all dead." ~Ternith
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Re: Baronial Battle! on 11/28/2005 08:50 PM CST
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I got to say...I can not wait for Friday night. I missed my tier and can't wait to get it handed to me in this Baronial Battle. Good luck to everyone coming.

Hard pressed on my right. My center is yielding. Impossible to maneuver. Situation excellent. I am attacking.
--Ferdinand Foch-- at the Battle of the Marne
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Re: Baronial Battle! on 12/01/2005 11:59 PM CST
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Any way we could get a GM to bypass the kill room mechanic for this thing? if there are enough people, killing more than 5 might be necessary. It would suck to be disqualified for killing too many people.

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Re: Baronial Battle! on 12/02/2005 09:23 AM CST
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<<Any way we could get a GM to bypass the kill room mechanic for this thing? if there are enough people, killing more than 5 might be necessary. It would suck to be disqualified for killing too many people.

Already posted that it is taken care of.


Your mech lore ranks could care less if the paper is blue or plain.

GM XXXXXX "Well, we can't please everyone."

You say, "True, but that is no reason not to try."
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Trial of Champions Championship tonight! Also Baronial Battle! on 01/13/2007 11:36 AM CST
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Tonight the Championship fight in the Trial of Champions series following a Baronial Battle open to all! Baronial Battle entry is 5 plat lirum. No hiding, area effect spells or abilities. All fighters will enter at once and fight to the death!

Signups for the BB start at 9pm est in Theren amphitheater and the fight starts at 10pm est. The Championship match between Rizzous, Therlyn, Sylvaran and Solvar will be held once we get things cleaned up from the BB. Afterward, time and audience willingness permitting, we'll have platinum grudge matches. Two fighters set up their own fight with their own rules and then get on the list. Both pay a plat, winner gets their plat back, loser's plat goes to the arena fund.

Trial of Champions Official Rules:

-All fights are in challenge format. No hiding. Contestants may only use the skill they declare during registration. No abilities, buffs, roars, or other enhancements.

-Contestants register their intended weapon ranks (or TM skill in the case of magic night) by using the TELLEXP command. The declared rank of weapon or TM is then used to assign a Grade to the competitor based upon what circle that rank would make the competitor if they were a Barb and that was their primary weapon skill. Example: TM skill of 260 will give the Contestant a Grade of 50. Contestants will be told their Grade, and a list of Grades will be maintained by me for each tourney. Once the tournament is over and the results posted, I will delete any and all info on grades for the given tournament. This is for the benefit of you all.

-Once registration is complete for all who wish to play, Contestants will then be given time ranging from 1-2 hours (or until we run out of challengers) to arrange and complete as many challenges as they wish. I will make efforts to make sure that everyone gets in as many challenges as they like.

-Points will be awarded for each fight based upon the differential between grades as follows:

-For winning: 10 points
-Plus 1 point for every Grade the winner is lower than their opponent. Maximum total points: 20
-Minus 1 point for every Grade the winner is higher than their opponent. Minimum total points: 1

-Example: Grade 20 versus Grade 25. Grade 20 wins and earns 10 points for the win plus 5 points for being 5 Grades lower than their opponent, for a total of 15 points.

-The winner at the end of each tournament will be the competitor with the highest total points awarded. The winner of each tournament, blade, pole, ranged and magic will be invited back to compete in an all for one fight at the culminating event of this series. The winner of each fight will need to give me their email address so I can coordinate our champions/send reminders.

-Each character may only win one tournament. Once you've won, you're in for the final, even if you'd like to compete in one of the other trials. So, choose your Trial wisely!

-Fights where competitors are more than 10 grades apart will be allowed with the consent of both fighters. No points will be awarded, however.

-This event should be spread over at minimum 5 weeks. I plan to hold them on Saturday evenings with registration starting at 9pm est and fighting to begin at 10pm est. I plan to have one tournament a week, one for each of the styles (blade, pole, ranged and magic). On the fifth tournament, the first part of the night will be the championship fight between the four winners of each weekly event. The second part of the evening, I'd like to have a Baronial Battle for all who wish to participate. The Baronial Battle will operate as have the past ones, with everyone in the ring at once, no hiding, no area effects, last fighter living wins.

-Fees. I plan on charging 1 plat entry fee per contestant in the weekly fights, and 5 plat entry fee for the entrants in the Baronial Battle. Winner of each weekly tournament will receive 20% of the intake for that week. The overall winner of the championship match will receive an additional 20% of the total intake for all four weekly fights. Winner of the Baronial battle will receive 20% of the intake for that fight. 20% of the intake for all fights will go to tips for empathy and clerical helpers at the various tournaments. Remaining funds will go to the Therenborough Arena fund.

And now that you've digested all of that, here are the dates for each Trial. Registration for each event will start at 9pm est inside the Therenborough Amphitheater, with fighting to begin at 10pm est.

Trial of the Blade (2HE, HE, ME, LE only) 12/9/06. Winner: Rizzous
Trial of the Polearm (Blunts, Staves, Halberd and Pike) 12/16/06. Winner: Therlyn
Trial of the Ranged (Ranged and thrown weapons) 12/30.
Trial of the Magi (Targetted Magic spells only) 1/6.
Trial of Champions and Baronial Battle 1/13.

Gladiator Maulem~
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